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Thursday, 13 February 2014

Upchurch Parish Council Report - March 2014

The Parish Council met on Thursday 6th February in Cambria Classroom of Holywell Primary School where 7 Councillors were present and 20 members of the public.

Public TimeTree outside 21 Oak Lane – A resident reported this had been pruned and asked for an update on the tree at the rear of the property.  Oak Lane – A resident reported that blue lines had been painted on the section of the road that appeared to be sinking. Allotments – A resident reported that there were several plots not being worked on and suggested offering these out for working prior to the annual rent payment due date in order to get them cultivated. Gypsy & Traveller Sites – A resident referred to article 8 of human rights and reported that he would be following this up with Swale BC. Four Gun Field – A resident reported that there was a large puddle in the road. Upchurch Burial Ground – Concerns were expressed with a recent grave where the ground appeared to be considerably wet. It was suggested that the Council may like to seek independent advice. The possibility of installing a bench in the lower part of the Burial Ground was mentioned but it was advised that there was opposition to this. Bus Shelter –A resident reported that he had contacted Chalkwell Bus Company to request statistics on the number of people getting on the bus. Unfortunately, they were not allowed to give him this information and he suggested that the Council may be able to obtain this. He reported that the highest number of people waiting for the bus was 9 on the 4th February 2014 and the lowest was 3 on the 15th January 2014. He commented that vandalism was a problem in the village centre and reported several incidents that had occurred. It was commented that the people who are “for” the bus shelter are not using the bus; therefore what was it going to be used for when it was not needed. Bus Shelter – Another resident commented that this proposal had been discussed many times now and should the Council allow this, then it would open up a can of worms. Teen Shelter - A resident commented that this proposal seemed to be attached to the Bus Shelter and asked that it be separated. Councillor – Cllr John Wright explained that highway issues such as pot holes or flooding could be reported on the KCC portal. It was advised that the planning application at Orchard Park, Oak Lane would be discussed at the Planning Committee Meeting held in March. He thanked those who attended the consultation event for the proposed Brick earth extraction site at Paradise Farm, Newington and reported that it was well attended.
Correspondence Upchurch Horticultural Society – Members agreed to a request to use the Paddock for a Plant Sale on the morning of Saturday 26th April as long as the ground was dry. Young Kent and KIYS Youth – Members were advised that Sue Maidens had accepted her invitation to give a short presentation at the Annual Parish Meeting. Upchurch Information/interpretation board on the 1944 Rail Crash in Oak Lane – Members discussed a proposal from Richard Emmett. Further information will be obtained.
Planning - The following applications were considered:
SW/13/1483 Colourpacks Plant Centre, London Road, NewingtonChange of use of part of site to provide a retail area/trade counter. Members noted this.
SW/13/1485 Land at Spade Lane, Hartlip – Siting of two mobile homes with associated utility block, parking for cars and 2 touring caravans for a gypsy family. Members noted this.
Permission granted:
TC/13/0147 The Paddock – Fell 4 x Sycamore, 1 x Oak, 1 x Holm Oak, 1 x Ash, 1 x Hawthorne. Crown lift 6 x Holm Oak, 1 x Sycamore, 1 x Oak, 2 Lime. Coppice 2 x Field Maple. Cut & remove Ivy, 1 x Sycamore, 1 x Acacia. Thinning of 50% of vegetation. Crown lift 1 Mixed Holly to give ground clearance of 1.5m
Permission refused:
SW/13/1442 2 Church Farm Road – First Floor extension over existing garage
Other planning matters: SW/13/0152 Horsham Plantation Yard, Horsham Lane – Change of use from B1 to car sales & showroom. The Planning Review Team will investigate the conditions placed on this planning permission. Gypsy & Traveller site allocations – Cllr Tucker reported an update from the Planning Committee meeting. Members agreed to draft a letter to Gordon Henderson. It was hoped that neighbouring parishes would support this. Residents would also be encouraged to contact Gordon Henderson if they have concerns on this matter. Proposed Brick earth extraction site at Paradise Farm, Newington – Cllr Rossiter reported that this consultation event was well attended. It outlined the proposal to KCC and provided preliminary information. Wienerberger was a large brick manufacturing company and the route to the factory from this site would be along the A2 through Newington. It would take place for 6-8 weeks during dry summer months. During this time, there would be one lorry leaving the site every 5 minutes. It was commented that the impact for Newington and Hartlip would be enormous. The Planning Application would be submitted to KCC and Swale BC would be a consultee. Members appreciated the need to support Hartlip and Newington Parish Council.
Finance KCC Member Community Engagement Grant Scheme – Members were advised that the application for parking improvements on Rec Ground Car Park had been approved. Members discussed whether to accept the offer of a grant. Various ideas/suggestions were discussed but it was felt that further consultation with the Scout Group was needed. It was agreed to decline this offer. It was reported that the grant offer for £4,500 towards the cost of the Paddock Project had been approved and it had been accepted. The Council had budgeted £2,500 to match this funding and the remaining amount would be funded by reserves.
Paddock Paddock Project – It was reported that planning permission had been granted for the tree work in the Paddock. A meeting had taken place with Lindsay & Co Tree Surgeons to discuss arranging this work. It was noted that any work must take place before the bird nesting season which started on 1st March. If this deadline was missed, then work would not be able to commence until August. It was agreed to accept their quote.

Village fete – Cllr Tucker reported that a meeting would be arranged the following week with Mr Kemsley to discuss this further. Local village groups and organisations had shown an interest in taking part in this event. It was noted that England may be playing in the World Cup football on 28th June but it was felt that the timing of the event could be scheduled around this.            
Recreation Ground – Members would like to politely request that users of this car park do not drive or park on the grass.
Burial Ground and Churchyard – Members discussed a concern raised by a family about their parent’s grave being waterlogged. The Burial Ground representative had been monitoring the situation and also consulted the grave digger. It was agreed to consult the Diocese and also obtain independent advice.
EnvironmentKALC Community Awards Scheme – Keith Rossiter was nominated for this award for his dedication to the village.                                                                                               
Next meetings – 6th March and 3rd April. Please note that the meetings are held in the Hall of Holywell School and start at 7.30pm. The Annual Parish Meeting is scheduled for 24th April 2014 at the Village Hall. 
Claire Attaway
Parish Clerk
33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch.
Tel: 01634 363906 (Mon-Thurs 9am – 12pm)


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