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Monday, 17 May 2021

Thank You from Upchurch Village Hall - Upchurch Afternoon Tea

Upchurch Afternoon Tea - August 21st

Covid-19 all but closed the Village Hall for use since April 2020. On the 17th May this year all of us began Step 3 of the Roadmap and by June 21st we can all start to begin leading normal lives. In consequence, the Village Hall is re-opening up to its regular users and other hirers as the Roadmap allows.

During the prolonged closure, a lot has been achieved by the Village Hall with Phase One [“The Refurbishment Project”] completed. In the lead up to Covid-19, many residents had been supporting fundraising and the Village Hall was applying for grants to pay for the works.

By April 2020 sufficient funds had been raised or pledged to enable all phases of the project to be completed and a courageous decision was made to commission work for all phases which meant that the hall would be closed for use until October 2020 at least. As it turned out the Covid-19 lockdown became a reason why the hall had to be closed during this time and the second lockdown also kept the hall closed despite it being ready for use.

As part of the current re-opening of the Village Hall, we would like to take the opportunity to say “thank you” to the residents and organisations of Upchurch for supporting us prior to and during the closure. To which end on the afternoon of Saturday, August 21st we shall be inviting you to accept our afternoon tea [with the Upchurch WI in the kitchen] from 3:00pm - 5:00pm when you will be able to chat and talk to friends without being subjected to speeches or a “programme”.

If any village voluntary organisation would like to set up a stand [free of charge] then they will be welcome. There will be an opportunity for a limited number of trade stands for local businesses. 

All stands will need to be booked in advance so please show your early interest by contacting Gerry Lewin 01634 366113 / 07946 996789.

We look forward to the pleasure of your company.

David G Steward - Chairman UVH


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