Thursday, 30 April 2015
800 Posts
We've reached another milestone today on Upchurch Matters. We've just posted our 800th news item to our popular 'Notice Board Page', in support of local groups, organisations, events & businesses.
If you're planning a village event then don't forget to tell us about it first so we can tell everybody else!
Thank you
Upchurch Matters
Team Leader Vacancies - The co-operative food store Upchurch
To apply please Email your CV to Nik Clements at:
Or Telephone: 01634 232702.
Or Telephone: 01634 232702.
Thank you.
Nik Clements
Manageress co-operative food store Upchurch
Monday, 27 April 2015
Goats Stolen - Oak Lane
Hartlip Newington & Upchurch Ward
Crime Number: XY/014155/15
Between the 24th and 25th of April two very young female Goats were stolen from a paddock at The BarnYard Oak Lane, Upchurch.
If you have any information that could help investigators please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the relevant crime number above.
For more information on crime prevention visit:
Saturday, 25 April 2015
Election 2015
Residents in the Sittingbourne and Sheppey constituency will be voting in Parliamentary, Borough and Parish/Town Council elections taking place on the 7th of May 2015.
Election of the Member of Parliament for the Sittingbourne and Sheppey Constituency
Michael Apps
John Arnold
Pam Denny
Alan Horton
Gerry Lewin
Peter Masson
Maria Rose
Sara Tucker
These eight candidates will automatically form the next Parish Council. They will then be in a position to advertise vacancies and 'co-opt' applicants as and when they can.
Residents can vote for only one candidate in this election.
The candidates are:
Gordon Henderson - Conservatives
Gary Miller - Green Party
Keith Nevols - Liberal Democrats
Guy Nicholson - Labour
Richard Palmer - UKIP
Mad Mike Young - The Official Monster Raving Loony Party
Election of Councillors to Swale Borough Council
Residents can vote for no more than two candidates in this election.
The candidates are:
Simon Clark - Labour
Gerry Lewin - Conservatives
Richard Palmer - UKIP
Helen Walker - UKIP
John Wright - Conservatives
Upchurch Village Hall will be our Polling Station here in the village and will be open from 7:00am to 10:00pm.
Upchurch Village Hall will be our Polling Station here in the village and will be open from 7:00am to 10:00pm.
To vote on the day you must have already registered. It is now too late to register.
Election of Parish Councillors to Upchurch Parish Council
Eight Residents have stood for the Parish Council.
The names are as follows:
Michael Apps
John Arnold
Pam Denny
Alan Horton
Gerry Lewin
Peter Masson
Maria Rose
Sara Tucker
At the end of their 4-year term all parish councillors effectively retire. Any intent to
re-stand is notified to Swale Borough Council by means of a nomination form. At the same time, any other qualifying resident of the parish can also submit their candidacy to Swale. At the close of registration the clerk is notified of the number of candidates. The cut off date for nominations was approximately 1 month before the election on the 7th of May 2015.
All nominations have now been submitted to Swale Borough Council and verified. Eight candidates were received for Upchurch which means, with an allocation of nine councillors this election is uncontested.
These eight candidates will automatically form the next Parish Council. They will then be in a position to advertise vacancies and 'co-opt' applicants as and when they can.
Therefore there is still one vacancy.
Upchurch Matters
Friday, 24 April 2015
Parents & Friends of Holywell School Charity Golf Day
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Overall winner Nick Judge with Headteacher Darran Callaghan. |
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Linton Seafoods were winners of the team prize. |
Congratulations to the overall winner, Nick Judge, and also to the team from Linton Seafoods who walked away with the team prize.
We would like to thank all the golfers who competed on the day, along with the many sponsors and donors of raffle prizes, who helped us to raised such a magnificent sum of money.
Thursday, 23 April 2015
Upchurch Parish Council Extraordinary Meeting - Report
The Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held at Upchurch Village Hall on Wednesday 15th April 2015 commencing at 7:30pm.
Attendees: Julia Cura (Clerk), Cllr Sue Rossiter, Cllr Sara Tucker (Chair), Cllr Peter Masson, Cllr Maria Rose, Cllr Gerald Lewin, Cllr John Arnold and 60 members of the public including Ward Cllr John Wright.
120. Apologies: Cllr Patricia New and Ward Cllr Mike Baldock.
121. Declarations of Interest – Cllr Tucker and Cllr Denny declared a Disclosable Non Pecuniary Interest in the Jubilee Fields application due to living in close proximity.
