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Thursday, 15 November 2012

Upchurch Parish Council Report - December 2012

The Parish Council met on Thursday 8th November in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 6 Councillors were present and 5 members of the public.
Public Time Four Gun Field Action Group – Two representatives of this group expressed their support for the Planning Application reference SW/12/1243. He summarised the issues faced by residents near to the site and the efforts by the group to find a mutually satisfactory use for the land. They requested the Councils support for this planning application. Highways – A resident reported that Kent Highways had still not cleared a gully in The Poles. Allotments – A resident reported that allotment holders were pleased with the new vehicular gate that had been relocated further back from the road. Windmill Hill – A resident expressed concerns over a gully overflowing on Windmill Hill. Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Tree– A resident offered an Oak Tree to the Council. Members thanked him. Vacancy for one Councillor – A resident explained that he had applied for this vacancy and had come along tonight to observe the meeting. 
CorrespondenceClimate South East Parish and Town Council Survey An organisation aiming to carry out research on the impacts of climate change by conducting telephone interviews with local parish council representatives. Cllr Apps offered to take part in this. 
Planning - The following applications were considered:
 SW/12/1245 Four Gun Field, Otterham Quay Lane – Variation of condition (1) of SW/11/0867 to extend the time period in which the hardstanding, wheel spinner, CCTV cameras and stanchion may be retained on site to a period of 36 months without the commencement of a B2 use.  No objections but queried why the applicant had asked for a period of 3 years.
SW/12/1244 Four Gun Field, Otterham Quay Lane – Variation of condition (1) of SW/11/0866 to extend the time period in which the portable office/restroom may be retained on site to a period of 36 months without the commencement of a B2 use. No objections but queried why the applicant had asked for a period of 3 years.
SW/12/1243 Four Gun Field, Otterham Quay Lane – Outline application for residential development (about 36 dwellings), residential care home (about 80 beds) and public open space with wildlife area. The Council had no objections to the proposal however, they commented that they would like to see homes of varied sizes within the application i.e. not just 3 and 4 bedroom homes and that there will be pressure for affordable homes in the village.
SW/12/1331 13 Horsham Lane – Erection of single-storey side extension to provide double garage; first floor infill rear extension; demolition of existing conservatory and erection of new conservatory to side. No objections and commented that neighbours views should be taken into consideration.
FPS/W2275/4/37 Footpath ZR32 (Part) Upchurch – Public Path Diversion Order, 2010 – The Planning Inspectorate – The Order is confirmed.
Local Needs Housing - Draft notes from ‘drop-in’ event – A copy had been circulated and was agreed. Public Count – This had taken place on Friday 26th September 2012 at 6.30pm in the back hall of the Village Hall. The result had been published on the Parish Council website and Notice boards, and also Upchurch Matters website - Do you support the proposal to build Local Needs Housing on a Rural Exception Site? Result -570 Votes No and 101 Votes Yes therefore majority vote is NO. The Council will not be investigating this scheme further.
Finance Swale West Parishes Group – KCC Community Engagement Grants Scheme 2012-13 – An email from Bill Ronan (KCC) explaining that he is waiting on the cabinet decision for a grant to the sum of £6,120 towards the Paddock project and the re-pointing of the Church yard wall. 
Administration - General purposes committeeIt is hoped to set this up shortly, and will be discussed at the next meeting.
Allotments and Recreation GroundWater meter at Allotments – Cllr Apps reported that a new water meter had been installed by Southern Water. Review allotment rents – It was agreed to keep the rent payable by allotment holders at the same rate as this year - residents £14 for a full plot and £23 for non-residents. Risk Assessment –Members raised concerns with a pot hole at the entrance to the car park at the Recreation Ground. It was suggested that this issue could be discussed by the general purposes committee, when formed. 
Paddock Lease – A copy of the draft form Lease had been circulated, along with a letter from our solicitors. Members agreed to accept the Lease. The Clerk will ask for clarification on whether the Paddock can be used for car parking, and in particular, for the annual plant sale by Upchurch Horticultural Society. Play equipment – An email from a resident was circulated regarding lack of toddler equipment in play area. Members noted this and commented that they were still trying to negotiate the Lease renewal and once this had been finalised, they would investigate installing new play equipment in the Paddock. Risk Assessment – Cllr Apps reported that he had removed the damaged bin and filled in the hole. Cllr Kennard reported that he was meeting Paul Hegley, Tree Officer at Swale BC the next day to discuss the trees against the fence in 2 and 3 Bradshaw Close. 
Burial Ground and ChurchyardChurch yard WallCllr Lewin and Cllr Rossiter will arrange a site meeting to discuss weed spraying the wall. Cllr Rossiter reminded members that the re-pointing of the wall still needed to be done. A concern was raised about the live wires running along the outside of the garage wall that had been exposed when the trees were removed. Cllr Rossiter will investigate. Church yard PathCllr New reported that St Marys PCC were looking into obtaining a faculty for this and were consulting Lower Halstow for advice.
EnvironmentFundraising event in aid of a charity fighting against Leukaemia – A request from Jill Rothery to place a Christmas tree in St Mary’s Church for the Christmas Tree Festival. The Clerk will arrange this and Cllr Apps offered to help too.
Highways - Parking problems around school pick up/drop off times – It was suggested that a working group be set up to investigate this further and will be discussed at the next meeting. Lay-by opposite Granny’s GreenMembers discussed the ownership of a section of road in Oak Lane, south of the allotments, on the boundary of Ian Daniels land. They queried whether it was a lay-by. The Clerk will consult Cllr Arnold, and then contact Kent Highways. 
Next meetings – Thursday 6th December 2012 and 3rd January 2013. Please note that the meetings are held in the Hall of Holywell School starting at 7.30pm and the Public are welcome to attend this meeting. The Public may put questions and/or make comments to members and it is helpful if you let the Clerk know in writing prior to the meeting. Please contact the Clerk if you require further advice.
Claire Attaway, Parish Clerk, Tel: 01634 363906 (Mon – Thurs 9am – midday)
Upchurch Parish Council


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