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Monday, 11 January 2016

Upchurch Parish Council Report - January 2016

The monthly Meeting of the Parish Council took place on Thursday 7th January at the Village Hall where 8 Councillors were present and 11 members of the public including Kent County Cllr Baldock and Ward Cllr John Wright. 

Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd December 2015 – Amendments were made, which can be seen on the full minutes. It was proposed by Cllr Masson and seconded by Cllr Denny that they be accepted as a true record. All agreed.

Public Time Recreation Ground Parking - A resident raised concerns regarding unauthorised vehicles being left in the Recreation Ground, he advised that some had been there for a number of weeks. Cllr Tucker reported that the Clerk has contacted everyone that currently has permission to park there, in order to try and address the situation. Cllr Tucker reported that the issue of the gate being left open requires addressing and a new padlock needs to be purchased as a matter of priority. It was agreed in the meeting that the Clerk should speak again with the PCSO to discuss the unauthorised vehicles and it was agreed that she would place signs on the cars requesting their removal within 14 days. Beckenham Park planning application - The Chairman of the Residents Association of Beckenham Park reported that following a meeting with Haulfryn Ltd today, it had become apparent that modified plans had been submitted and asked if the Parish Council had received notification of this. Cllr Tucker reported that they had not. Cllr Lewin advised that the reason for the modified plans may be due to the original application being inadequate. Cllr Tucker reported that following the Residents Association’s meeting with Haulfryn in December the Council had submitted further objections to this application. It was agreed that the Residents Association and the Clerk would continue to liaise with regards to this application. Parking outside of Holywell Primary School – Ward Cllr Wright reported that he had been speaking to residents regarding the parking outside of the school and to parents regarding the safety issues involved. KC Cllr Baldock will be distributing KCC informative leaflets in the area. Neighbourhood Watch Scheme – Ward Cllr Wright reported that following a rise in crime in both Hartlip and Newington the areas had actively sought to strengthen their neighbourhood watch schemes and enquired whether Upchurch had an active scheme. Cllr Tucker reported that there had been several attempts to resurrect the scheme in the past years but this had unfortunately received little interest. Swale CCTV consultation – KC Cllr Baldock reported that Swale are starting a CCTV consultation. It was agreed that the Clerk would ask Upchurch Matters to publish a survey similar to the Play Area survey to ascertain public interest. Village Christmas tree –A resident thanked the Parish Council for the Christmas tree and provided the members with a report from Upchurch Matters showing the support for the tree. The members thanked resident Mr Robert Friend for his kind donation of the tree to the village. Forge Lane Flats – A resident reported that the rubbish has started to be removed from the flats. The Clerk reported that she is continuing to work with the Environmental Officer at Swale regarding this. Mill Farm – A resident raised concerns regarding the building work at Mill Farm. Cllr Lewin reported that Swale planning are carrying out further investigations having finally obtained the original plans.

Declarations of Interest – Cllr Lewin declared a Disclosable Non Pecuniary Interest in agenda item 6 (iii) – Draft Strategy and Charter for Planning Enforcement.

Correspondence – Lord Lieutenant of Kent annual Civic Service at Rochester Cathedral – It was agreed that Cllr Lewin and the Clerk would attend.

Planning – Land North of Moor Street – Cllr Tucker reported that the appeal is taking place on 23rd February and is expected to run for six days. The Clerk is awaiting confirmation of the venue for this appeal. Four Gun Field – Cllr Lewin reported that an amendment had been submitted for this application. Cllr Tucker reported that the amendment will be fully discussed at the GPC meeting on 20th January 2016 along with any other applications that are received and require comments before the next UPC meeting.

Finance – Agreement of Final Budget and Precept for 2016/17 – The Clerk provided the members with the forecast for 2016/17 and the draft budget preparation. A discussion took place regarding the current reserves held by the Council and this will be discussed further at a finance meeting to be arranged. The Clerk had provided the members with two precept budgets in order to make clear the difference in the precept when taking either £3990 or £5990 from reserves. It was proposed by Cllr Lewin and seconded by Cllr Horton that the higher figure be taken from reserves in order to make the increase in the precept minimal. All agreed.

General Purposes Committee – A copy of the notes from the meeting held on 15th December 2015 had been circulated. All agreed that these were a true record of the meeting.

Defibrillator – The Clerk reported that the second defibrillator had been ordered and following a discussion it was agreed that a possible site would be around the Beckenham Park area.

Paddock – The Clerk reported that the gate had been ordered and she had received confirmation that installation would take place in the week commencing 8th February 2016.

Allotments – Cllr Masson will meet with Southern Water on 8th January 2016 in order for them to carry out an inspection.

Burial Ground and Churchyard – The Clerk reported that she had received permission from Swale planning for a crown lift to be carried out on the trees overhanging The Crown Pub. The Clerk is in the process of obtaining quotations for the work.

Clean for the Queen – In the run up to the Queen’s 90th birthday on 21st April 2016 a countrywide clean-up is taking place. The Clerk has registered the Council for this. Cllr Horton reported that Holywell Primary School have also registered and will be participating with litter picking. The Clerk will research the purchase of litter pickers, refuse sacks and high visibility vests. It was agreed that the Clerk will submit an article to both Upchurch Matters and Gabriel requesting volunteers for the clean-up.

Highways – Cllr Arnold reported that there are currently three faulty street lights in the village.

Other Matters not yet arising – Church Christmas tree Donation – The members thanked Cllr Denny and her husband for the donation of a Christmas tree to the Church on behalf of the Parish Council.

Please note the full Minutes from the Meeting can be seen on the Upchurch Parish Council website.

The next Parish Council Meeting will take place on 4th February 2016 at 7:30pm in the Village Hall. 

Julia Cura, Clerk to the Parish Council.
Tel: 01634 363906


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