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Sunday, 1 January 2023

UpARA Newsletter - January 2023

Happy New Year, UpARA members,

You will notice… that we have an added session this month, the 20th of January, which is intended to be a cross between a coffee morning and a monthly meeting. We have a talk around 2:00pm on the History of Upchurch from Elspeth. Join us and bring your friends, doors will be open from 1:00pm. Please also let us know if you can help in the kitchen or in any other way. This would be greatly appreciated; we can only run our sessions and activities with your support.

We have another one planned for the 24th of March which will include a mature drivers presentation (we all know we are great drivers, but it doesn’t hurt to be reminded of the basics every now and then!).

Just prior to our first lockdown… you will remember that we had several UpARA t-shirts produced. Lockdown somewhat hampered our sales, and we still have a few left in various sizes. These are ideal if you partake in any of our activities and are a snip at just £15! If you would like to purchase, please Email us, or see a committee member at one of our meetings.

Membership renewals… are due at the end of February, after which there will be a one-month grace period for payments. If anyone is not intending to renew for the next year, please let us know so we can offer your place to others. Further details to follow.

The Thoughts of Chairman John

Hi everyone,

Another year has gone (where did that go?), and good wishes to all for a happy and peaceful 2023.

December was quite a month with our Salute to Christmas trip to the Inn on the Lake and our Christmas Party (the first for three years!) with great entertainment from Leyton and meal/service etc from the social committee and helpers.

A big thank you also to Elspeth who stepped in after our planned speaker had to cancel, and gave us a very insightful update on what’s been happening at Smile Malawi since first visiting us in 2014.

A big thank you to Upchurch's Co-op who were extremely helpful to us in providing a great Christmas Party on December the 16th. 

Buddy and Llandudno payments… Anyone who has reserved a place to see Buddy at the Marlowe on the 11th of April, payment in full is due by or at the January meeting on January the 20th. Likewise, deposits for those who have reserved a place for the Holly & Mistletoe Holiday in November to Llandudno is also due. Please see Malcolm or Brenda if you wish to go or to be put on the reserve lists.


John W

2023 Speakers

Please remember that there is now a £1 entrance fee at our Friday meetings,
to help cover our costs.

January Calendar

Tuesday, January 3rd at 9:30am - Christmas Coffee Morning and Art

Tuesday, January 3rd at 2:00pm - Table Tennis

Friday, January 6th at 10:00am - Village Walk 

Mondays January 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th at 10:00am - Short Tennis

Monday, January 9th at 2:00pm - Kurling

Wednesday’s January 11th, 18th, 25th at 10:15am - Line Dancing

Friday, January 13th at 2:00pm - Monthly Meeting
Melanie Gibson-Barton, ‘Eva Braun, Victim or Contriver’

Tuesday, January 10th at 10:00am - Ten Pin Bowling

Tuesday, January 17th at 1:00pm - Petanque

Friday, January 20th at 
10:00am - Village Walk

Friday, January 20th from 1:00pm onwards - Winter Warmer Social Afternoon
With quizzes, coffee, and a talk on the History of Upchurch

Tuesday, January 24th at 9:30am - Christmas Coffee Morning and Art

Tuesday, January 24th at 2:00pm - Table Tennis

Hopefully, see you all soon - your UpARA Committee.


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