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Saturday, 15 February 2020

Upchurch Parish Council Report - February 2020

Report of the Parish Council February 2020

Cllr Tyrone Ripley (Chairman), Cllr John Arnold (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Pam Denny, Cllr Alan Horton, Cllr Gerry Lewin, Cllr Peter Masson, Cllr Janet Marshall, Cllr Gary Rosewell and Cllr Neil Sheppard. Clerk Mrs Wendy Licence.

Ref: 19/506093/FULL Address: Ebenezer Chapel Halstow Lane Upchurch ME9 7AA
Proposal: Conversion of existing vacant building to 4no. two bedroom and 1no. one bedroom flats over three floors, including car parking for 6no. cars, bike and bin stores. Demolition of existing boiler room and stores. 
Councillors considered the application and the objections of the neighbours. Concerns were raised as to whether there were sufficient parking spaces and also with regards to the visibility splay as the information from KCC Highways was insufficient. The concerns of the neighbours need to be addressed. 
Councillors agreed to support the application subject to neighbours’ views being taken into account and that KCC Highways looks at the access and egress point which is on a bend on a narrow road.

Ref: 19/506127/FULL Address: Starborne Oak Lane Upchurch ME9 7BB
Proposal: Demolition of the existing bungalow and 2no. outbuildings, and erection of a replacement four bedroom family home with attached garage.
Councillors considered the application and agreed to support the proposal.

Ref: 19/506175/LAWPRO Address: 10 Woodruff Close Upchurch ME8 7XQ
Proposal: Lawful Development Certificate for proposed loft conversion.
Councillors noted the application.

Ref: 19/506300/FULL Address: 96 Chaffes Lane Upchurch ME9 7BH
Proposal: Demolition of existing outbuilding and construction of single storey single person annexe for use ancillary to main house.
Councillors considered the application and in the absence of any justification for need for this dwelling, agreed to object in principle to the proposal.

Ref: 20/500014/FULL Address: Former Greens Garage Site London Road Upchurch ME9 8PT
Proposal: Change of use of the vacant car sales premises to a Sui Generis use as an office and yard for a gas mains engineering contractor and the hard surfacing of a currently open part of the site as yard space.
Councillors considered the proposal and noted that there are two dwellings near the site.  The business operates twenty-four hours a day and there may need to be restrictions regarding the operation. The Parish Council has asked if the hours of operation will take into account the two residential dwellings near the site.

Paddock and Recreation Ground 
The No Dog Fouling sign is missing from The Paddock and the Community Warden is obtaining another sign from Swale Borough Council. 
The Paddock and Recreation Ground hedges have been cut back and the bush on the Oak Lane side of the Recreation Ground has been removed.
Councillors have agreed to a request for a memorial bench in The Paddock.

Street Lighting
The contractor has agreed to honour the tender submitted a year ago and work is expected to start on the upgrade to the lights soon.

Following the issues with bottles being smashed on the footpath ZR21, the Golf Course has moved the recycling bin to nearer the clubhouse. The Council is grateful to the Golf Course for its prompt action.
Footpath ZR10 has been blocked and this has been reported to KCC Public Right of Way.

Dog fouling continues to be a problem in the village. Dog fouling can lead to an increased risk in and toxocara canis can pass from dog waste to humans as Toxocariasis through contaminated sand or soil, and children are at particular risk. The Parish Council asks all dog owners to be responsible and clean up after their dogs.

VE Day 75th Anniversary 8th May 2020
Preparations continue for the event to celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE Day. The Council has booked a Captain Mainwaring impersonator and a gramophone DJ with two vintage gramophones for the event.

This is a precis of Council business, full minutes of all meetings can be found on the website when ratified.

Date of next meetings:
Full Council - Thursday 5th March 2020 at 7:30pm in Upchurch Village Hall.
The Planning Committee and General Purposes Committee - Wednesday 18th March. at 7:30pm in the Committee Room of the Village Hall.

All residents are welcome to attend the meetings and there is a time for members of the public to comment, raise concerns or ask questions.

Wendy Licence - Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01622 739324


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