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Wednesday, 2 August 2023

Upchurch Poppy Appeal - 2023

Remembrance Sunday will be on the 12th of November this year, with the Poppy Appeal taking place in the preceding two weeks.

This annual act is a National opportunity to remember the service and sacrifice of all those that have defended our freedoms and protected our way of life. We will remember the Armed Forces, and their families, from Britain and the Commonwealth, the vital role played by the emergency services and those who have lost their lives as a result of conflict or terrorism.

The Royal British Legion is the country’s largest Armed Forces charity which provides support from day one of service and continues through life, long after service is over. From providing expert advice and guidance to recovery and rehabilitation, through to transitioning to civilian life. It’s not just the members of the Armed Forces, but their families too.

This year's Appeal will see the introduction of an all paper poppy, which will eventually replace the current poppy.

I am beginning the planning for the Upchurch Appeal, which this year is from Saturday the 29th of October to Saturday the 11th of November, by forming a team of the house-to-house collectors allocated to specific areas so that the whole Parish is contacted.

I know at this stage that I shall require volunteers for Butchers Green, Drakes Close, Eastwood Meadow, Forge Lane, Kent Terrace, and Pear Tree Grove - if you would be willing to give up to two hours of your time on one day during the appeal, to collect in one or more of these areas, please contact me. For new collectors, I will provide all the support and assistance you need leaving you only the task of seeking donations in your allocated areas.

If you have any special orders for Poppy Appeal items, please contact me.

Also, I would welcome help with organising the Upchurch Appeal with a view “to learning the ropes” and taking over in 2024. This will be my last year as organiser of the Upchurch Appeal, which I have been associated with for 30 years.


Hon. Alderman Gerry Lewin - Poppy Appeal Organiser 
Telephone: 01634 366113 - 07946 996789


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