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Friday, 5 November 2021

Appeal to Build New Homes and Public Spaces at Pump Lane, Rainham Dismissed

Appeal dismissed

The Secretary of State and Planning Inspectorate has dismissed an appeal by AC Goatham & Son challenging Medway Councils refusal to grant outline planning permission for significant redevelopment on land they own at Pump Lane, Rainham.

The appeal was dismissed on the grounds of:

Highways - severe impact and substantial harm
 Landscape harm - significant weight
 Heritage harm - significant weight but as less than substantial harm
 Loss of grade 1 agricultural land

Medway Council was further awarded partial legal costs to be paid by the applicant after the council spent £250,000 defending its refusal during the appeal process, which was held virtually between February and April 2021.

Cllr Jane Chitty, Medway Council’s Portfolio Holder for Planning, Economic Growth and Regulation, said:

“I acknowledge that the Secretary of State has dismissed the appeal to build around 1,250 houses in Pump Lane. Our Planning Committee initially refused the planning application due to a number of concerns, including the severe impact the development would have on local roads, and I am sure they are pleased that the Planning Inspector and Secretary of State have upheld their decision.”

The plans

The controversial plan to build on working orchards in neighbouring Rainham North ward met with significant opposition, including protests and a long campaign from residents, Medway Councillors and the constituency MP, all of which fought to protect the valued farmland.

The site is located south of Lower Rainham Road, centred upon Pump Lane and extending, in part to Lower Bloors Lane to the east and Lower Twydall Lane to the west. The southern most boundary is formed of the railway. The site is currently used as commercial fruit orchards.

The proposals were for a residential development of up to 1,250 homes with landscaped areas, open spaces and other community benefits. It was proposed that at the heart of the development there would be a village green that would integrate with existing pedestrian routes. A new primary school with playing fields was planned for space at the rear of the existing houses on Lower Rainham Road.

Access to the development would have been from Lower Rainham Road and Pump Lane.

Refusal and appeal

Medway Council refused the outline planning application in June 2020.

AC Goatham & Son later lodged an appeal with the Planning Inspectorate in October 2020, challenging the council's decision.

Outline planning application MC/19/1566, including both Medway Councils letter of refusal, and the Secretary of States letter of dismissal, can be viewed at:

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