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Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Upchurch Parish Council Report - May 2015

The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council took place on Thursday 14th May at the Village Hall followed by the monthly meeting of the Parish Council where 7 Councillors were present and 5 members of the public.

Delivery of Acceptance Forms – The Councillors signed their declaration of acceptance of office forms in front of the Clerk and the 7 Councillors were welcomed to the Council. Cllr Tucker was nominated as Chairman and Cllr Arnold as Vice-Chairman. Cllr Horton was welcomed to the Council. The election of representatives took place and are as follows: Cllr Tucker and Cllr Horton – KALC, Cllr Tucker – Village Hall, Cllr Rose and Cllr Denny – Police Liaison Officer, Cllr Arnold – Highways, Cllr Masson – External Funding, Cllr Lewin – Twinning Group. The roles and responsibilities were agreed as the following: Cllr Denny – Paddock and Recreation Ground, Cllr Masson – Allotments, Cllr Rose and Cllr Denny – Burial Ground and Churchyard, Cllr Denny, Cllr Rose and Cllr Tucker – Internal Financial Controls. The Clerk was confirmed as the Responsible Financial Officer.
Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd April 2015 – There were no amendments to the minutes and it was proposed by Cllr Rose and seconded by Cllr Arnold that they be accepted as a true record. All agreed.
Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on 15th April 2015 – There were no amendments to the minutes and it was proposed by Cllr Arnold and seconded by Cllr Rose that the minutes be accepted as a true record and all agreed. Cllr Tucker signed them.
Public TimeHolywell Lane – A resident raised concerns regarding fly tipping in Holywell Lane. Cllr Tucker advised that Swale Borough Council should be contacted and how to go about doing so. Youth behaviour issues in the village - A resident raised concerns regarding the behaviour of youths in and around the village. Cllr Tucker advised that incidents should be reported to PCSO John Cork on 07772 226217. Burial Ground Proposal – A resident raised concerns regarding the Burial Ground proposal. A discussion took place regarding this and the fact that a lot of plots are currently non-compliant and that the Council are currently trying to form a proposal that will ensure all of the plots are compliant and that the plot owners receive a set of rules and regulations at the time of purchase. A private meeting is to be arranged with the resident to discuss their own plot in more detail. Planning Department at Swale BC – A resident questioned the handling of planning applications at Swale Borough Council. Cllr Tucker reported that the Council had raised with Swale Planning the issue that we are not currently being kept up to date with outcomes of applications.
Correspondence – The Village Fete committee had requested permission to use the Recreation Ground for supervised parking. It was agreed that permission should be granted. The Clerk had received a letter from a resident regarding the lack of flowers in Upchurch, it was agreed that this would be looked into by the Clerk to see if SBC could assist with planting.
Planning – 15/502716/FULL – Breach Farm Paddocks – Cllr Denny reported that herself and Cllr Tucker had discussed this application and that the Council would be strongly objecting for the following reasons: It is a large plot of land which could lead to further applications in due course, the access is very poor, there are three containers currently on the land, one of which is to remain which raises the question as to what the container will be used for. There is also concern over the planned erection of an amenity building. 15/503148/ADV – Greens Motor Group, London Road – Cllr Denny reported that the labelling on the plans was incorrect and that there were concerns with regards to the glare from lighting. Permissions and Refusals -Cllr Tucker reported that the planning committee will be checking the Swale Planning site regularly and updating the planning list that can be seen on Upchurch Parish Council website. Other Planning Matters – MC/14/3784 Land North of Moor Street Rainham – Cllr Tucker advised that the application had been refused and an appeal had been submitted. 15/501944/FULL – Land adjoining and rear of Jubilee Fields Upchurch – A drop in session had been held by Clarendon’s who are the contractors for this site. Cllr Tucker attended this and reported that the contractors gave the impression that the application was being backed by Swale Planning which was a conflicting view to that previously given by Swale Ward Councillors. Horsham Lane Garage – The Clerk was asked to chase the Enforcement Officer regarding the signs at this site.
Points raised at Annual Parish Meeting – Windmill Hill – Cllr Arnold reported that as Windmill Hill would be closed for re-surfacing he would make a further request for a pavement on the Hill. Bus Shelter – Cllr Masson advised that he is currently awaiting prices and will then be looking into funding.
Finance The Clerk had circulated copies of the annual audit return and it was agreed by all that the Clerk should submit the annual return to the auditors.
Insurance Renewal – The Clerk advised that two quotes had been received but after careful comparison of these it was agreed to stay with the current insurance company AON.
Clerk’s Course – Cllr Tucker reported that the Clerk had requested the permission of the Council to take the Certificate of Local Council Administration Course. It was agreed by all that the Council would support this.
Recreation Ground – Removal of Trees – The Clerk reported that the diseased trees would not now be removed until August due to nesting birds.
Paddock – Play Equipment - Cllr Arnold advised that the replacement parts had been received for the play equipment and would be fitted shortly.
Burial Ground and Churchyard – Cllr Rose reported that she had made no changes to the actual rules and regulations of the Burial Ground but had added a maintenance page and added a paragraph asking that the purchaser inform the Clerk of any change of address. A statement to be signed by the purchaser on receipt of the rules and regulations has also been added.
Highways – Street Lighting – Cllr Arnold is currently putting together a proposal to cover the structural and testing requirements of the street lights.
Other Matters not yet arising – Bridleways – Cllr Lewin reported that he had attended a Swale West Forum where the lack of bridleways had been highlighted and due to the increase in volume of traffic on the country roads they are currently trying to raise awareness of this and the dangers involved. The intention to provide more bridleways will rely on willing land owners as bridleways usually run across private land. Burial Ground steps – The Clerk is awaiting a quotation from a contractor for the works required to improve the Burial Ground steps.
Please note the full Minutes from the Meeting can be seen on the Upchurch Parish Council website.
Julia Cura, Clerk to the Parish Council.
Tel: 01634 363906


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