Public Time – Cllr Tucker advised the members of the public that the intention is to make all planning meetings accessible to the public from now on and it was felt that the Jubilee Fields application was a good place to begin due to the scale of it. The public time was mainly dominated by the Jubilee Fields application with the following points made:
A resident from Oak Lane asked that in their response the Council consider the reasons that the application was previously declined in 2008 by the Planning Inspectorate. The rejection of this application had helped significantly to keep the rural gap. Cllr Tucker reiterated the reasons for the previous objection to the public. A resident from Wallbridge Lane raised concerns regarding the increase in traffic in an already busy lane and asked if Swale Borough Council would be considering traffic control for such a large development. An Oak Lane resident raised concerns regarding traffic with over 100 cars being added to the village if the application was accepted, he also raised concerns regarding infrastructure, schools, Doctor’s surgeries and the fact that Upchurch cannot sustain this size of development with its current road network. A resident from Oak Lane asked why she had not been informed of the development by Swale Borough Council when her home is directly opposite the entrance to Jubilee Fields. Cllr Lewin responded that the standard procedure is to consult all homes within 50 yards of the development and they will not vary from this. Cllr Lewin thanked Mr Denny from Oak Lane for putting the development into the public eye with his canvassing. Cllr Tucker advised the public that anyone can comment on an application even if they have not received a consultation letter by registering on Swale Planning website. Ward Cllr Wright reported that the Jubilee Fields application falls outside of the Local Plan and that he had attended a planning meeting that day where the Inspector had made it clear regarding similar developments that sustainability was a key issue. A Jubilee Fields resident commented that the Local Plan clearly dictates a Strategic Gap and asked why, if the whole intent is to maintain the Strategic Gap, the Planning Department would allow this to be breached. The resident asked that to prevent Upchurch ceasing to be a village all the recent large planning applications be taken into account and that the issues with sewage and traffic need serious consideration. A resident from Acorn Terrace, Oak Lane – Raised concerns regarding the narrowing of Oak Lane already causing traffic issues with drivers going over the speed limit which will be further complicated by the increase of vehicles using the narrow entrance to Jubilee Fields. There is also a problem with overgrown vegetation causing limited view. The resident also recommended that power supplies be looked at due to the village already having problems with power effected by adverse weather conditions which can only be impacted further by 41 more properties connected to the current supply. A resident from Oak Lane – Asked that residents look at the application from a different point of view as although the need is to remain a village the reality is that families are growing and properties are needed but developers and the Council need to look seriously at utilities and infrastructure to accommodate such developments. A resident from Oak Lane asked if there had been any dialogue from the developers regarding meeting with residents of Upchurch to obtain their views. Cllr Tucker responded that before the application was submitted the architects had contacted herself and the Clerk and had indicated that there could be a public meeting but nothing had been forthcoming. Cllr Lewin advised that it was a possibility to speak with the applicant to arrange this. Cllr Lewin also spoke about the possibility of contacting Swale Planning to ask for an extension on the consultation closing date of 20th April 2015. A resident from Jubilee Fields asked Cllr Lewin why the developers had been allowed to submit an application when one had previously been turned down. Cllr Lewin responded that as the National Planning Policy Framework came in in 2012 new applications can be submitted by anyone and this is a different application and developer to the previous one submitted. The resident went on to ask if the Planning department would consider the previous application being declined. Cllr Lewin responded that they would. A resident from Jubilee Fields stated that there is a piece of land owned by the residents of Jubilee Fields which is insured by these residents and raised concerns over this land being used by the 41 proposed houses and how they could be stopped from using it. Cllr Tucker responded that this was something that would need to be looked into by their Management Company. A Wallbridge Lane resident raised a concern that she had not received a consultation letter from Swale Planning. Cllr Tucker responded that as discussed earlier all residents that wished to comment still should do so as it would serve to back up the Parish Council’s response. Cllr Lewin stated that he had looked at the applications access statement and no provision had been made to provide 10% of open space which is a necessity for an application of this scale. A resident from Oak Lane enquired as to how many parking spaces had been allocated. Cllr Tucker responded that 114 had been allocated. A resident from Oak Lane agreed that although further housing was needed the local facilities cannot accommodate the need at the moment for schooling and the doctor’s. A resident from Wallbridge Lane stated that he had objected to the original Jubilee Fields application and asked if there was any knowledge as to what Swale Planning will decide. Cllr Lewin advised that they would not know until the Inspector’s report is published. The resident went on to ask why when Swale Borough Council had spent 7 years and a lot of money on a Local Plan developers are allowed to submit applications. Cllr Lewin responded that anyone can put an application in at any time. Cllr Tucker added that the Local Plan is about Swale and has no relevance to private landowners putting in their own applications and plans, however Swale Borough Council will take the Local Plan into consideration. A resident enquired if it was the landowner or developer that had submitted the application? Cllr Tucker replied that the Certificate of Ownership could be looked at online on Swale Planning website but it appeared that the developers have submitted the application on behalf of the landowners. Ward Cllr Wright asked that all of the current applications that have been submitted be looked at as a whole. Cllr Lewin agreed that to put the current applications into context. There will be a total of over 1000 additional dwellings all using the A2, with this and the loss of green fields in mind he had asked that Medway and Swale Planning exchange consultation letters to look at them as a whole. Cllr Tucker advised that residents should also look at these as a whole and not just the applications relevant to Upchurch as the impact on the A2 will affect all of the surrounding villages.
