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Saturday, 30 March 2024

The Rainbow Café at St Mary's Church

On the 2nd Thursday of each month.

The Rainbow Café at St Mary's Church opens its doors again on Thursday the 11th of April, between 2:00pm and 4:30pm.

We know this is the school holidays, but we will still be there. Come and join us.

As usual, we will be offering delicious cakes and savouries.

We will of course have our fantastic kids' snack deal - 5 items and a drink for £1. Where else would you get such wonderful value?

There will be crafts, a story for the children and a warm welcome for everyone.  

All of this helps us support 4 children in Uganda go to school and supply breakfast for a group of Ugandan children at their Saturday Club. How special is that? 

Gill Gay and the Rainbow Café Team

Swale Foodbank Collection - April

Swale Foodbank Collection

Thank you to everyone who came and donated food and other much needed items in March.

Again, you amazed us with your generosity!

We were also blessed by donations from Rainbows, Brownies and Guides. A big thank you to them and their leaders who organised it.

Sadly, as I said last month, foodbanks have had to advise those in receipt of parcels that they can now only visit the centres once a month.

There are now so many families using foodbanks that they can only keep up with the need by restricting use.

It's a very sad state of affairs.

But you, the lovely people of Upchurch, are doing more than your bit.

The 3rd is quite close to the bank holiday, but we will be there collecting your generous foodbank donations at the bus stop opposite the church again on Wednesday the 3rd of April, between 10:30am and 11:30am.

Please bring your items in carrier bags.

We will then deliver them to the Swale Foodbank Warehouse, part of the Trussell Trust.

All donations are helpful, providing the food is long life and well within date.

Thank you

May God bless you ❤️

Gill Gay - Foodbank Co-ordinator

Upchurch Players Presents The Sword in the Stone - Launch Night

Come to Upchurch Village Hall to find out how you can be involved, on or off the stage!

Kay Wright 
Secretary - Upchurch Players

Poolside Bar and Courtyard Anniversary Party Night with Marylebonejelly at Upchurch River Valley Golf Course

Upchurch River Valley Golf Course
Telephone: 01634 360626

Survey: Have Your Say on the NHS Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service (NEPTS)

Do you use the Patient Transport Service?

If the answer is yes, NHS Kent & Medway would like to hear from you!

The Non-emergency patient transport service is a planned transport service provided by the NHS to help take patients with a medical need for transport to and from hospitals and medical centres that provide NHS healthcare.

The current service is reaching the end of its contract and NHS Kent & Medway need as many views as possible to help shape and design a new service for the next provider.

Tell them what your experience of the service has been, what your views are of the service and how you feel that patient transport can be improved in Kent & Medway.

You can do this by completing the survey at >>

The survey closes on the 29th of April 2024.

They would also like you to join their Patients Panel. The panel will help commissioners to understand the service from a user’s point of view and to support the project team in choosing a new provider.

If you are interested in coming on this journey, please leave your details on the survey or alternatively contact Aby at:

Upchurch Matters

Commercial Property Broken Into - Upchurch

Hartlip, Newington & Upchurch Ward

Crime Number: 46/48758/24

On Tuesday the 26th of March between 08:50 and 09:10, somebody broke into a commercial property in Breach Lane, 

If you have any information that could help investigators, please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the relevant crime number above.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Community Messaging

Saturday, 23 March 2024

Poolside Bar Music Night with Hullabaloo at Upchurch River Valley Golf Course

Upchurch River Valley Golf Course
Telephone: 01634 360626

Temporary Road Closure - South Bush Lane, Upchurch

It will be necessary to close part of South Bush Lane, Upchurch from Wednesday 1st May 2024, with estimated completion by Tuesday 7th May 2024.

The road will be closed in the vicinity of number 10, to the extent indicated by signs and barriers on site.

The alternative route is via Meresborough Lane, Spade Lane, A2 London Road and vice versa.

Pedestrian access will be maintained during the works.

The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce while renewal works are undertaken by Southern Water.

For information regarding this closure, please contact Southern Water on: 0330 303 0368, who will be able to assist with the scope of these works.

KCC 24hr Contact Centre: 03000 418181

For details of roadworks, see:

Kent County Council - Highways, Transportation & Waste

Sunday, 17 March 2024

Upchurch Annual Parish Meeting

This year's Annual Parish meeting is on Thursday the 11th of April 2024, at 7:30pm in Upchurch Village Hall.

The meeting is an opportunity for residents to learn about local groups and activities in the Village.

If you would like to speak or read out a report, please contact the Clerk.

If you are unable to attend but would like a report read out on your behalf, please send it to the Clerk no later than the 9th of April 2024.

We hope you can all attend and look forward to seeing you in April.

Nina Henley
Clerk and Proper Officer to Upchurch Parish Council
Tel: 07798 600696

Nursery Days Spring Fayre

Nursery Days Spring Fayre

Saturday the 20th of April 

From 10:00am until 12:00pm

Come along and join the fun

At The Old School, The Street, Upchurch, ME9 7AJ

Telephone: 01634 376924

Poolside Bar & Courtyard Afternoon Tea at Upchurch River Valley Golf Course

Upchurch River Valley Golf Course
Telephone: 01634 360626

Upchurch Village Hall - AGM

Upchurch Village Hall Management Committee
Annual General Meeting

Wednesday 10th April 2024 at 7:00pm in the Main Hall

The Village Hall Management Committee is a group of volunteers who run the hall on behalf of the community. It is made up of representatives from the regular users of the hall along with village reps.

The groups currently with an opportunity to nominate 2 reps each are the Parish Council, PCC, WI, Players, Bowls and UpARA.

At present, not all of these groups are part of the Hall Committee, and we hope to see this change at the AGM because we want all regular users to have a say in how the hall is run and to help shape its future. 

The AGM is open to all as an opportunity for residents to find out what's been happening in the hall, what plans are being made, and to ask any questions.

Thank you

Upchurch Village Hall Management Committee

Van Broken Into - Upchurch

Hartlip, Newington & Upchurch Ward

Crime Number: 46/40543/24

Between 23:28 on Tuesday the 12th of March and 00:28 on Wednesday the 13th of March, somebody broke into a Ford Transit Connect van parked in Chaffes Lane, 

If you have any information that could help investigators, please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the relevant crime number above.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Community Messaging

The Church Clock

There is currently a mechanical problem with the motor on the Church Clock, which means there are no chimes.

Upchurch Parish Council is aware and has called the engineer to resolve the fault ASAP so the village will hear the chimes again in due course.

Upchurch Parish Council

Sunday, 10 March 2024

Safer Streets - Free Online Bystander Training Sessions

As part of the Safer Streets Project for Folkestone and Swale, online bystander training has been organised to help equip residents with the skills to intervene and prevent harmful situations.

If you would like to join one of the free interactive online coaching sessions, please scan the Eventbrite QR code links in the poster to register.

Funding for the campaign came after Swale, through the Community Safety Partnership, worked with the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner to successfully bid for the additional resources.

Upchurch Matters

Friday, 8 March 2024

St Mary's Church Fundraising Sale

Saturday 9h March between 10:00am - 11:30am

Homemade Cakes, Jams, Pickles, Scones and Savouries

Also Puzzles, Books, Bric-à-brac and sometimes Plants

Something for everyone!


Please help support this ancient building - Thank you

🍰 🍓 🧩 📚 🎨 🪴 ☕️ ➕

Upchurch Matters

Tuesday, 5 March 2024


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