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Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Upchurch Parish Council Report - November 2014

The Parish Council met on Thursday 2nd October at the Village Hall where 5 Councillors were present and 5 members of the public.
Public Time – Horsham Lane – A resident asked if there was any response from Kent highways regarding the proposals for traffic calming. Cllr Arnold explained that he would follow this up with the Kent Highways Representative when he visits in November. The resident offered to attend this. It was explained that a working group would be needed to progress this further. Home to School Bus Transport – A resident asked member’s advice for improving the bus service from the village to secondary schools in Rainham. It was suggested that residents could contact Chalkwell Bus Service and Kent County Council Transport Integration. 
Correspondence – Christmas Tree Festival at St Marys Church – It was explained that this fundraising event was being organised again in aid of a charity fighting against Leukaemia. Members agreed to take part and the Clerk will notify Jill Rothery.
Planning - The following applications were considered: 14/502710/PNJCLA Crescent House, Gills Terrace, Otterham Quay Lane – Change of use of offices (B1) to residential 9C3 – The Planning Review Team will look into this and if necessary, the Clerk will request copies of the plans.  
14/500247/FULL Greenacres, Holywell Lane – Retention of use of land for the stationing of two mobile homes, one day room, one utility room and four touring caravans – The Planning Review Team had submitted an additional comment strongly objecting to this site. Cllr Lewin had advised the Council that few, if any comments had been received by Swale BC which was surprising considering the angst expressed by so many residents to gypsies & travellers in the Parish. It was suggested to remind residents that they can search for and comment on planning applications via the website:                                            
14/500684/FULL 18 Wallbridge Lane – Erection of 2 dwellings and garages to the side garden- The Planning Review Team had submitted an additional comment requesting consideration be given to the parking arrangements for these 2 houses to ensure that residents do not leave their cars on the road.
14/500947/FULL 17 The Poles – Proposed fence, 2m in height – An email had been received from the applicants asking members to reconsider their objections. It was commented that although the fence was tall, members did not object. It was agreed to submit an additional comment explaining that members withdrew their objections but neighbours views should be given serious consideration.
14/502297/PNEXT 36 Chaffes Lane – Prior notification for a proposed single storey rear extension which: a) extends by 7.2 metres beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling b) Has a maximum height of 4.0 metres from the natural ground level c) Has a height of 2.4 metres at the eaves from the natural ground level – The Planning Review Team will review this.
APP/V22255/A/14/2224462 Oast Field Stud, Gore Farm Track, Holywell Lane – Change of use of land to a 1 no. pitch gypsy site 91 home, 2 no.touring caravans) with associated foaling boxes and parking bays. An appeal had been lodged with the Planning Inspectorate and would be determined on the basis of an Informal Hearing. Cllr Tucker will review the comments reported at the Planning Committee meeting held at Swale House and forward a response to the Clerk.
Other Planning matters Land in Medway east of Otterham Quay Lane – Members discussed an outline application for up to 300 new dwellings. The Clerk will contact Medway Council asking to be notified of this planning application when it is submitted due to its proximity to the Parish. Kent Minerals & Waste Local Plan (MWLP) 2013-30 Notification of Publication – Cllr Masson had reviewed this document and commented that it was the first stage of a long process. Before any application for a mineral abstraction or landfill licence was to be granted, all concerns would have to be covered before permission was given. Cllr Lewin had advised the Council that a public meeting was taking place in Hartlip Village Hall to discuss the brick earth removal application. It was also discussed when he attended Newington Parish Council meeting and there were talk of the parishes working co-operatively to fight this, particularly Bobbing, Hartlip and Newington. Members agreed to join in this co-operation and Cllr Tucker will inform the Chairman of Hartlip Parish Council. Cllr Masson offered to be the contact for this.
Administration  Casual vacancy for Councillor – The Clerk advised that the “Notice of Vacancy” had been advertised and the Council was now able to fill the vacancy by co-opting a person onto the Parish Council. It was agreed that the Clerk should advertise this vacancy and will forward the advert to the Chair for approval. Members discussed preparing for the Elections in 2015 and ways they could encourage residents to stand for election. It was agreed that that the Council would promote the Election in the Parish. Cllr Tucker will document the process and present some ideas to the GPC.
Allotments and Recreation Ground – Review allotment rent – It was agreed to increase the rent due on 1st April 2015 by £2.00 per full plot.  
Paddock  Fitness equipment – Cllr Arnold advised that the climbing frame had been fixed with the assistance of Cllr Masson. Vehicular entrance gate – Cllr Arnold and Cllr Masson reported that there were issues with this gate and were looking into ways of addressing this.

Burial Ground and Churchyard – Community Payback – The Clerk reported that she had met Gary Foster from Kent Probation Service (KPS) to discuss the Burial Ground/Churchyard Project. Although the KPS were very positive about the Community Payback team being able to help with this project, there was an issue with disposing of the rubbish and waste vegetation from the site. Mr Foster explained that KPS would not be able to take away and dispose of this. Members raised concerns and discussed various options. KPS had suggested disposing of the rubbish via a bonfire but members did not feel this would be appropriate. It was agreed to discuss this further at the next GPC meeting and the Clerk would contact Swale BC in the meantime to see if they could assist the Council in any way. Wobbly Headstones – The Clerk had given Cllr Rose notices to place on wobbly headstones identified in the risk assessment.                       
Highways Street lights – Cllr Arnold reported that at least 3 lights needed attention, therefore he would report these to the Contractor. He explained that Highways had contacted the Vicarage regarding overgrown vegetation covering the streetlight in Bradshaw Close. This light was by the footpath to Oak Lane. Unfortunately no action had taken place yet to remove this vegetation. The Clerk will contact St. Mary's Churchwardens to request their assistance in this matter. Proposed Loading Bay outside Co-Op Store – The Clerk will contact the Co-Op Risk Manager to find out if there is any update on this proposal.                       
Next meetings – 6th November (Village Hall) and 4th December (Holywell School) starting at 7:30pm.

Claire Attaway, Parish Clerk, 33 Church Farm Road.
Tel: 01634 363906 (Mon - Thurs 9am to midday)


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