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Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Thank You from Upchurch Village Hall - Upchurch Afternoon Tea

Upchurch Afternoon Tea.

As part of the full re-opening of the Village Hall, the Management Committee held an open to all Afternoon Tea, on August 21st, to thank the residents and organisations of Upchurch for supporting us prior to and during the Covid-19 closure. During that closure, a significant amount of work was commissioned on refreshing the hall ceiling, floor, electrics, and fire systems.

Free tea and slices of cake were offered [and superbly prepared by members of the Upchurch WI] enabling those who attended to sit and talk to friends without disruption. Also present were many village organisations signing up new members or raising funds for their causes plus a chance to tell others their plans. In fact a chance for us all to reconnect with each other again in the life of this village.

Thanks to the following organisations, who are all from Upchurch, for attending - Book Art [trade stand], Bug & Beagle Books [trade stand], The Choral Society, the Friends of St Mary, the Guides, the Horticultural Society, Mr Fizz the Magician, “Old School Afternoon Tea” [trade stand], the Players, The Royal British Legion, the Scouts, “Smile Malawi”, St Mary’s Church, UpARA, the Women’s Institute and “Wooden Crafts” [trade stand]. There was no charge to any of the stall holders.

The feedback about the event was very positive on the day from attendees and stall holders. The Committee received many plaudits about the work on the hall.

Upchurch WI.

The Committee especially wishes to express its gratitude to the Upchurch WI whose contribution on the day was outstanding. The cakes that you ate were all made and donated at no charge by the WI members - in recognition of this the UVH committee has made a goodly donation to Upchurch WI funds.

David Steward - Chairman UVH


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