Your gracious giving continues to be amazing!
Warehouse Coordinator, Richard Divers just about had room in his 7-seater for all your gifts. We filled the back of his car - seats flat - and the front passenger seat and footwell.
You certainly have taken those struggling to heart. At our prayers yesterday, after A Cuppa and a Chat, I prayed that God would really bless the food and other items, so that those whose lives are so challenged at the moment would be refreshed by your gifts.
We will be collecting your foodbank donations again, this time, at the front of 14 Oak Lane, Upchurch on Wednesday the 10th of August between 10:30am and 11:30am.
Thank you so much - Bless you, all 😊
Gill Gay - Foodbank Co-ordinator
Thank you so much - Bless you, all 😊
Gill Gay - Foodbank Co-ordinator