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Saturday, 15 July 2023

Upchurch Parish Council Report - June 2023

Report of the Parish Council June 2023


I. 23/502292/FULL Yentik Poot Lane. Demolition of existing garage and erection of annexe.
UPC has no objections but ask for neighbour’s comments to be taken into consideration.

II. 23/502249/FULL 1 Webb Cottages, Poot Lane Garage conversion to habitable room.
UPC has no objections but ask for neighbour’s comments to be taken into consideration.

III. 23/501613/FULL Land to east of Orchard House London Road Erection of 1 3 bed dwelling.
UPC has no objections but ask for neighbour’s comments to be taken into consideration.

IV. 23/502056/OUT land next to 113 Chaffes Lane outline application for 4 detached and 4 semi-detached dwellings.
It was noted that on the planning portal, there were 11 resident’s comments 4 in support and 7 against. Following comments on social media Cllr Rosewell urged residents to put their comments on the SBC planning portal
Cllr Lewin prepared a proposed response to the application.

Upchurch Parish Council Reporting

I. General Purpose and Planning Committee

Next meeting 14th June 2023 will be cancelled due to the Chair and Clerk being unavailable.

II. Paddock and Recreation Ground

(a) Email from Park Regis FC requesting use of the Recreation Ground.
Concerns regarding the timetable as UPC has agreed to Upchurch Colts use of the ground. It was proposed by Cllr Horton and seconded by Cllr Ripley to refuse this application.

(b) Woodland Trail - Bat Boxes.
It was reported approved contractor for fitting Bat Boxes was on holiday date for fitting to be confirmed.

(c) Repairs to the car park/scout hut access road.
Clerk reported that she contacted landowner and UPC can go ahead with repairs. One quote has been received Clerk to obtain 2 more.

III. Burial Ground and Churchyard

(a) Cllr Denny reported the Burial Ground not been cut and looked untidy.
Clerk has reported this to contractor has confirmed this is due to be actioned next week. Clerk reported a timetable of works had been requested so residents are aware of when work will be completed.

IV. Highways and Street Lighting

(a) Cllr Horton reported meeting with KCC 5th June 2023 to discuss Highways Plan.

(b) EDF it was reported that the situation regarding the billing had been resolved and that now the electricity usage had been rebilled. 
UPC has a large credit on the account. The project is now completed for the residents.

V. Footpaths

(a) Cllr Denny reported path ZR12 overgrown.
Clerk reported to PRoW.

(b) Cllr Rosewell reported that he had been contacted regarding the footpath between Otterham Quay Lane to Tranquillity overgrown vegetation.
Clerk to report.

(c) Cllr Sheppard reported the bus stop at Wallbridge Lane overgrown.
Clerk to report.

VI. Environment

(a) Planters / Barrier Baskets.
Clerk reported the flowers will be planted in the next two weeks.

VII. Village Hall - No Updates


(a) Request to complete membership survey.
Clerk reported this was completed.

(b) Request for representatives to Swale Area Committee.
No UPC members available.

IX. Allotments

(a) Clerk reported that two plots had been allocated to new plot holders.
Clerk to go to waiting list for possible 2 further new plots.

(b) Repairs to fence.
Clerk reported waiting for 2 more quotes, one received.
Update at next meeting.

X. Village Defibrillators

Cllr Sheppard will present report on options for Defib upgrades at next meeting.

Finance Reporting

I. Financial review - bank statement and reconciliation were received signed by Cllr Lewin.

II. Cheques received - £325.00 burial.

III. Cheques for approval litter picker: £32.70.

IV. Schedule of payments for approval:

All Payments agreed.
Proposed by Cllr Horton seconded by Cllr Lewin.
Members resolved to approve the schedule of payments.

Annual Return

It was resolved to approve the dates for the exercise of public rights. 
Monday 12th June - Friday 21st July 2023.
Proposed by Cllr Horton Seconded Cllr Lewin.

Clerk Updates

I. Upchurch policies and documentation.
Clerk reported all documents approved at Annual Meeting updated on website.

II. Update on grant application.
Clerk reported decision date 14th June 2023.

Items to be considered for inclusion on the next Full Council agenda

Cllr Boakes Defib Fundraising.
Quarterly Budget Figures.
Update on Highways Improvement Plan.
Cllr Sheppard Defib Report.
Annual Clock Maintenance.
Members resolved to approve the dates of the next meetings.

Nina Henley
Clerk and Proper Officer to Upchurch Parish Council
Tel: 07798 600696


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