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Tuesday, 10 April 2018

KCC Report for Upchurch Parish Council from County Councillor Mike Whiting - April 2018

Please find below a summary of my work on behalf of the residents of Upchurch Parish since my last report.

Emergency roadworks on the A2 and in Oak Lane caused considerable disruption last week. Clearly emergency works are just that, emergencies, however, I have asked that all planned works start at 9:30am after the rush hour and end by 3:30pm before the worst of the evening rush hour whenever possible. I am pleased that pothole repairs due to start tomorrow for two days on the A2 at Upchurch will be off-peak, as requested, to limit disruption and delays.

On the subject of potholes, and further to my report last month of increased funds, I am pleased to have secured further funding, taking the total available for this year's pothole blitz to in excess of £11m for this year's pothole blitz, double what was spent last year. Work will start immediately and is in addition to the emergency repairs that have been underway. Members of the public are urged to report potholes and other defect using the KCC website:

Further to my note to your clerk and assurances I received from the Council Leader and Clr Gerry Lewin regarding suggestions that Swale Council would be asked to amend rules regarding Parish call-ins of planning applications, I can confirm the suggestions were false and no such proposal was planned or made when the full council met recently. The rules on call-in are unchanged.

More good news. I can confirm that the threat to the 326/7 evening service and Saturday services operated by Chalkwell that arose earlier in the year has been lifted. KCC's budget has been amended to require £0.45m in savings this year, reduced from the original savings target of £2.2m. Changes to services in Sevenoaks and Thanet are proposed to deliver the lower savings target.

You can contact me on these or any other matters at: or 01795 842631.

Councillor Mike Whiting

KCC Member serving Swale West


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