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Friday, 10 April 2015

Upchurch Parish Council Report - May 2015

The Parish Council met on Thursday 2nd April at the Village Hall where 5 Councillors were present and 7 members of the public including Cllr John Wright.

Public Time – Burial Ground – Residents raised concerns regarding the recently publicised Burial Ground Proposal. Cllr Tucker assured residents that the Parish Council are mindful of the sensitivity of the subject and do not wish to cause families any unnecessary upset. All comments from Parishioners will be taken on board before any final decisions are taken and that the proposal had been intended as a way to get feedback from the Parish and to target those graves and ashes plots that do not currently comply with the Burial Ground rules and regulations. It was agreed that the non-compliant and un-kept graves should be dealt with initially and that the rules and regulations would be made more accessible in order for people to comply. Planning – A resident reported that he had received confirmation of a planning application for 41 houses to be built in Jubilee Fields and enquired whether the Parish Council would be objecting to this application. Cllr Tucker advised that the application was yet to be discussed with the Planning Team as it was very recent, but asked Ward Cllr Wright for his opinion on the application. Ward Cllr Wright advised that the probability was that the application would be declined by Swale Planning but that the Parish should put forward as many responses as possible to Swale Planning due to the volume of applications that have been submitted recently for the areas in and around Upchurch.

Declaration of Interest – Cllr Tucker and Cllr Denny declared a Disclosable Non Pecuniary Interest in the Jubilee Fields Plans.
Correspondence Church Path– Cllr Tucker reported that the Church are in the process of obtaining quotations for a Church Path and had asked if the Parish Council would assist with funding. There is no money in the current budget for this, however it was agreed that this could be considered in the future. Kent’s Third Speed Watch Conference – It was agreed that attendance would not be beneficial at this time.
Planning – 15/501109/REM – Four Gun Field, Otterham Quay Lane – Approval of reserved matters for the erection of 52 dwellings, open public space with wildlife area - It was agreed that further comments to the earlier objection to this application should be submitted regarding education facilities, the drainage system and also the fact that the data for the application should be updated to Swale as opposed to Medway. 15/501140/FULL – Four Gun Field, Otterham Quay Lane – New vehicular/pedestrian access to southern boundary – The further objection will be submitted as per the above application. 15/501495/FULLUnit 1, The Oast Business Park, Spade Lane – Change of use from B1 to B2 incorporating an MOT bay – The Parish Council could see no reason to object to this application apart from asking that the use of advertising be monitored so as not to cause a distraction on the A2.
Permissions and refusals – Nothing to report.
Other Planning Matters – Cllr Tucker reported that both Jack Russell Place and Jubilee Fields are to be the subject of a Planning Committee meeting as the applications were not received in time for this meeting’s agenda. A discussion took place regarding the need for an Extraordinary Council Meeting to discuss the Jubilee Fields application rather than restricting it to just the Planning Committee and it was agreed that this was a way forward.
Allotments and Recreation Ground Allotment Rents– The Clerk reported that she had been receiving the allotment rents and that there were still some outstanding that would be chased. Allotment Fence –It was reported that the allotment fence had now been replaced following the vehicle collision. Recreation Ground – Nothing to report.
Paddock -. Play Equipment – It was reported that the rubber protection on the swings is being looked at as it appears to be loose.
Burial Ground and Churchyard - Burial Ground Proposal– Cllr Rose and Cllr Tucker had met with the PCC regarding the proposal and to discuss the ashes plots in the Church Yard. The PCC are to hold a meeting at the end of the month regarding the ashes plots and will keep the Parish Council informed. Burial Ground Steps – Cllr Masson is to meet with the contractors to discuss the uneven steps.
Environment – Nothing to report.
Highways – Street Lights – Cllr Arnold reported that a street light is not working in Chaffes Lane and will be reported to the contractors. Road markings – It was reported that new road markings had been completed on several junctions and that the work is still ongoing.
Other Matters – Moor Street, Rainham and Newington Applications -The proposed amendments to the response had been made and submitted to the planning departments. Permissions and Refusals and Enforcements – It was reported that the Clerk had contacted Swale Planning to enquire how information can be obtained on Permissions and Refusals and that Cllr Lewin is working alongside the Clerk to ensure the Council are kept informed on Enforcements.
Next meetings – The Annual Parish Meeting will take place in the Village Hall on 30th April 2015. The May meeting will take place on 14th May in the Village Hall at 7.30pm as the elections take place on the first Thursday in May.
Please note the full Minutes from the Meeting can be seen on the Upchurch Parish Council website.

Julia Cura
Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01634 363906


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