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Thursday, 28 January 2016

Newington History Group - Life in Milton Workhouse

Helen Allinson, a local historian and author, will be talking about life in Milton workhouse at the February 11 meeting of Newington History Group.

She will describe the harsh life of the poor in the workhouse which stood in Milton Regis. It housed the destitute from 18 surrounding parishes, including Newington, Upchurch and Lower Halstow.

The history group meets monthly on the second Thursday at the Methodist church hall in Church Lane, Newington, at 7:30pm focussing on the history of the village and neighbouring ones. New members are welcome and admission for guests is £3.

For more information contact or 01795 842711.

Richard Thompstone

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Temporary Road Closure - Stickfast Lane

Phased closures of Stickfast Lane, Bobbing are planned to start from Monday the 1st of February 2016 for an estimated period of up to 2 weeks.

Stickfast Lane will be closed in sections for its entire length, with no through access at any time during the works.

Access for residents and visitors will be maintained whenever it is safe to do so, but there are likely to be some delays and certain times when this is not possible for safety reasons.

Due to the nature of these works, it will not be possible to re-open the road outside the working hours.

The closures are to enable road widening and resurfacing works to be carried out by Fox (Owmby) Ltd.

The duration of works is advisory, and it is possible works may over-run due to such factors as adverse weather conditions or unforeseen engineering difficulties.

The revised dates may again need to be reviewed if there are still problems with the A249.

Click Map to Enlarge
The alternative route is via Sheppey Way, Ferry Road, School Lane and Iwade Road (High Oak Hill).

Phil Lightman
East Kent Road Closures Co-ordinator Kent County Council - Highways, Transportation & Waste.

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Burns Night Supper at The Three Tuns

The Three Tuns
Telephone: 01795 842840

1000 Notice Board Posts - Thank You

We've just made our 1000th post to our popular Notice Board Page today in support of Local Groups, Organisations, Events & Businesses.

If you're planning a village event then don't forget to tell us about it first so we can tell everybody else!

Thank you for all the support you give we really do appreciate it.

Upchurch Matters

Stables Burgled - Breach Lane

Hartlip Newington & Upchurch Ward

Crime Number: XY/002002/16

Between Saturday the 16th and Sunday the 17th of January stables in Breach Lane, Upchurch were burgled and a metal collapsible saddle rack was taken.

If you have any information that could help investigators please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the relevant crime number above.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch

Residents Required for Upchurch Speedwatch Scheme

You may be aware that Upchurch own a Speedwatch System that has previously been used in the Village to try and deter speeding

The Parish Council would like to make this scheme active again. For this to happen we would require residents to get involved.

If you are interested in being a part of the Speedwatch Scheme please contact the Clerk on: 01634 363906 or Email:

Upchurch Parish Council

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Friends of St. Mary the Virgin, Upchurch

St. Mary the Virgin, Upchurch. Picture courtesy of Kim Taylor Photography.
We are a group of people passionate about the preservation and maintenance of our beautiful St. Mary the Virgin Church. We appreciate the asset this Grade 1 listed building is to our village and try to raise funds to help with its upkeep.

The Church building has been in the village since 1300 and it is important that we preserve it for future generations.

We would welcome the addition of like-minded residents to our group. You don't have to be churchgoers - just interested in, and appreciate, the beauty of the building. Benefits of membership include newsletters, social and fundraising events and lectures. 

Annual subscriptions are as follows:

Single: £10 (minimum)
Joint: £15 (minimum)
Associate single: £5 (minimum)
Associate joint: £10 (minimum)

If you are interested in joining, please contact:

Chairman, Gerry Lewin Tel: 01634 366113 Email: or
Treasurer, John McWilliam Tel: 01634 366565 Email:

If you don't wish to join but would like to make a donation, this would be very welcome.

Many thanks,

Pat New

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Council Tax Scam

Kent County Council Trading Standards is warning the public of fraudsters who are telephoning to tell them they are in the wrong council tax bracket and are owed a rebate of around £6,000.

Scammers will ask for an up-front fee of around £65 in order to process the payment, but no rebate will be issued.

You can check your council tax band for free by contacting the Valuation Office Agency.