Meeting re-opened at 8:24pm.
122. Finance
i) – St John’s College – The Clerk presented a cheque to be signed for the rent due for the Paddock and Recreation Ground to St John’s College. Proposed by Cllr Denny and seconded by Cllr Rossiter. All agreed.
123. Planning
i) 15/501944/FULL – Land Adjoining and Rear of Jubilee Fields, Upchurch – Mixed residential development of 41 No. 2,3,4 and 5 bedroom houses together with all associated garaging, parking and infrastructure. – Cllr Rose suggested that the Council should object to the application based on infrastructure and the pressure that will be placed on the existing facilities. Also to be considered is that an application was rejected previously and that there will be loss of open land. Cllr Masson agreed that infrastructure will not cope with this amount of extra housing and that the pressure on current power supplies and the sewage system should be considered. Cllr Rossiter stated that the question of sustainability should be raised and that the School’s and Doctor’s surgery are already full. Cllr Rossiter also raised concerns that additional lighting may be needed due to the increase in parking and that this would further take away from the village status making it become gradually more urban. Cllr Arnold stated that his main concerns are with the currently over worked sewage system and that to accommodate a development of this size new sewage pipes would need to be laid and then maintained in the future. Cllr Denny advised that she agreed with all of the comments made and that there could be concerns with access for emergency vehicles on a road that is already over used. Cllr Lewin suggested that the application be looked at on the basis that there is currently no provision for open space in it, the amount of parking although written to meet KCC standards would cause traffic chaos, there are no Highway statements attached to the application that deal with access roads and that there is currently no pathway on this side of Oak Lane to enable existing residents to walk into the Village, the dangers of which would be further highlighted by adding more residents. Cllr Lewin advised that the Police have submitted a letter to this effect. Cllr Lewin added that although the application does have some good points for example providing Social Housing which Swale needs it should not go ahead in its current format. Cllr Lewin reported that as the Local Plan is against it the application was likely to be rejected but residents should be aware that due to the natural population expansion something is likely to come in the future and that there is potential for other major developments. Cllr Lewin reported that money had been obtained to improve Junction 5 on the M2 but that this would not happen until 2021 and therefore large developments shouldn’t be allowed to take place until the infrastructure is improved. Cllr Rose asked that the developments already taking place in the village at Four Gun Field and Horsham Garage be taken into account when Swale Planning consider this application. Cllr Tucker raised concerns regarding the current application’s layout and the fact that the smaller houses with less allocated parking spaces are next to the approach road where parking is already an issue. The only way that the road can be widened would be to remove the pavement causing danger to pedestrians. Cllr Tucker also recommended that a Wildlife assessment be carried out as a green field site.
In conclusion a strong objection should be submitted to the current application as it stands. Proposed by Cllr Rose and seconded by Cllr Rossiter. All agreed that Cllr Tucker and the Clerk should compile an objection based on the comments from both the residents and Councillors.
ii) 14/505230/FULL – Jack Russell Place, Halstow Lane – Amended application submitted for only one additional caravan and security lighting. – Cllr Tucker reported that the Council had objected to the previous application with regards to the fact that they were attempting to place extra homes on newly acquired land. It was agreed that the Clerk should contact Swale Planning to request up to date drawings and proper full paperwork as these have not been received. Then a decision could be made as to whether the Council further object.
