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Saturday, 30 January 2021

NHS Kent and Medway CCG - Community Bulletin

Covid-19 vaccine update

Covid-19 vaccines services are running across Kent and Medway with more than 50 locations where people are being vaccinated.

As of 24th January 2021, 195,252 vaccines had been given in the county and thousands more are being delivered each day.

We are adding a weekly update to our website on Thursday afternoons. Read the latest

You’ll find links to our main vaccination page and frequently asked questions.

Please remember, you will be contacted when it is your time to get the vaccine.

Please do not phone GP surgeries, the CCG, or other NHS services with queries about when you will be able to get the vaccine.

Covid-19 vaccine scam alerts

Please watch out for fraudulent calls and text messages offering the Covid-19 vaccination
The fake text message (pictured above) takes you through to a bogus website that does appear to look like a genuine NHS site which asks for your banking details.

We would like to remind everyone the vaccine is only available from the NHS, there is no cost and eligible people will be contacted directly when it is their turn.

Please let friends and family know.

Could you be a plasma donor?

NHS Blood and Transplant is looking for anyone aged 17 years and older who has had Covid-19, particularly those who have been seriously ill and recovered, to donate blood plasma.

People from Black, Asian and ethnic minority communities are particularly encouraged to donate.

A new pop-up plasma donor centre has opened in Ashford and is based at County Square in Elwick Road.

You can find out more on the NHSBT website

New patient belongings drop off service at Medway Maritime Hospital

Medway Foundation Trust has launched a new service to enable patients to receive belongings from their loved ones while they are staying at Medway Maritime Hospital. Find out more

Read the full bulletin at >>

NHS Kent and Medway Clinical Commissioning Group


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