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Thursday, 18 October 2012

Upchurch Family Fireworks - Appeal for Helpers

Upchurch Scout Group is once again holding their Firework Display on Saturday the 3rd of November at Westmoor Farm on the A2 near Rainham.

This is a charity event, raising money not only for us but could also be for You !

There will be Pitches and stalls available to Scout and Guide groups. All we ask is that you provide two marshals available from 4:00pm until the event closure and possibly two helpers for the Saturday set up, 1:oopm to 4:00pm or Sunday 9.00am to 1:00pm

Anybody who helps will be issued with a family ticket to the event. There are some conditions regarding young helpers. For any more information please contact Upchurch Scout Group on:

If you do not wish to run a stall then please just feel free to support us and have a fun time with music, food and a great spectacular event and encourage as many people to attend as possible.

All stalls need to be self-sufficient for power and water.

Please visit our website:  for even more information.

The members of Upchurch Scout Group Executive Committee need to call on you for assistance again. As our firework Display grows we need to have more marshals and general helpers to ensure the safe running of the event for everyone.

If we don’t get enough Marshals we can’t run the event !

We have said many times that we are fortunate that the fireworks and waste paper collections provide enough funding for the group without the need to keep asking parents to help and contribute. Most other groups spend many weekends throughout the year trying to raise the kind of money we can raise in one weekend !

Could you spare us some time over the weekend of 3rd & 4th to assist please ?

Our primary concern is to ensure we have enough marshals but we also need assistance to set up on Saturday and clear up on Sunday. (we always get less volunteers for Sunday !) Any time you can give would be much appreciated. Many hands really do make light work. Children may assist with the clear up but we would prefer not to have Cubs and Beavers around whilst we are setting up and children under 16 are not allowed to be in or around the stalls in the evening.

In order to be a marshal you must be over 16 and attend a short, simple safety briefing on Saturday at 11.30am or 4:30pm and then be available on site from 4:30pm until approximately 8:30pm. There’s no upper age limit so Grandparents can help too provided they are physically fit and healthy !

Marshalls must not have children with them for whom they are responsible i.e. if children under 16 are coming with you, there must be another responsible adult to take care of the children. You may well be able to stand with your family but you will need to be available to move where required quickly, particularly in an emergency situation.

So if the idea of standing in a dark field on a cold November night with a silly orange jacket on doesn’t appeal to you – how about we throw in a free family ticket ? Interested ? Please send us an Email as soon as possible.

We spend an awful lot of time chasing people who we know are happy to help but we don’t have them down on our sheet. Please do it now if you can – don’t wait until later !

Email us at:


Upchurch Scout Group


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