The meeting closed at 8:55pm.
Julia Cura
Wednesday, 22 April 2015
CXK Maximising Potential at Upchurch Village Hall
Services include:
• Careers guidance, advice and work related learning for all young people including the most vulnerable.
CXK are currently recruiting for a variety of positions and want to promote these positions within the areas that they work.
• Careers guidance, advice and work related learning for all young people including the most vulnerable.
• Independent, professional and confidential advice for adults in relation to careers, skills and the labour market (The National Careers Service).
• Mental health & wellbeing services (Young Healthy Minds).
• Leadership & Development programmes for young people including the National Citizen Service and the Prince’s Trust Team programme.
• Management of youth centres and a mobile youth service (Community Activity Teams).
• Training Programmes for those not in employment, education and training (European Social Fund).
• Accredited training for adults and professionals working with young people.
• Parenting programmes and family workshops.
• Mentoring programmes including Talent Match and Youth Contract.
As a charity, any surplus is reinvested into developing new and innovative projects for the benefit of clients.
They run a session every Tuesday afternoon at Upchurch Village Hall between 3:30pm and 6:00pm where they have the option of bringing a Van full of sports equipment if session numbers increase.
CXK are currently recruiting for a variety of positions and want to promote these positions within the areas that they work.
Upchurch Parish Council - Burial Ground Proposal Update
Thank you to those plot holders who made comments and gave us feedback relating to this proposal, this has been useful and much appreciated. We welcome your continued input into this project and hope that you will be willing to work with us to come up with a solution to these issues.
As a result of this feedback, it has become apparent that some people would welcome having their plot turfed, as they are having difficulty maintaining it. We are therefore planning a phased approach to our proposal, starting with these plots and those that are unkempt and clearly not being looked after.
The most common plot non-compliance issues are:
· Kerbstones, hedges, edgings and boundary markers
The most common plot non-compliance issues are:
· Kerbstones, hedges, edgings and boundary markers
· Loose stones, chippings, bark & other dressings
· Planting of shrubs/trees
· Memorial items & vases (including glass) not approved by the Parish Council
All of the above are against the rules and regulations. If the plot you are responsible for is non-compliant, please address this urgently by removing the above items. If you have difficulty with this, please contact the Clerk: or Tel: 01634 363906.
If you would like a copy of the burial ground rules and regulations or have difficulty maintaining a plot you are currently responsible for (and would like it to be turfed), please contact the Clerk who would be happy to help you.
Thank you
Thank you
Upchurch Parish Council
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
Upchurch Cricket Club - New Associate Membership
To help these things happen it has been decided to form an Upchurch Cricket Club Associate Members Club.
The idea is to have a membership who could hold functions, events, parties, and meetings at the Club. The venue could be hired at a special reduced rate. The incentives are a great venue, friendly atmosphere and club price drinks at one of the nicest spots in the village.
To become an Associate Member costs just £20 per year
and runs from May to May.
and runs from May to May.
To apply for membership please contact Terry Lewis on Mobile: 07740 676703 or by
Email: and a membership form will be made available to you.
Terry Lewis
On behalf of Upchurch Cricket Club
Monday, 20 April 2015
Swale Community Advice Forum
Come along if you wish to discuss local issues affecting your area or need advice on anything else.
Swale PCSO Daniel Rudden is looking forward to meeting you so please come and have a cuppa with him at the CAF in Phoenix House Community Centre, Central Avenue, Sittingbourne ME10 4BX.
Swale PCSO Daniel Rudden is looking forward to meeting you so please come and have a cuppa with him at the CAF in Phoenix House Community Centre, Central Avenue, Sittingbourne ME10 4BX.
The next Meeting is on: Thursday 23rd April from 1:30pm to 3:00pm.
Email: for more information.
All welcome.
Refreshments provided.
Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch
Friday, 17 April 2015
Upchurch Best Kept Garden 2015
Judges will assess what can be seen at the front of each house in the following categories. Firstly a garden which is predominately growing flowers, secondly a garden which is mixture of flowers, trees and or shrubs, and finally for those with only a small or no front garden the judges will assess any hanging baskets or flower troughs.
The prizes, last year sponsored by the Parish Council and The Brown Jug, will be presented at the Upchurch Horticultural Society Show during September in the Village Hall and the overall winner will hold the Barbara Webb Rose Bowl for a year.
