Site establishment works for the development of 300 homes by Persimmon Homes South East are due to begin later this month on land at Otterham Quay Lane, Rainham.
Otterham Park, Rainham will be the largest development in neighbouring Rainham North Ward for many years, located close to the boundary of Upchurch in Swale.
Despite residents objections and the pleas of ward councillors over the loss of countryside and insufficient supporting infrastructure, road congestion and pollution, Medway Council’s planning committee supported the application by granting the developer permission in 2018, and to help the council meet central government house building targets.
A Section 106 Agreement requires the developer to contribute considerable sums toward the provision of local services and infrastructure improvements and to provide some affordable housing.
In a letter written to homeowners living near the former orchard in Otterham Quay Lane last week, Persimmon says work on the site will begin on Monday 16th November 2020.
Contractors will start initial groundworks which will include constructing access to the site, setting up a compound, undertaking earthworks, forming roads and installing drainage.
The developer has written that work will be carried out between the hours of 8:00am and 6:00pm Monday to Friday, and between 9:00am and 1:00pm on a Saturday, adding they will do all they can to keep any disruption to a minimum.
Upchurch Matters