After all of us doing Brownies for the past 22 years, we feel it is time to go, and for new blood to take up the reins! Snowy Owl will be staying on for support.
Guiding is fun and challenging, so if anyone would like to accept the challenge of becoming a leader, there is help, guidance and support within the Guiding Organisation - you are not alone!
Running a Brownie Pack is not as daunting as you might think, it is fun and a challenging opportunity.
You need a good sense of adventure, imagination and the desire to see girls grow and achieve things they never dreamed they could do.
If you are interested, or would like to come along and help to see how we do things, then please let me know.
After nearly 50 years of a Brownie Unit in Upchurch Village, it would be a great shame to see it fold!