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Monday, 7 September 2015

Upchurch Parish Council Report - September 2015

The monthly Meeting of the Parish Council took place on Thursday 3rd September at the Village Hall where 6 Councillors were present and 5 members of the public.
Minutes of the meeting held on 6th August 2015 – It was proposed by Cllr Horton and seconded by Cllr Masson that they be accepted as a true record. All agreed.
Public TimeBus timetable public meeting - A resident conveyed his thanks to Mr Quy for arranging the public meeting regarding the changes to the Chalkwell bus timetable and reported that it had been well attended. Mr Quy thanked the Parish Council for their support and Mr Apps for chairing the meeting. Mr Quy also conveyed thanks to Ward Cllr Wright for his contributions and for arranging for a representative from Chalkwell buses to attend. Cllr Tucker thanked Mr Quy for putting together the meeting in such a short space of time and advised that the Parish Council would like to assist in any way they can as Mr Quy pursues the matter further. It was reported that Chalkwell buses were unlikely to change the timetable now due to lack of profit made on the previous timetable with many buses running almost empty. Cllr Tucker reported that there is a petition in the Post Office if anyone would like to sign it. At the bus timetable public meetng Ward Cllr Baldock agreed to obtain a consensus from residents to approach Chalkwell with. This could take up to six months to progress. Rubbish in the village – A resident asked if the Clerk had received any response from the leaseholders of the flats in Forge Lane regarding the rubbish outside of them. The Clerk reported that she had not received a response but would continue to pursue this. Pot hole Wallbridge Lane– A resident reported a large pothole in Wallbridge Lane. Cllr Tucker advised that this had already been reported to KCC by the Parish Council and that residents could report this themselves via the KCC website. Precept – A resident requested that the Parish Council consider using the S137 budget for tidying the village centre when calculating the next precept.
Correspondence – Bus Timetable Meeting – Further to the discussion in public time, it was reported that three Councillors attended the public meeting which had a very strong turnout and a lot of support. Cllr Tucker reported that Ward Cllr Baldock will be carrying out a consensus from residents to approach Chalkwell with. This could take up to six months to progress. KALC Training events – The Clerk had received notification of upcoming training events for the Parish Council.
Casual Vacancies – As no responses have been received for the two vacancies for Parish Councillors it was agreed that a campaign should commence in order to promote the positions in a more informative way with regards to what the Parish Council do and the projects that are ongoing and upcoming. It was suggested that a leaflet drop would be a good way forward for this.
Planning – 15/506513/FULL – Tranquillity Otterham Quay Lane – The Council saw no reason to object to this application but requested that the design addresses the two reasons for refusal to the previous application in 2013. It also raised concerns with regards to the impact on highways with the access to the two dwellings on a fast and narrow road. 15/501109/REM – Four Gun Field, Otterham Quay Lane – The Council had submitted an objection to the revised application based on the comments made on the original application. Other Planning Matters – APP/V2255/Z/3129078- Greens Motor Group Garage, London Road Cllr Tucker reported that the Council had no further comments to those made on the initial application with regards to this appeal. APP/2255Y/15/3067567- Pond Farm, Newington – Cllr Tucker reported that the Clerk had written to the Planning Inspectorate to reiterate our objections to this application.
Defibrillator – The Clerk advised that she had met with the W.I and the owners of Snaffles and it had been agreed for the defibrillator to be placed on the wall of Snaffles with the electricity supply coming from the street light attached to the building. Cllr Arnold will liaise with the electricity suppliers regarding this.
Recreation Ground - Cllr Denny reported that there are loose fence posts on Chaffes Lane and some of the wire is becoming detached from the posts. The Clerk will contact the contractors regarding this.
Paddock - Cllr Denny and the Clerk will arrange for a notice to be placed on the Paddock gate with the Clerk’s contact details. Cllr Tucker reported that the play area inspection report had been received and that several high risk areas had been identified. In order to resolve the issues, the rubber matting would need removing, which would result in further issues and potentially the play equipment having to be removed completely. A sub-committee was set up in order to speak with residents to obtain their views as to whether the play equipment should be replaced. To replace the equipment would cost a considerable amount of money which in turn would unfortunately increase the precept.  
Bus Shelter – Cllr Masson reported that he has passed a site plan to the Clerk. The Clerk will forward this to Swale planning in order to progress with the pre planning meeting.
Burial Ground and Churchyard – Cllr Rose submitted the proposed changes to the Burial Ground rules and regulations to the members and all agreed that the Council should proceed with these. The Clerk will send the updated rules and regulations to all plot holders and Funeral Directors. St Mary’s Church Clock – The Clerk is still awaiting a date for the clock to be serviced. Burial Ground Gardener meeting The Clerk reported that she and Cllr Rose had met with the gardener to discuss the non-compliant graves and work has started on the graves of which relatives are no longer contactable. Burial Ground steps update – The Clerk has ordered a notice for the Burial Ground gate warning that the steps and pathway are uneven.
Highways – Cllr Arnold reported that there are now four faulty street lights and therefore he will contact the contractors to get these repaired.
Other Matters not yet arising – December meeting – It was agreed that this should be moved back to the original date of 3rd December following the cancellation of the Pantomime.
Please note the full Minutes from the Meeting can be seen on the Upchurch Parish Council website.
The next Parish Council Meeting will take place on 1st October at 7:30pm in the Village Hall.

Julia Cura, Clerk to the Parish Council.
Tel: 01634 363906


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