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Thursday, 28 April 2022

Mental Health Awareness Week - Lift Someone out of Loneliness

Mental Health Awareness Week
9th - 15th May 2022

Mental Health Awareness Week is the annual event run by the Mental Health Foundation that focuses on improving good mental health across the nation.

This year, the week will run from 9th - 15th May 2022, with the theme of exploring the impact of loneliness and how we can tackle it.

This follows recent research that showed many people have increasingly been suffering from feelings of loneliness which has led to harmful consequences. They also discovered an increased demand from the public for loneliness to be addressed as a serious topic requiring urgent action.

Feeling lonely is something that all of us can experience at any point and can have a huge impact on our wellbeing.

Sometimes admitting we feel lonely can be hard but it’s important to remember that many others experience feelings of loneliness too, and that this feeling can pass.

This Mental Health Awareness Week, people are being encouraged to reach out to others to help someone who may be feeling lonely, which might in turn help you feel less lonely too.


Find more support and advice for ways to lift someone out of loneliness on the Every Mind Matters - Loneliness webpage

This Mental Health Awareness Week, search Every Mind Matters for more support and advice for ways to lift someone out of loneliness.

Take the Mind Plan quiz to get a personalised mental health action plan with practical tips to help you deal with stress, anxiety, low mood and trouble sleeping. Plus advice on how to cope with feelings of loneliness.

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport in partnership with the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities will continue to encourage people to ‘Lift Someone Out of Loneliness’ as part of the Better Health - Every Mind Matters campaign.

Office for Health Improvement and Disparities


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