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Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Upchurch Parish Council Report - November 2012

The Parish Council met on Thursday 4th October 2012 in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 8 Councillors were present and 5 members of the public.

Administration – Resignation of Chairman – Cllr Tucker reported that a letter of resignation had been received from Cllr Catford. Appreciation of his long service was expressed. Election of Chairman –It was decided to hold a signed vote. The Clerk reported that Cllr Tucker received 4 votes and Cllr Lewin 3. Cllr Arnold stood down as Chair and Cllr Tucker thanked him.  
Public TimeHighways- A resident reported that a gully in The Poles constantly overflows. KCC Highways were aware of the situation and Cllr Arnold was following this up. Minutes- Also he referred to page 23/12-13 of the minutes of 6th September, item 47 iv). He requested that this be amended. Members noted his concerns and assured him that no objections to this proposed diversion had been submitted. Chairman- A resident referred to the resignation of Cllr Catford and hoped that the Council was planning to recognise his service to the Council. He was assured that members would arrange this at the Annual Parish Meeting. Local Needs Housing- He also commented that he supported the proposed local needs housing scheme in Upchurch as he felt that the village needed homes for young people. Allotments- A resident asked for an update on clearing up the allotments. It was reported that this would be carried out shortly. Overgrown vegetation- He also asked for an update on the trimming of the hedge outside 17-21 Oak Lane. Cllr Arnold offered to follow this up with KCC Highways.
Planning -Permissions and Refusals – the following decisions have been received:
Permissions granted:
SW/12/1015 6 Wallbridge Lane – Variation of condition (4) of planning permission SW/11/1150 to permit four mothers and babies (plus staff) at any one time instead of three.
Appeal decision:
APP/V2255/A/12/2169572 Ridgedale Stables, Halstow Lane, Lower Halstow – The appeal is allowed and planning permission is granted for 5 years for “change of use to residential – stationing of 3 mobile homes for a gypsy family”.
Other Planning matters Local Needs Housing -  Update from sub-group meeting & on Councillors voteCllr Tucker thanked those for attending this meeting and reported that she wished to retract her request to vote on this issue. It was agreed to ask the Parish to vote on whether to proceed with the scheme and that members should represent the Council as a united body. It was commented that members sign a declaration of interest form at the start of any meeting. Advice from Mark Radford indicated that if any member felt that there was a chance they may have an interest, then they should declare this. It was agreed that members would not vote on returning a decision to ERHA & ACRK that it was not the right time for the village to undertake such a scheme. Revised covering draft letter to accompany voting formA copy had been circulated. Cllr Tucker explained that this letter had been rewritten as it would now be distributed after the ‘drop-in’ event. It was reported that the voting outcome will be the instruction the Council gives to ERHA. Arrangements for ‘drop-in’ event/”Public Forum” and distribution of voting formsThe Clerk confirmed that Upchurch Newsagents had agreed to place the ballot box in its shop. All agreed to help distribute the voting forms after the ‘drop-in’ event.  The Clerk was given permission to publish the result of the Public Count on the Parish Council website and Notice boards. 
Finance Expedition to Peru & Tanzania – It was suggested that ideas for small tasks could be forwarded to the Clerk, for example, litter picking, bulb planting. The Clerk could then email the list of ideas to the residents in order for them to choose. Authorised bank signatories – It was agreed that Cllr Denny, Cllr Rossiter and Cllr New would be the signatories. Cllr Tucker would assist with the checking of invoices prior to start of the meeting.
Allotments and Recreation GroundRisk Assessment – Cllr Apps reported that the water meter was still faulty despite several visits from Southern Water. The Clerk will write a letter to Southern Water expressing concerns with this continual issue. Cllr Apps suggested obtaining quotes for installing a stop cock on the Councils side of the allotments. Allotment gate – It was agreed to accept the quote from Peter Rayfield to the sum of £325 for the relocation of the gate.
Paddock Lease – The Clerk reported that there was no update on the progress of the renewal of the lease. Litter Bin – The Clerk reported that the old bin had been vandalised. This had been reported to the Police. Cllr Apps offered to remove the damaged bin. Trees overhanging properties in Bradshaw Close – Cllr Kennard reported that he had visited the properties and suggested work required. The Clerk will contact the Conservation Officer at Swale BC for advice.
Burial Ground and ChurchyardChurch yard wall – Cllr Rossiter, Cllr Lewin and a resident will meet in the Churchyard to discuss areas that required the application of weed killer. Trees requiring attention in the Church yard – The Clerk advised that this would be discussed at the Budget/Precept sub-group meeting. Possibility of allowing cremated remains in the Church yard – Cllr New advised that the PCC will be discussing this further with Ian Dodd.
EnvironmentTree Planting for Jubilee Celebrations – Members discussed ideas. It was suggested to discuss this again at the next meeting. Cllr Tucker and Cllr Kennard will investigate the cost of buying a tree. The Clerk will consult the Conservation Officer.
Highways - Street light energy – The Clerk reported that the electricity contract with EDF Energy had been renewed. The cost per month would be around £197.00 plus VAT for 35 months. Street light identification labels – It was agreed to accept the quote from Stock signs to the sum of £226.50 plus VAT for the printing of black and white labels. These labels would state the number of the street light and telephone contact number of the Parish Council.  
Next meetings – 8th November and 6th December. Please note that the meetings are held in the Hall of Holywell School starting at 7.30pm and the Public are welcome to attend this meeting. The Public may put questions and/or make comments to members and it is helpful if you let the Clerk know in writing prior to the meeting. Please contact the Clerk if you require further advice.
Claire Attaway, Parish Clerk, 33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch. Tel: 01634 363906
Upchurch Parish Council.


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