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Thursday, 29 June 2023

Medway Council Pledges Support for Local Businesses

Medway Council has pledged its commitment to continue to support businesses across Medway.

The Leader of Medway Council, Cllr Vince Maple, signed the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) Local Leadership pledge on Tuesday 27th June 2023. 

The pledge sets out how local authorities can help small businesses and people who are self-employed to continue to grow, prosper and create new jobs.

It includes engaging with small businesses and ensuring business groups are aware of local consultations, visiting them more frequently and having a dedicated councillor to act as a business champion and an officer to act as a dedicated point of contact for businesses.

Medway Council has also pledged to support businesses, particularly in Medway’s town centres, that wish to look into the feasibility of introducing business improvement districts, encourage pop-up shops and ensure the sensitivities, challenges and opportunities for small businesses are captured in future town centre and tourism strategies.

The council will also continue to ensure business support is accessible to all small businesses which need it and consider what support it can offer businesses that are just starting up.

Medway Council currently offers a range of support to businesses including start-up workshops, scale-up programmes, grants and support for High Street businesses to go digital. The council also sponsors the Medway Business Awards.

Leader of Medway Council, Cllr Vince Maple, said:

“I was delighted to sign the Federation of Small Businesses’ Local Leadership pledge. As part of our 100-day plan, we said we would increase the support the Medway’s small and medium businesses and signing the pledge demonstrates our commitment to supporting our local businesses.”

Cllr Lauren Edwards, Medway Council’s Portfolio Holder for Economic and Social Regeneration and Inward Investment, said:

“Medway is home to more than 14,000 businesses and more than 90 per cent are small businesses. We will do everything we can to help businesses through tough economic times, as well as support start-up businesses and those looking to grow. We recognise that a supportive business environment is key to Medway’s economic regeneration, particularly in its town centres, and are committed to delivering it.”

Tim Aker, Development Manager for the Federation of Small Businesses in Kent and Medway, said:

“On behalf of the Federation of Small Business, we are extremely pleased that Medway Council has signed the FSB Local Leadership pledge. This demonstrates Medway Council’s commitment to its small businesses and highlights the importance of supporting small businesses in the largest unitary authority in the south-east.”

To find out more about the support on offer for businesses across Medway, visit:

Medway Council


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