Contact Details
For advice and to report issues to KCC Trading Standards contact
Citizens Advice consumer service on: 03454 04 05 06 Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

Kent Community Messaging

Friday, 15 January 2016

Urgent Road Closure - Canterbury Lane

Canterbury Lane, Upchurch will be closed to through traffic between the junctions of Oak Lane and Seymour Road for up to 1 Day on or after Thursday the 21st of January 2016. This is to enable urgent verge repairs to be carried out by Kent County Council.

Click Map to Enlarge

The alternative route is via Seymour Road, Moor Street and Oak Lane.

This Notice applies when the relevant signs and barriers are on site, and is valid for a period of no more than 5 days.

Street works East Team
Kent County Council - Highways, Transportation & Waste

Thursday, 14 January 2016

News from Upchurch Twinning Group

Upchurch is twinned with Ferques-Elinghen in Pas de Calais, France.

The Quiz Night is always a popular evening.
As most of you will already be aware we are holding our Annual Quiz Night in the Hall of Holywell School on Saturday the 13th of February, with tables of 6 to 8 (maximum) persons, at £4.00 per head. Please bring your own drinks and nibbles. The school will be open from 7:00pm, with the first question at 7:30pm.

You can book tables with Ann Harman (Secretary), Mick Johnson (Chairman), or Ray Kemsley (School Liaison) so if you do not want to be disappointed (we have a maximum of 18 tables!) give one of us a call as soon as you read this!

Ray Kemsley (School Liaison) on: 01634 231585 Email:
Ann Harman (Secretary) on: 01634 235420 Email:
Mike Johnson (Chairman) on: 01634 234226 Email:

All proceeds go towards years 5 & 6 Holywell children visiting either Elinghen or Ferques schools.

Read more about Upchurch Twinning Group: here

Ann Harman
Upchurch Twinning Group

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Experienced Bar & Waiting Staff Required - Upchurch River Valley Golf Course

Upchurch River Valley Golf Course

Shanty Band 'Swinging the Lead' aboard Edith May

Shanty Band 'Swinging the Lead' will be back by popular demand on Saturday the 26th of March, 7:00pm for 7:30pm.

Tickets £12.50

Apply to: or visit the Tea Room, Friday - Sunday 10:30am - 4:00pm.

Edith May Trading Company

Upchurch Twinning Group - Annual Wine and Wisdom Quiz Night

Upchurch is twinned with Ferques-Elinghen in Pas de Calais, France.

The Quiz Night is always a popular evening.
Upchurch Twinning Group are holding their Annual Wine and Wisdom Quiz Night in the Hall of Holywell School on Saturday the 13th of February.

Tables of 6 to 8 (maximum) persons are £4.00 per head. Please bring your own drinks and nibbles. The school will be open from 7:00pm, with the first question at 7:30pm.

All proceeds go towards years 5 & 6 Holywell children visiting either Elinghen or Ferques schools.

Read more about Upchurch Twinning Group here

Call or Email to book your table.

Ann Harman (Secretary) on: 01634 235420
Mike Johnson (Chairman) on: 01634 234226 Email:
Upchurch Twinning Group

Monday, 11 January 2016

Do you feel CCTV would be of benefit to Upchurch? - Please Vote in the Parish Council Poll

Swale Borough Council are commencing a CCTV consultation and successful applicants will have a CCTV camera placed in their area’s crime hotspots.

Upchurch Parish Council are keen to obtain the opinion of residents and would be grateful if they would vote in this short 1 question Poll at the link below.

The question we are asking residents is:

Do you feel CCTV would be of benefit to Upchurch?


Thank you.

Julia Cura - Clerk to the Parish Council

Rivers Restaurant Valentines Dinner Dance at Upchurch River Valley Golf Course

Upchurch River Valley Golf Course

Poolside Bar Music Nights at Upchurch River Valley Golf Course

Upchurch River Valley Golf Course

Joyce Diana Smith 1932 - 2016

Joyce sadly passed away on the 5th of January 2016. A village resident for 60 years, she worked in the Paper Shop for many years before retiring.

