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Friday, 10 August 2012

Back To Church Sunday

Back To Church Sunday the national initiative is being backed by Upchurch Church who will be holding a special Sung Communion service on Sun 30th September at 10:30a.m. We are offering what we are good at! It will be a very user friendly service to encourage those who haven’t been for a long time or for those who have never been. It is simply to show all that is so good in the Christian Faith, and to encourage others to find that peace that the world cannot give!

It is a communion service because that is what we do in Upchurch and everybody who has been baptized, even as a baby is entitled to come forward and receive the bread and the wine. If you haven’t been baptized (Christened), then you are invited to come forward for a prayer of blessing for yourself by the minister at the altar rail. (You are also always welcome to ask about being baptized no matter how old you are! – speak to Jacky) You are also welcome to just sit and not come forward to the altar if that is what you prefer.

There is nothing scary about a Communion Service, we will talk you through it as it moves along... The hymns too will be specially chosen for this service. We so hope you will decide to come and join us, we wait to welcome you to this or to any other service!

Following this special service, we will then follow it by offering a service at 9a.m. on the first Sunday of each month that will be carefully planned to attract anybody who is new or not used to church yet. It will start at 9a.m. and you will be away by 10.15a.m. Refreshments are always offered after our services. It’s a great opportunity to chat!

Visit the Back To Church Sunday website here:

Any queries? Ring Revd. Jacky on: 01795 842557

Jacky Davis



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