This year's Annual Parish meeting is on Thursday, the 10th of April 2025, at 7:30pm in Upchurch Village Hall.
The meeting is an opportunity for residents to learn about local groups and activities in the Village.
If you would like to speak or read out a report, please contact the Clerk.
If you are unable to attend but would like a report read out on your behalf, please send it to the Clerk no later than the 8th of April 2025.
The parish council will once again present a community award to a resident or group that has made a significant contribution to our village community over a period of years.
We hope you can all attend and look forward to seeing you.
Nina Henley
Clerk and Proper Officer to Upchurch Parish Council
Tel: 07798 600696
Website: www.upchurchparishcouncil.gov.uk