The funeral will be held at The Garden of England Crematorium, Bobbing at 3:00pm on Monday the 1st of Februry 2016. Followed by afternoon tea at the Three Tuns Lower Halstow.

Please read the obituary:

Paul Smith

Neighbourhood Watch - Get Together with your Neighbours and Help Cut Crime

Neighbourhood Watch (NhW) is a way in which communities help themselves to stay safe. Groups of local volunteers work in partnership with the Police and the local council to;

• Distribute advice on security and safety
• Help to make sure elderly or vulnerable residents aren't targets for criminals
• Gather information to help police tackle local problems
• Alert residents when there is a particular crime problem in the area

Get Involved

To find out more contact your local liaison officer who will advise whether a scheme already exists or help you start a new one;

East Division - Alex Harrington: 01303 289083
West Division - Sophie Thring: 01622 604395
North Division - John Haddaway: 01634 792131

NhW Websites

Canterbury and District Neighbourhood Watch Association
Maidstone and District Neighbourhood Watch Association
Medway Neighbourhood Watch Association
West Kent Neighbourhood Watch Association

Country Eye

Country Eye is a partnership between the rural community, Kent Police and Neighbourhood Watch. The aim is to help reduce crime and the fear of crime by involving the community and protecting those who are most vulnerable. Membership is open to individuals, businesses or community organisations. Country Eye is administered locally across North, West and East Kent by the Volunteer Watch Liaison Officers (VWLO).

Joint Working

The Police cannot work in isolation. Country Eye promotes the sharing of information and the gathering of crime-related intelligence with key partners. These include:

• Landowners and parish councils
• Libraries and schools
• River and waterway organisations
• Horse watch and wildlife organisations
• Post offices, local businesses and rural churches

PCSO John Cork
Tel: 07772 226217

Upchurch Parish Council Report - January 2016

The monthly Meeting of the Parish Council took place on Thursday 7th January at the Village Hall where 8 Councillors were present and 11 members of the public including Kent County Cllr Baldock and Ward Cllr John Wright. 

Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd December 2015 – Amendments were made, which can be seen on the full minutes. It was proposed by Cllr Masson and seconded by Cllr Denny that they be accepted as a true record. All agreed.

Public Time Recreation Ground Parking - A resident raised concerns regarding unauthorised vehicles being left in the Recreation Ground, he advised that some had been there for a number of weeks. Cllr Tucker reported that the Clerk has contacted everyone that currently has permission to park there, in order to try and address the situation. Cllr Tucker reported that the issue of the gate being left open requires addressing and a new padlock needs to be purchased as a matter of priority. It was agreed in the meeting that the Clerk should speak again with the PCSO to discuss the unauthorised vehicles and it was agreed that she would place signs on the cars requesting their removal within 14 days. Beckenham Park planning application - The Chairman of the Residents Association of Beckenham Park reported that following a meeting with Haulfryn Ltd today, it had become apparent that modified plans had been submitted and asked if the Parish Council had received notification of this. Cllr Tucker reported that they had not. Cllr Lewin advised that the reason for the modified plans may be due to the original application being inadequate. Cllr Tucker reported that following the Residents Association’s meeting with Haulfryn in December the Council had submitted further objections to this application. It was agreed that the Residents Association and the Clerk would continue to liaise with regards to this application. Parking outside of Holywell Primary School – Ward Cllr Wright reported that he had been speaking to residents regarding the parking outside of the school and to parents regarding the safety issues involved. KC Cllr Baldock will be distributing KCC informative leaflets in the area. Neighbourhood Watch Scheme – Ward Cllr Wright reported that following a rise in crime in both Hartlip and Newington the areas had actively sought to strengthen their neighbourhood watch schemes and enquired whether Upchurch had an active scheme. Cllr Tucker reported that there had been several attempts to resurrect the scheme in the past years but this had unfortunately received little interest. Swale CCTV consultation – KC Cllr Baldock reported that Swale are starting a CCTV consultation. It was agreed that the Clerk would ask Upchurch Matters to publish a survey similar to the Play Area survey to ascertain public interest. Village Christmas tree –A resident thanked the Parish Council for the Christmas tree and provided the members with a report from Upchurch Matters showing the support for the tree. The members thanked resident Mr Robert Friend for his kind donation of the tree to the village. Forge Lane Flats – A resident reported that the rubbish has started to be removed from the flats. The Clerk reported that she is continuing to work with the Environmental Officer at Swale regarding this. Mill Farm – A resident raised concerns regarding the building work at Mill Farm. Cllr Lewin reported that Swale planning are carrying out further investigations having finally obtained the original plans.

