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Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Draft Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting

The Minutes of the ANNUAL PARISH MEETING of the Upchurch Parish Council held in Upchurch Village Hall on Thursday 24th April 2014 commencing at 7.30pm.  
Present: Cllr Sara Tucker (Chair), Cllr John Arnold (Vice-Chair), Cllr Gerry Lewin, Cllr Patricia New, Cllr Susan Rossiter, Cllr Michael Apps, Cllr Maria Rose, Cllr Pamela Denny, Mrs Claire Attaway (Clerk), and 21 members of the public including PCSO John Cork and Cllr John Wright
Apologies: Cllr Peter Masson
1.     Chairman’s Introduction – All present were warmly welcomed by the Chairman.
2.     Minutes of the meeting held on 25th April 2013 – There were no amendments. It was proposed by Mr Alec New, seconded by Mr Robert Quy, that they be accepted as a true record and all agreed.
3.     Presentation of the accounts – The unaudited accounts were presented by the Clerk, and a copy is filed with these minutes. Copies of the accounts had also been provided.
The Clerk thanked all the Councillors for their help and support during her fifth year as Parish Clerk.
The Clerk referred to the accounts. She explained that the Council was given a grant from KCC towards the Paddock Project. This covered approx. 55% of the total cost of the project. She reported that income from the Burial Ground almost doubled compared to last year.
The highest expenditure was in the Paddock totalling over £16,500. Half of this amount was the cost of the Paddock Project. It also included the cost of installing the new play equipment. The KCC grant towards this cost was received in last year’s financial year and covered approx. 75% of the total cost. The annual rent payable to St Johns College Cambridge for the lease of the Recreation Ground and Allotments increased by 28% this year from £832 to £1,065. Project expenditure in the Burial Ground totalling £2,682 was the total cost of repointing the Churchyard Wall. Again a KCC grant was received towards this in last year’s financial year and covered approx. 75% of the total cost of the project.
All agreed that the accounts be accepted and approved.
4.     Presentation from Sue Maidens, Youth Development Officer for Young Kent (Formally Kent Youth and Kent Council for Voluntary Youth Services KCVYS) – Cllr Tucker introduced Mrs Maiden.
Mrs Maiden thanked the Council for the opportunity to talk about the services of Young Kent and KCVYS. She explained that they offer essential support services to youth organisations of all sizes through their membership services. They have four main functions; Member Services, Programmes for Young People, Representation and Information and Celebrating Achievement. Benefits of membership are as follows:
·      Networking opportunities & seminars
·      Support Visits from Youth Development Officers
·      Club Pack – a useful guide for youth organisations of all sizes
·      Access to the Members area on the new website
·      Funding information
·      Activities for young people
·      DBS disclosure checks (formally called CRB checks)
·      Training for volunteers/staff
·      Advice, guidance and information
·      Insurance
They are able to support youth groups aimed at 8-25 year olds. Mrs Maiden gave the Clerk details on obtaining membership. She explained that the cost of membership was £59 and also that there was a one-off additional joining fee of £25.
Mrs Maiden gave details about the me2 programme. This aims to break down some of the barriers that prevent disabled young people from being included in mainstream youth and leisure activities. This is achieved by bringing together disabled young people aged 13 to 19 with non-disabled mentors. Mentors (aged 15 to 19) are given the opportunity to complete an intensive 3 day peer inclusion mentor training course and subsequently provide supportive relationships that enable disabled young people to be included in local clubs of their choice.
Cllr Tucker commented that by having a youth group it may help alleviate issues with young people congregating in the village centre.
PCSO Cork commented that in Parkwood, they held a youth group 5 nights a week and was well attended. He found them very useful as it enabled him to interact with this age group.
Mr Newbery asked PCSO Cork if there was a major youth problem in the village. PCSO Cork commented that in his opinion, Upchurch did not have a major youth problem. The type of crimes committed by young people included shoplifting from the Co-Op, drug taking and low level shed break-ins.
Cllr Lewin commented that youths don’t misbehave if you don’t have a youth group, they do it anyway. However, the Parish Council could consider drafting a policy to encourage engagement with the community and that it will aim to provide youth facilities.
Cllr Tucker thanked Mrs Maiden for her presentation which was most appreciated by those present. She asked residents to let the Council know if they had any ideas on how to progress with the setting up of a youth group in the village. A resident commented that the Council could elect two under 18 year olds to attend meetings. Members thanked him for this suggestion.
5.     Chairman’s Report – A copy of the Chairman’s report is filed with these minutes.
6.     Presentation of KALC Community Award – Cllr Tucker thanked Keith Rossiter for all his voluntary work with various groups and organisations in the village, for example, the Scouts and Village Hall Management Committee. She presented him with a certificate signed by the High Sheriff of Kent. Mr Rossiter thanked the Council and commented that he would find somewhere suitable to display it. He thanked all the volunteers involved in the groups and organisations he helps with, and explained that without their support we wouldn’t be a village. He thanked the Parish Council too.   
