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Sunday 3 February 2019

February News from Upchurch Horticultural Society - From the Potting Shed

Sponsored by Upchurch River Valley Golf Course Ltd

February is coming around and it is time to look to the garden again. It has been a mild winter so far with a recent bit of wintry weather and the spring bulbs are well on the way. Hopefully you managed to tidy your beds and borders in Autumn, if not it is worth removing the dead leaves and debris and giving the soil a gentle turnover with a hand fork to show the bulbs at their best as they come into flower. The 10th February is the earliest I have seen a crocus flower in my garden but this year the first one appeared on 25th January. Let’s hope that winter does not have a sting in the tail like last year

Make sure your Wisteria is pruned by now, cutting back summer side shoots to 2 or 3 buds. Prune back winter flowering shrubs and Cornus and prune summer flowering clematis by the end of the month. Ornamental grasses should be clipped back almost to ground level. Pansies and heathers should be dead headed and trimmed. Snowdrops can be transplanted “in the green” and Lily bulbs can go into containers.

Back in December I talked about Spray and Charm Chrysanthemums which could be overwintered in compost and left dormant. These can be watered and fed with a liquid fertiliser and later in the month take 3” basal cuttings from the base of the stems. These can be put in 3” pots with compost and sharp sand and the old stems placed on the compost.

Hopefully you have done well with your winter vegetables and personally I have had a good year for parsnips, which totally failed last year with no seed germination. If you did not get your broad beans in last November then February is the next best option. These should be ready for picking by July. Aguadulce Claudia is the best winter variety although I notice that DT Brown have a Super Agaudulce Claudia. Not too sure what is “super” about it, probably the extra cost, but will give it a go this year. Also it’s time to start chitting potatoes so collect a number of egg boxes and place the potatoes in a bright, cool, frost free place. Place well rotted compost or manure over your rhubarb and force them with a large pot if you wish. Leek and onion seed should be under way by now and if you intend to exhibit then remember the maxim “40 weeks from sow to show”. Serious exhibition growers start with “grass” where new growth has already occurred in the head and can be taken as cuttings, which provides an extra few weeks head start.

Normal leek seed on the left, “grass” on the right.
Next month is the start of it and we have the big push through to June to get the garden ready for the summer. The very thought of it is giving me a thirst.

We are always looking for new members and try to encourage a fun attitude towards friendly competition. So if you want to grow your own fruit, vegetables and flowers or even enter any of the 3 shows we hold each year, then please get in touch, we would be happy to hear from you.

If you are interested in becoming a new member, (all ages are welcome), please contact Rosey on: 01634 377812 (evenings) or Email:

Sean Barry - Upchurch Horticultural Society

Surgery Patient Participation Group - Upchurch & Rainham

Patient Participation Group

The PPG meets quarterly, in January, April, July and October. If you have any queries/observations you would like to be raised on your behalf, please contact the Chairman on: 01634 231585. The group next meets on Thursday 18th April 2019.

Group Committee 2019

Ray Kemsley - Chair
David Candy and Mrs Jackie Brown - Co-vice Chairs
Janice Bunting - Secretary
Gill Renshaw, David Kew, Rev Ron Partridge, Kathryn and Paul Rutson
Marian Richardson, Michelle Williamson - Surgery Representatives

Shingles Vaccinations

To check whether you are eligible to receive a Shingles vaccination, please log on to: Go to the 'search' box and enter ‘shingles eligibility’. Click on the 'calculator' box and enter your date of birth.


The Upchurch Surgery has now been equipped with a new defibrillator.

Patient Access

Why not register with Patient Access online to order your prescriptions and/or make appointments? Forms and details are available from reception.

Missed Appointments
The Problem Continues...

Across the 2 Surgeries a further 93 missed (ie not pre-cancelled) appointments were recorded in November/December. This brings the total for 2018 to a staggering 536.

It has been noticed that the majority of these relate to appointments with the Practice Nurses.

It is important that, if you have booked an appointment but subsequently find that you are unable to keep it, you please give the Surgery as much notice as possible by ringing: 01634 231423.

With an ever increasing demand for appointments, this will almost certainly allow your slot to be reallocated to another patient. This applies equally to Hospital appointments.

Please remember that, if you rebook an appointment online, this does not automatically cancel any earlier bookings.

Also, if you update Surgery records with your mobile phone number, you will receive a texted reminder just before your scheduled appointment is due.

Smear Tests

The Surgery urges all female patients between the ages of 25 and 70 to take up the offer of regular free smear tests. Eligible patients will normally receive a written invitation to partake of the test but, if you feel that you qualify but don’t receive such an invitation, please enquire at either Surgery.

If you have any questions or suggestions on the local practice, please Email:
Jan Bunting - Secretary: or 
Ray Kemsley - Chair:

Ray Kemsley
Chair - Surgery Patient Participation Group - Upchurch & Rainham

Saturday 2 February 2019

Upchurch Gabriel - Ham Green, Wetham Green, Susans Lane Areas

Unfortunately, the usual distributor for the above (and surrounding) areas is unable to carry out further deliveries of the Gabriel. I am therefore seeking a new distributor for the area. If you think you can help please contact me, details below. In the meantime, if you occupy one of the affected residences you may collect a copy from the Costcutter Newsagent in the village.

Please accept apologies for any inconvenience caused.


Many thanks

Dave Candy [Editor]
Tel: 01634 361040   07710 443948

Friday 1 February 2019

Beach Clean at Riverside Country Park

Join the Medway Swale Estuary Partnership for our monthly Beach Clean in the park on Wednesday 13th February, 9:30am - 11:30am.

Meet at Eastcourt Drive, on your right, just past the turning for Eastcourt Lane (if heading towards Gillingham). Limited parking will be available on-site or alternatively parking at the park's Visitor Centre (approx 10 minute walk).

All equipment provided, but please wear suitable clothing.

The Beach Cleans at Riverside are a monthly event and are open to all age groups. Everybody welcome.

Further information, Email: Tel: 07803 625496

Belinda Lamb
Guardians of the Deep Project Officer
Medway Swale Estuary Partnership
Riverside Country Park, Lower Rainham Road, Gillingham, Kent ME7 2XH
Guardians of The Deep:
Medway Swale Estuary Partnership:

UpARA - February 2019 Newsletter & Latest Schedule of Events

John Wishart - Chairman
Tel: 07971 511956

Sandy Tutt - Honorary Secretary
Tel: 01634 361516

Newington History Group

Spend an evening reviving memories or finding out about the past when Colin Harvey presents Kent Remembered at Newington History Group's meeting on Thursday, February 14th at 7:30pm.

Colin will show how mechanised farming, foreign travel and other events have helped to changed life in county. He'll stir memories of steam trains that brought holidaymakers to the coast and Cockneys who picked the hops and fruit.

The group, which meets on the second Thursday of the month in the Methodist Hall, Church Lane, seeks to unearth, preserve and promote the history of the village and neighbouring areas. Annual subscription is £15 and guests (£3) are welcome.

For more details contact:
Or call: 01795 842711
And follow the History Group on Twitter: @newingtonhg

Richard Thompstone - Newington History Group


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