Declarations of Interest – Cllr Lewin declared a Disclosable Non Pecuniary Interest in agenda item 6 (iii) – Draft Strategy and Charter for Planning Enforcement.

Correspondence – Lord Lieutenant of Kent annual Civic Service at Rochester Cathedral – It was agreed that Cllr Lewin and the Clerk would attend.

Planning – Land North of Moor Street – Cllr Tucker reported that the appeal is taking place on 23rd February and is expected to run for six days. The Clerk is awaiting confirmation of the venue for this appeal. Four Gun Field – Cllr Lewin reported that an amendment had been submitted for this application. Cllr Tucker reported that the amendment will be fully discussed at the GPC meeting on 20th January 2016 along with any other applications that are received and require comments before the next UPC meeting.

Finance – Agreement of Final Budget and Precept for 2016/17 – The Clerk provided the members with the forecast for 2016/17 and the draft budget preparation. A discussion took place regarding the current reserves held by the Council and this will be discussed further at a finance meeting to be arranged. The Clerk had provided the members with two precept budgets in order to make clear the difference in the precept when taking either £3990 or £5990 from reserves. It was proposed by Cllr Lewin and seconded by Cllr Horton that the higher figure be taken from reserves in order to make the increase in the precept minimal. All agreed.

General Purposes Committee – A copy of the notes from the meeting held on 15th December 2015 had been circulated. All agreed that these were a true record of the meeting.

Defibrillator – The Clerk reported that the second defibrillator had been ordered and following a discussion it was agreed that a possible site would be around the Beckenham Park area.

Paddock – The Clerk reported that the gate had been ordered and she had received confirmation that installation would take place in the week commencing 8th February 2016.

Allotments – Cllr Masson will meet with Southern Water on 8th January 2016 in order for them to carry out an inspection.

Burial Ground and Churchyard – The Clerk reported that she had received permission from Swale planning for a crown lift to be carried out on the trees overhanging The Crown Pub. The Clerk is in the process of obtaining quotations for the work.

Clean for the Queen – In the run up to the Queen’s 90th birthday on 21st April 2016 a countrywide clean-up is taking place. The Clerk has registered the Council for this. Cllr Horton reported that Holywell Primary School have also registered and will be participating with litter picking. The Clerk will research the purchase of litter pickers, refuse sacks and high visibility vests. It was agreed that the Clerk will submit an article to both Upchurch Matters and Gabriel requesting volunteers for the clean-up.

Highways – Cllr Arnold reported that there are currently three faulty street lights in the village.

Other Matters not yet arising – Church Christmas tree Donation – The members thanked Cllr Denny and her husband for the donation of a Christmas tree to the Church on behalf of the Parish Council.

Please note the full Minutes from the Meeting can be seen on the Upchurch Parish Council website.

The next Parish Council Meeting will take place on 4th February 2016 at 7:30pm in the Village Hall. 

Julia Cura, Clerk to the Parish Council.
Tel: 01634 363906

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Upchurch at War in 1916 by David Wood

With the war in full swing money raising activities continued in Upchurch and news of fatalities arrived while fighting raged on the Western Front.

As fund raising for the war continued at Holywell School under the direction of headmaster Mr Maltravers, Alf Clark from Poot Lane started the Free Will Offering Memorial Fund for a war memorial to honour the fallen after the conflict had finished. By August 1916 £13/17/0d had been raised. Holywell School contributed to the fund by staging a fairy operetta called ‘Briar Rose’ in which 40 children participated. Later in the year £4 was raised for the Lord Kitchener Home for the Blinded and Disabled Soldiers and sailors. In December Young Patriots at Holywell School raised £11/1/6d for St Bart’s Hospital in Rochester and in May they raised £5. Throughout the year they raised money for other causes like HRH Princess Mary’s Christmas Fund for Soldiers and Sailors, the Belgian children and the YMCA hut scheme. In the period October 1915 to May 1916 the Young Patriots made a total of £17. 