7.     Matters arising and questions on the Chairman’s report
Footpath along Windmill Hill – Mr & Mrs Davies reported various issues with this footpath. Cllr Arnold and the Clerk will follow this up. It was explained that faults could be logged with KCC at: and clicking on Public Rights of Way-report a problem. It was commented that a road closure had been scheduled to complete drainage and carriageway works. This was planned to commence from 12th May 2014 for up to three weeks.
Mr & Mrs Davies also raised concerns about the 60mph speed limit from the Three Sisters Public House through to Horsham Lane.                                                             JA/Clerk
Bus Shelter – Mr Newbury commented that we are now looking forward to the summer months and that we have established there is no major youth problems in the village, therefore lets progress with the bus shelter so that residents do not have to stand out this winter in the rain waiting for a bus. Cllr Tucker explained that the best way forward had been subject to many discussion options and after taking residents opinions into account, the most acceptable way to was to hear the case for both sides at a full council meeting and the council votes. This would take place on the meeting scheduled for 1st May 2014.
Mr Freeman commented that it is either needed or it isn’t. A reason for not providing one was to avoid youths congregating there. However if it is raining, residents need a shelter. He explained that he is able to drive at the moment but one day he might not. He commented that why is one group so important that they can watch their neighbours get wet.  Cllr Tucker explained that this issue would be discussed at the next meeting. The Council had requested those “for” and those “against” to prepare a paper for discussion in order for members to make an informed decision.
Cllr Wright reminded members that funding is limited for installing and maintaining a shelter.
Mr Kew asked the Council to let residents know that this would be discussed at the next meeting. Cllr Tucker explained that this had been included in the minutes and publicised through the Gabriel and was an agenda item. After much debate, it was agreed by all that the Council should make a decision at the next meeting.
Cllr New suggested putting up a notice at the Bus Stop. Mr Newbury suggested informing residents via Upchurch Matters website.
Mr Osborne commented that he understood that there would be no discussion about this proposal during public time at the next meeting. Cllr Tucker confirmed that this was the intention but it now seemed that residents wanted to discuss this. Mr Osborne explained that he could see people waiting at the bus stop and they do not get wet, they bring umbrellas.
Cllr Tucker clarified that this proposal could not be debated at this meeting. It would be discussed and voted on at the next meeting on 1st May 2014. Cllr Lewin commented that he fully supported this.
Mrs Osborne remarked that she thought this was the best way forward and would accept the decision made by the Parish Council.
Speed limit along Horsham Lane – A resident from Beckenham Park queried why the speed limit had not been reduced to 30mph.
Cllr Lewin explained that KCC Highways are expected to justify the costs of any safety improvement schemes. They have to work out that if it is done, there would be some kind of benefit to reducing the pattern of personal injury crashes. There was no record of any such pattern of crashes along this lane to make KCC spend their money. Therefore they are required to focus its spending on priority cases.
Gypsy & Traveller sites – A resident from Beckenham Park queried why objections are overturned.
Cllr Lewin clarified that decisions made by Swale BC are based on planning policies and guidelines as well as adopted local plans.
Cllr Tucker encouraged residents to respond to consultations. The Parish Council could forward comments to Swale BC but residents could also respond individually. A gypsy and traveller consultation was currently being carried out and the Council had asked residents to complete this.
The Paddock Project – Mr Rossiter reported that he was part of a working group that had cleared undergrowth from the Paddock thirty years ago. However, since then it had grown back. He commented that the Council had successfully cleared it once again. He asked if there were any plans to prevent the vegetation and undergrowth re-growing. Cllr Tucker stated that the General Purposes Committee had discussed this and was aware that a maintenance plan was needed.                                                                                                             GPC/Clerk
Recreation Ground Gate – Mr Kew reported that a vehicle had reversed into one of the posts, therefore it was difficult to lock the gate. He asked if the Council could put up a sign requesting that it is locked in the evening. Cllr Tucker advised that a sign had been ordered and would be installed shortly. The Recreation Ground Representative would investigate the damage to the gate post and also the condition of the chestnut fencing.            PD/ST/Clerk
Hedge adjacent to 39 Oak Lane – Mr Kemsley asked the Council if they could arrange the ivy to be cut back that is growing out further and further. It was explained that the Recreation Ground Representatives would investigate this.                                                PD/ST/Clerk
Footpath by 19 & 21 Oak Lane – Mr Kemsley explained that this was often covered in debris from the vegetation outside the Bungalows and was not very pleasant. Cllr Arnold and the Clerk will investigate.                                                                                                JA/Clerk
Four Gun Field – A resident from Beckenham Park asked for an update on this. Cllr Lewin reported that outline planning permission for 50 houses had been granted. The owners of the site had arranged for it to be boarded up in order to mitigate any dust for neighbouring houses. The applicants now needed to come forward with a detailed planning application for the site.
Councillor – Cllr New remarked that it was nice to have representation from Beckenham Park at this meeting. Also, she gave a vote of thanks to the Chair, Sara Tucker for her commitment to the Parish Council and commented that this was appreciated by all.
Cllr Lewin reported that the judges for the Best Kept Garden Competition would be visiting in July.
There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked those present for attending and the meeting closed at 9.00pm. Refreshments were enjoyed by all present.
Claire Attaway
Parish Clerk
33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch.
Tel: 01634 363906 (Mon-Thurs 9am – 12pm)


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