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Monday, 14 March 2022

Upchurch Parish Council Report - March 2022

Report of the Parish Council March 2022

Cllr Tyrone Ripley (Chairman), Cllr Pam Denny (Vice Chairman), Cllr Ernie Berntsen, Cllr Helen Boakes, Cllr John Bodycomb, Cllr Alan Horton, Cllr Gerry Lewin, Cllr Gary Rosewell and Cllr Neil Sheppard. Clerk Mrs Wendy Licence.

Great British Spring Clean

The Great British Spring Clean is on 25th March - 10th April 2022 and the Council will take part in the initiative again. Residents and groups are urged to help with the annual litter pick, please contact the Clerk for further details:



i. Ref: 21/506474/FULL Address: Burntwick The Street Upchurch Sittingbourne ME9 7EU

Proposal: Erection of 2no. four bedroom detached dwellings and 2no. detached garages, with associated front canopy, fencing, gates, access and parking.

Councillors considered the comments raised and also those on the Planning Portal. It was noted that there were four neutral comments, one comment in support and fourteen objections to the proposal. It was agreed that the Council should bolster the elements of concern raised by residents regarding overlooking, loss of light and the ridge height.  

The Council has been informed that revised plans have been submitted.


ii. Ref: 21/506637/FULL Address: 16 Horsham Lane Upchurch Sittingbourne Kent ME9 7AN

Proposal: Erection of a first floor extension over existing converted garage and alterations to fenestration.

Application had been permitted.


iii. Ref: 22/500037/LAWPRO Address: 8 The Poles Upchurch Sittingbourne Kent ME9 7EX

Proposal: Lawful Development Certificate for a single storey side extension for a WC and wash basin

Councillors noted the application.


iv. Ref: 22/500648/SUB Address: Starborne Oak Lane Upchurch Sittingbourne ME9 7BB

Proposal: Submission of Details to Discharge Condition 12 (External Lighting) of planning permission 20/503568/FULL.

Councillors noted the application.


v. Ref: 22/500658/TPOA Address: 18 Bradshaw Close Upchurch Sittingbourne ME9 7BW

Proposal: Works to Trees covered by a TPO T1 Oak - Reduce height to 12m - 15m and reduce canopy to 6m - 8m spread.

Councillors fully supported this application.


vi. Ref: 21/503136/ADV Appeal Ref: APP/V2255/Z/21/3282811 Address: Suzuki (Medway) Rainham, London Road, Rainham ME8 8PT

Proposal: Advertisement consent for 1no. internally illuminated folded aluminium freestanding double sided 'Suzuki' totem sign, 2no. internally illuminated folded aluminium 'Suzuki Medway' fascia signs, 1no. non illuminated folded aluminium freestanding single sided 'Welcome' totem sign, and 2no. non illuminated free standing directional signs.

Upchurch Parish Council objected to the application because it was not in the built-up area and Hartlip Parish Council objected on the grounds of light pollution in a rural area.

Councillors agreed to inform the Planning Inspector that they are fully supportive of the views of Hartlip Parish Council.



The Precept for a Band D property has decreased by 20.5%.


Recreation Ground and Paddock

The grant funding applications for a Woodland Trail in The Paddock has been successful. The first contribution for this project was from the Queenborough Fishery Trust and Swale Borough Council Western Area Committee has agreed to fund the balance. The Council is seeking funding for further equipment in The Paddock.


The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations 2022

The Council has been awarded £500 towards the cost of celebrations for the Jubilee. The Upchurch beacon will be lit on Thursday 2nd June. There will be food and drinks stalls at the Recreation Ground during the evening. A piper will play at 9:35pm, a bugler will play a unique Bugle Call at 9:40pm and the beacon will be lit at 9:45pm. On Sunday 5thJune, street parties are being encouraged and where residents are unable to have a party in their road, they will be permitted to use the Recreation Ground, please contact the Clerk for full details:

Date of next meetings:

Full Council - Thursday 7th April at 7:30pm in Upchurch Village Hall.

The Planning Committee and General Purposes Committee - Wednesday 20th April at 7:30pm in the Small Hall of the Village Hall.

The Annual Parish Meeting will be on 28th April in Upchurch Village Hall.


All residents are welcome to attend the meetings and there is a time for members of the public to comment, raise concerns or ask questions.


To help keep loved ones safe, please DO NOT attend the meeting if you have had any known contact with COVID-19 in the previous 14 days or have experienced symptoms. Questions and comments can be sent to the Clerk to be raised at the meeting. 

Wendy Licence - Clerk to the Parish Council


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