Hello UpARA members,
Our fundraising support for 2022/23
The committee have chosen the Church Bell Tower Restoration Fund as the project to support for UpARA this year.
It is an important project for Upchurch, basically, the roof and internal floors of the bell tower are in a very poor state and will become dangerous if not attended to soon. Bats and birds have got in and made a dreadful mess and the bells are no longer usable. The roof needs to be waterproofed and re-timbered as necessary, and the timber floors need to be replaced completely.
The estimate for works is currently £50,000, and the project is being led by one of our members, Elspeth.
We hope that everyone will assist in our efforts to support this project, more details to follow...
Hi everyone,
It could only happen to UpARA, to go on a Mystery Coach Trip on the hottest day ever recorded! The mystery was a little less when we drove down the M23, with Brighton as the destination; unbeknown at the time, the temperature in Brighton was 4 degrees less than that of Upchurch, and a refreshing sea breeze as a bonus, - a thoroughly enjoyable day, thanks once again to Malcolm and Brenda.
Bryn has mentioned our charity for the next year. As you know, we are quite good at raising money for charity, our last being the Village Hall refurbishment and the defibrillator, and just recently, a one-off fundraising day for the DEC Ukraine Appeal. Now we have returned much closer to home, (you can't get much closer to our meetings than the Church!). All our good wishes to Elspeth and we look forward to helping her with her latest project.
Finally, after a slow start, the Evening Boules seems to have "Taken Off" literally, although any purist would probably despair at our skills, but more to the point everyone had an enjoyable evening, which is the philosophy of all ARA's.
By the time you read this, our hardy walkers will (might!) have completed the Crab and Winkle walk from Canterbury to Whitstable, the August walk will retrace the boat trip we did in 2015 from Little Venice along the Regents Canal in hearing distance of the Zoo, and underneath the aviary.
John W
Please note that our September monthly meeting will be held on the 3rd Friday of the month, September 16th, and not the second Friday that we normally hold it.
Mondays August 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd at 10:00am - Short Tennis
Hopefully, see you all soon - your UpARA Committee.
Email: uparaupchurch@gmail.com