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Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Operation Castle

A burglary in your own home is an upsetting experience that can affect you and your family long after the clear up and the insurance paperwork is complete.

Don’t let a burglar in

This autumn, Kent Police is working with Surrey, Sussex and Thames Valley Police reminding residents how they can help protect themselves from becoming a victim.

The majority of burglars are opportunistic; they will look for properties where they think they can enter unobserved and ‘work’ undisturbed.

While you're at work... so are they

From experience we know that most burglaries happen during daylight hours so while you're at work, so are they. Offences peak after 11am so it's important to make sure the measures taken at night are also taken before you leave home in the morning.

Three simple actions can help deter these types of criminals… Light it, Lock it, List it.

Burglars mess with your head - watch this
(Apologies as the video will not be available in the Email version of this Post)

Light it

Make your house look occupied – even when it isn’t

• Use an automatic timer switch to turn interior lights and a radio on and off
• Light dark or hidden entrances using low wattage timed security lighting

Find out more - watch video online

Watch this video to show what a difference lighting your property can make -> 'Light it' video

Lock it

• Double-lock uPVC doors and close windows
• Keep side gates locked - burglars often break into homes from the garden where they have less chance of being seen
• If bins are emptied before you leave for work return them to your garden - they can be used as climbing aids if left on display
• Instead use bins in side entrances as obstructions
• Trim high hedging/plant growth - they could provide cover for a burglar
• Secure your shed - tools that are easily accessible can be used to break in to your home
• If you get the train or bus ensure you car is locked, windows are closed and keys are not left on display through windows

List it

All valuables items should be registered for free on - logging details helps us return them to you if we find or seize them. These include:

 Expensive jewellery and antiques 
 Bicycles • Laptop, desktop computers and tablets • Mobile phones and MP3 players • Home entertainment systems including TVs and games consoles

Find out more - watch video online

Watch how easy it is to register your valuables on 

Have you been a victim of burglary?

Take a look at our new 'Is it yours?' 

We now release images of all the recovered and seized items we have. If you've been a victim of burglary and have yet to receive your items back take a look to see if you recognise any. Each image has a reference number and number to call for more information.

Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch


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