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Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Upchurch Parish Council Report - June 2014

The Parish Council met on Thursday 1st May in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 7 Councillors were present and 9 members of the public.

Public Time Gypsy/Traveller site A resident reported that he had put up notices regarding the planning application at Orchard Park. He commented that it felt like the village was accepting travellers and that he can see caravans coming into the horizon. It was explained that the Council was trying to voice the concerns of the settled community. Highway issues – A resident raised concerns about the amount of damage the delivery Lorries were causing in the village, in particular the Lorries delivering to the Co-Op. He also reported that two road accidents had happened in one day. One in Forge Lane outside the Fish & Chip shop and one outside the Car Sales Showroom in Horsham Lane. It was explained that cars were being parked to close to the boundary with Horsham Lane and that they were using a full size transporter. It was reported that the Council had contacted the Co-Op to raise resident’s concerns about the delivery Lorries and it was hoped that the Store Manager would attend the next GPC meeting. Orchard Park – A resident reported that a fence dividing the small orchard/farmers field had been taken down. Overhanging vegetation – A resident commented that a large amount of vegetation would need cutting back. There were many sites in the village where the sightlines were poor. Swale BC Councillor – Cllr Lewin reported that the situation with a planning application for a gypsy & traveller site in Holywell Lane had changed. The site had been sold to a different family. He reported that there were now 4 touring caravans on site, with at least 2 of the families on site having 2 and 3 small children respectively. The Enforcement Officer had decided it was not appropriate at this time to serve an enforcement notice and had advised the occupiers to submit a planning application within the next 28 days, failing which they would move to serve an enforcement notice. Cllr Lewin explained that he had replied to this as follows:
I am amazed that we are not taking a firm stand on this. Holywell Lane has been transformed from a quiet rural lane to a lane urbanised by Gypsy & Travellers. This latest situation will undoubtedly create further issues of access to sites etc., which as happened recently will damage the environment.
We must put ourselves in control of these situation not put it in the hands of others. I do not accept that the land now newly occupied has deemed consent for use by Gypsies. This will be a retrospective application yet again.
Planning  SW/14/0423 R/o 124 Chaffes Lane – New dwelling within rear garden- The Planning Review Team commented as follows:
·      It believes it is an over-developed back-fill
·      It will impact on the owners of Nos. 134 and 132 Chaffes Lane
·      The owner of No.2 Marstan Close is a relative of the applicants and, although she may not object to the use of the right way of fronting her property, any future owner could find it intrusive.
·      The views of the owners of No. 3 and all neighbours in Marstan Close and the surrounding properties on Chaffes Lane and Oak Lane should be given serious consideration.
·      Marstan Close is a small, cul-de-sac with congested parking and the proposed development would exacerbate this problem with increased on-road parking for visitors or commercial deliveries.
Taking these views as a whole, the Planning Review Team objects to the proposals.
Permission granted: TC/14/0028 21 Oak Lane – reduce Holm Oak tree by 33%, annual pruning to maintain reduced size. SW/14/0161 Gibbens Farm Bungalow, The Street, Bredgar – The transfer of agricultural occupancy condition attached to the bungalow, Gibbens Farm, Bredgar to the cottage, Gore Farm. SW/14/0190 2 Church Farm Road – First floor extension over existing garage.
Other planning matters – Oast Field Stud, Gore Farm Track, Holywell Lane – Change of use of land to a 1 no. pitch gypsy site (1 no. mobile home, 2 no. touring caravans) with associated foaling boxes and parking bays. It was advised that this planning application would be reported to the Planning Committee of Swale BC on 8th May 2014. Cllr Tucker will register to speak at this meeting.  
Finance – Final Accounts for approvala copy of the accounts for the year 2013-14 had been circulated and approved at the Annual Parish Meeting held on 24th April 2014. It was agreed that they be approved and it was noted that the Councils expenditure was greater than its income therefore it was necessary to move towards three year budgeting.
Administration  Resignation of Village CleanerIt was explained that the current role was unmeasurable. Therefore the Council could consider other options. Cllr Tucker thanked Cllr Denny, Cllr Rose and Cllr Lewin for offering to help litter pick in The Paddock whilst the Council considers this role. Members expressed a preference to the possibility of employing a sub-contractor. It was suggested renaming the role to “Village Caretaker” which could include additional tasks, for example, cutting back vegetation overhanging sightlines.
Allotments and Recreation Ground Salt in Recreation Ground Car ParkIt was reported that the salt bags would be removed by the end of May. Anyone wishing to collect some of this salt were encouraged to do so as soon as possible. Noticeboard for AllotmentsIt was explained that Mr Osborne had asked for a specification for this. A resident had offered to install the noticeboard. The design and specification would be confirmed at the next GPC meeting. It was also suggested to install a noticeboard in the Burial Ground.
Burial Ground and Churchyard St Mary’s Church Clock It was agreed to accept a quote to the sum of £368 + VAT from Gillett & Johnston for replacing the winding switch. Members requested that the engineer investigate why the clock is not working properly when they attend to carry out this repair work.                                     
Environment Proposal for a Bus Shelter in the Village CentreA paper prepared by those “for” and those “against” had been circulated. Members discussed this and then Cllr Tucker asked members to vote on the following proposal:
Those in favour of progressing the administration side of progressing the proposal for a Bus Shelter in Horsham Lane.
With 4 members for and 3 members against, it was agreed that the Council would contact the Conservation Officer to discuss further. It was explained that funding was an issue and that the Council would take time in making decisions on how and when this would move forward.

Barbara Webb Memorial Cllr Apps reported that it was fifty years since the loss of Barbara Webb and commented that the Council should not let this anniversary go unmarked. Cllr Lewin reported that Mrs Madden had indicated her intention to replace the bowl used in the presentation for the Best Kept Garden Competition. Cllr New explained that the Village Hall Management Committee may like to be involved, perhaps by planting a tree or plant.
Highways – Identification of Street LightsIt was agreed to accept a quote to the sum of £235.50 for producing fifty labels. Replacement Street Light in Breach LaneIt was reported that the new light in Breach Lane had been installed. UK Power Networks grant Cllr Arnold reported that he had submitted a grant application for installing energy saving street lighting at a cost of around £10,000.
Next meetings 5th June and 3rd July. Please note that the meetings will now be held at the Village Hall starting at 7.30pm.
Claire Attaway
Parish Clerk
Tel: 01634 363906 (Mon - Thurs 9am to midday)


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