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Friday, 13 July 2012

Upchurch Parish Council Report for August

The Parish Council met on Thursday 5th July in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 6 Councillors were present and 7 members of the public.

Public Time –  Local Needs Housing - A resident commented that English Rural Housing Association would let any homes built under this proposed scheme to whoever they wished. It was commented that the Council did not support this view. Voting form -  It was commented that the voting form should have been addressed individually to residents to avoid the opportunity of people filling it in on behalf of each other. It was explained that the Council was not allowed to access the Electoral Register for this purpose. ‘Drop-in’ - A resident commented that it was far too hasty to have the rescheduled ‘drop-in’ in September. 
Allotments - A resident asked if there were plans to tidy up the allotments. Members noted this. Trimming of Hedge in Oak Lane – It was requested that this hedge next to the Vicarage be cut back. Members will follow this up. Windmill Hill - A resident reported that his car had been damaged by bushes on Windmill Hill. The Clerk will inform Highways of this issue.
Correspondence – Southern Water – A letter providing an update on the water resources situation and water restrictions. Southern Water had removed the temporary use ban, currently in place in Kent and Sussex supply areas on Thursday 14th June.
Planning - The following applications were considered:
SW/12/0841 11 Marston Close – Single storey rear extension. Demolition of conservatory – There were no objections to the proposals but members requested that serious considerations be given to neighbours views.
Permissions and Refusals – the following decisions had been received:
Permissions granted
SW/12/0393 Land r/o 24 Wallbridge Lane – Demolition and replacement of existing, agricultural building only for use as a tractor and implement store
SW/12/0418 Land at Breach Lane – Change of use of land for the mixed use of agriculture and keeping of horses with the provision of three new stables, tack rooms, haystore and sand school
SW/12/0330 Tanzor Riding School, Poot Lane – Retention of existing timber building in support of livery use of land
SW/12/697 Holywell Primary School, Forge Lane – Erect new palisade fencing 1.8 metre high powdered green (58 metres long) to east side of school’s main entrance
SW/12/0439 Bedfont House, Holywell Lane – Change of use from commercial offices to private dwelling (5 in total), extend length of north fencing dormers to accommodate Juliette balconies and additional windows in flank elevation
SW/12/0510 35 Forge Lane – Two storey side extension and single storey garage
Permission Refused:
SW/12/0399 Co-Op, 3 The Street – One internally illuminated wall mounted display unit
SW/12/0464 The Oast, Holywell Lane – Single storey rear extension with room in loft area
Local Needs Housing - It was hoped that four residents would come forward to join the four members of the Parish Council and the Clerk as part of the sub-group. It was confirmed that any meetings of this sub-group would be held in public. The objectives for inviting representatives to join were two-fold. Firstly, to remove any misunderstanding of the procedures followed to date. Secondly, to look at the detail of the voting form and consider any suggestions put forward by the representatives. 
‘Drop-in’ event rescheduled for 21st September 2012 and ‘public count’ on 5th October 2012 – It is planned to hold these two events in the Village Hall. Everyone is welcome.
English Rural Housing Association – possible outcomes from the ballot – A copy of an email from Alison Thompson had been circulated. Cllr Catford had requested information on the process that would be followed if the Council wished to go ahead with the proposed scheme. It was felt that the information provided did not answer this question and would be followed up again. Nomination for Opposition Representative – It was agreed to accept the nomination for Mr B Sketchley to be a representative.
Allotments and Recreation GroundWater Meter – A request was made to Southern Water to replace this. Some minor repair was undertaken by Southern Water. 
Paddock Footballs being kicked into Oak Lane – Members discussed issues being experienced by a resident in Oak Lane. PCSO Cork was following up these issues and was in contact with the resident. Members will meet to discuss possible ways of making the area unattractive to footballers. Some ideas are to plant trees or install fence posts in the end of the Paddock where footballers play.
Burial Ground and ChurchyardTree Related subsidence at 2 Horsham Lane – Members considered three quotes submitted for the removal of 16 x leylandi, 1 x ash and 1 x sycamore from the churchyard boundary wall with the garage. It was agreed to accept the quote from Lindsay & Co. Other tree works required - It was agreed to accept the quote from Lindsay & Co to trim the Yew Tree 3 metres from the Church. Rules and Regulations – Cllr Rossiter had circulated a discussion paper. The Chairman thanked Cllr Rossiter. The Clerk and Cllr Rossiter will update the rules and regulations to include the ideas in the discussion paper and present a draft at the next meeting. 
EnvironmentInternet speeds – Cllr Catford reported that Mr A Collier, Mr A Waterhouse and Cllr Arnold had offered to meet to discuss this further. Cllr Lewin also offered. Queens Diamond Jubilee – Members discussed the planting of the commemorative tree. Further investigations were needed, to see if a tree was available for the Council to use.
Highways  - Request to use Recreation Ground Car Park – Members considered this which a resident raised during public time. It was agreed to allow this request.
Opposition Representatives for the Local Needs Housing Sub-Group -  Mr A Waterhouse, Mr O’Neill and Mr R Higgs approached the Clerk after the meeting to put their name forward as representatives of opposition to local needs housing in Upchurch.
Next meetings – 6th September 2012 and 11th October 2012. Please note that the meetings are held in the Hall of Holywell School and start at 7:30pm.

Email:  Website:
Claire Attaway, Parish Clerk, 33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch. Tel: 01634 363906


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