The war remained firmly in people’s minds as news of fatalities arrived. On March 5th Henry Marsh of the Ist Canadian Pioneers from Rose Cottage in Forge Lane died of pneumonia in British Columbia in Canada and was buried with full military honours at Ross Bay cemetery. He was one of three brothers fighting in the war. One of his other brothers George Marsh, formerly a blacksmith from Forge Lane, went to France with the British Expeditionary Force in 1915 as a member of the RAMC and became a staff sergeant, taking charge of motor convoy workshops.

Edward Seamer from Shoregate Lane served as a leading stoker on H.M.S Turbulent but died on June 1st 1916 aged 28 when a German ship rammed his vessel and sank it at the Battle of Jutland. On the Western Front Arthur Faulkner aged 28 served as a corporal in The Buffs but perished after a bomb dropped by a German plane exploded close to him in May 1916. He lived and worked in ‘The Crown’ where his father James Faulkner served as publican. Fred Banfield aged 35 from Bayford also died in action while serving with the REKMR on September 7th. He had joined up only fifteen months earlier and had been in France for just over a week when he perished.

Some men were scarred for life by their war-time experiences like Charles Witherden from Ham Green who served as a Royal Marine at the naval Battle of Jutland on May 31st 1916. For years after the battle he had nightmares about the dead bodies of victims floating on the sea after witnessing the destruction and sinking of British ships.

War incidents in the village were rare throughout the conflict but in May 1916 Police Constable Jenner arrested Private William Duley from the 5th Battalion of the Middlesex Regiment for being absent without leave from the army. Duley had taken refuge in a private house in Upchurch before being caught.

With the outbreak of the Battle of the Somme in July 1916 the sound of massive artillery explosions on the battle front could be faintly heard in the coastal areas of Kent when the wind blew from France. By this stage of the war precautions against air attacks led to the windows of Upchurch church being shrouded with curtains and the interior being lit with candles. The windows of the Mission Room in Otterham Quay were fitted with blinds at about the same time. This had been decided by the parish council which formed a committee that included Messrs Holloway, Bishop and Anderson to raise money for the materials. The parish council also proposed to have a public telephone installed in the village so that warnings of approaching enemy aircraft could be obtained and also for general use by local residents. Councillors Mr O’Connell and Mr Dennis were elected to make the necessary application but long delays meant that the telephone did not materialise during the war years.

All was not bad news as annual events like Empire Day still took place in the village on June 10th. Mrs Dora Wakeley from Rainham, who later became well-known for establishing Upchurch Pottery, opened the event then distributed attendance medals and certificates to Holywell pupils. Ivy Robinson appeared as the May Queen while children from the Infant’s School performed maypole dancing. A cricket match between the choir boys and Holywell schoolboys followed this in The Paddock during the evening. Another cricket match took place in The Paddock by invitation of Reverend Dicker in July. This was played between Royal Engineers who had erected telephone lines in the village and Upchurch Cricket Club. Upchurch won the match when after scoring 66 runs they bowled out their opponents for 58 to win a closely contested game. After the match both teams were invited to a smoking concert given by Reverend Dicker at the vicarage. Reverend Dicker played the piano while the cricketers sang the night away.

In September a military wedding took place in the church involving Sid Dennis, a Second Airman Mechanic of the RMC and youngest son of farmer Tom Dennis of Natal Farm. He married Jeannie Gould, daughter of Mr and Mrs Gould proprietors of the Brown Jug pub.

By the end of the year the war had reached a stalemate with massive casualties including 120,000 British soldiers killed at the Battle of the Somme. Without an end in sight and war casualties mounting, Upchurch residents entered 1917 with apprehension that the war would continue with more suffering and the loss of more village boys at the war front.

About David
David Wood was born and raised in Upchurch and is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village. David's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David at: or from us here at Upchurch Matters. Price £12 + £3.50 postage and packing.

David Wood


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