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Friday, 14 January 2022

Upchurch Parish Council Report - January 2022

Report of the Parish Council January 2022

Cllr Tyrone Ripley (Chairman), Cllr Pam Denny (Vice Chairman), Cllr Ernie Berntsen, Cllr Helen Boakes, Cllr John Bodycomb, Cllr Alan Horton, Cllr Gerry Lewin, Cllr Gary Rosewell and Cllr Neil Sheppard. Clerk Mrs Wendy Licence.

Changes to the Parish Council

The Parish Council has co-opted Mrs Helen Boakes to the Council. Cllr Pam Denny has been appointed as Vice Chairman.


Lorraine Holmes is Upchurch’s new PCSO as John Cork has changed areas. Lorraine can be contacted on: 07970 458 645 or by Email:

In an emergency, please call 999.


Councillors have set a budget of £53,754 for the next financial year. The Precept was set at £36,814 making a reduction of £9.21 for a Band D property to £35.72 per annum. Swale Borough Council was going to remove the lighting grant from Parishes but thanks to the support of the Ward Members, Cllr Alan Horton and Cllr Richard Palmer, this has been overturned and the Council will still get the grant.


Ref: 21/506248/FULL Address: Court Lodge Breach Lane Upchurch Sittingbourne ME9 7PH

Proposal: Retrospective change of use from residential property to mixed use as a residential dwelling and dog breeding business.

Councillors considered the application and agreed they had no objections to the proposal but would like neighbours’ comments to be taken into due consideration.


Ref: 21/506082/FULL Address: 2 Marstan Close Upchurch Sittingbourne Kent ME9 7BJ

Proposal: Erection of a single storey side and rear wrap around extension with flat roof to rear and pitch roof to side.

Councillors considered the application and had no objections to the proposal save the views of neighbours be given due consideration.

Ref: 21/505502/FULL Address: 15 Horsham Lane Upchurch Sittingbourne Kent ME9 7AN

Proposal: Demolition of rear conservatory. Erection of part single, part two storey side and rear extension. Creation of first floor including alterations to roof, insertion of front and rear dormers and front rooflights. Alteration to front garden, boundary wall and access.

Councillors considered the application and sympathised with the views of the objectors. Further information was needed regarding the right to light and the amenity space.


Ref: 21/506357/FULL Address: 116 Oak Lane Upchurch Kent ME9 7AY

Proposal: Proposed 1 year temporary permission for 2no. detached garages for use as residential accommodation during then construction of 2no. new dwellings, previously approved under application 20/505179/FULL.

Councillors considered the application and agreed unanimously to object to the proposal.

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations 2022

Plans for the celebrations are progressing well. On Thursday 2nd June a Piper will play Diu Regnare at 9:35pm and the Queen’s pageant master has asked that a bugler or cornet player should play the unique Bugle Call - ‘Majesty,’ at 9:40pm. 

There has been a Commonwealth-wide Song Competition since 2nd June last year, with the winning song being sung by choirs large and small, from individual locations of their choice within their local communities, including Beacon sites where possible, as the Beacons are lit at 9:45pm.

The Council has a piper for the ceremony and is looking for a bugle or cornet player to play the Bugle Call just before the lighting of the beacon. If you or anyone you might know could help the Council with this, please contact the Clerk, Wendy Licence 01622 739324 or Email:

Santa's Visit

Reluctantly the Council had to cancel the visit from Santa due to the pandemic. Councillors were pleased to hear that Santa did manage to visit children in the village on Christmas Eve as usual. A new date has been fixed for 10th December 2022.

Date of next meetings:

Full Council - Thursday 3rd February at 7:30pm in Upchurch Village Hall.

The Planning Committee and General Purposes Committee - Wednesday 16th February at 7:30pm in the Small Hall of the Village Hall.


All residents are welcome to attend the meetings and there is a time for members of the public to comment, raise concerns or ask questions.


To help keep loved ones safe, please DO NOT attend the meeting if you have had any known contact with COVID-19 in the previous 14 days or have experienced symptoms. Questions and comments can be sent to the Clerk to be raised at the meeting.

Wendy Licence - Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01622 739324


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