Contact me if you would consider sponsoring a prize [cash or in kind]
Gerry Lewin on 01634 366113 or
On behalf of the Upchurch Horticultural Society and the Parish Council.
Tuesday, 14 April 2015
Upchurch Colts under 8's - Kit Sponsorship
Upchurch Colts under 8's are looking for a local company to sponsor our football kit.
Until now there has been no children's football club for Upchurch and the surrounding area and as you may or may not know we have started the club with nothing, so we are now asking local companies to help us.
I do hope you can join us in helping local children and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Until now there has been no children's football club for Upchurch and the surrounding area and as you may or may not know we have started the club with nothing, so we are now asking local companies to help us.
I do hope you can join us in helping local children and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Thank you.
Rob Croome
Chairman - Manager
Upchurch Colts under 8's
Tel: 01634 379792 - 07909 688456
Tel: 01634 379792 - 07909 688456
Saturday, 11 April 2015
Upchurch Parish Council - Extraordinary Meeting
An Extraordinary Meeting of Upchurch Parish Council will be held in Upchurch Village Hall on Wednesday the 15th of April 2015 at 7:30pm for the purpose of considering two planning applications affecting the village (one now amended).
Apologies for absence
Declarations of Interest
Public Time – half an hour allowed for the public to speak if they
Finance – Cheque – St John’s College
Planning –
i) 15/501944/FULL – Land
adjoining and rear of Jubilee Fields, Upchurch – Mixed residential development
of 41 No. 2,3,4 and 5 bedroom houses together with all associated garaging,
parking and infrastructure. The paper copies for this application will be
brought to the meeting.
ii) 14/505230/FULL – Jack
Russell Place Halstow Lane – Amended application submitted for only one
additional caravan and security lighting.
The agenda for the meeting is available to download in PDF format from the Parish Council Website at the link here ☞
Upchurch Matters
Friday, 10 April 2015
Two Upchurch Soldiers on the Western Front by David Wood
Upchurch at
War 1914-1918
Of the
34 Upchurch men who died in the Great War of 1914-1918 memories of them have
faded with time but surviving documentation gives a detailed account of two who
were well known in the village and who experienced some of the heaviest
fighting and worst conditions of the war on the Western Front.
Hales joined the Grenadier Guards just before the Great War and intended to
make the army his career. The youngest son of Jacob Hales, a stockman from
Horsham Farm, Percy became one of the first soldiers to be sent to the European
mainland and fought in the early battles of 1914 which he survived unscathed.
Having impressed his regiment he quickly gained promotion to corporal then to
sergeant. According to his obituary in the East Kent Gazette his letters sent
home were full of hope and showed a sense of duty. When on leave he often
visited his old school at Holywell. He was killed on his 21st
birthday in France on September 6th, 1917. Reverend F C Walmesley,
the regimental chaplain wrote to his family:
I regret to inform you that Sergeant Hales was brought to
this clearing station on the 6th instant severely wounded by a shell
in the head, leg and thigh. Everything possible was done for him, but his case
was hopeless and he passed away on the following day at 3-40 p.m. He was
unconscious all the time he was here. I laid his body to rest today in the
cemetery for the British some few miles behind the lines. He was a magnificent
type of guard, and I am sure his loss will be greatly felt by all….
Clark from Shakespeare Cottage in Poot Lane, the eldest son of Ham Green farmer
Henry Clark, attended Holywell School as a boy and performed as a talented
sportsman playing for the village football and cricket clubs. He also served as
a member of the church choir and as a church sidesman. After working on the
family farm William enlisted in the Royal East Kent Mounted Rifles on May 4th
1915. He went to France where he was attached to The Buffs and placed in the
machine gun section where he excelled when involved in heavy fighting and soon gained
promoted to lance-corporal. When returning home on leave in July 1916 he
married his girlfriend Ellen Banfield and they later had a baby daughter. He
returned to trench warfare on the Western Front where he was killed by an
exploding shell on June 15th 1917 aged 22. His regimental commanding
officer wrote to his wife:
Just a few lines to sympathise with you in the great loss of
your husband, lance corporal W. Clarke who was killed whilst on duty on June 15th.
He was greatly admired by officers, NCOs and men of his company for his bravery
and throughout any operations he shared great fearlessness and coolness,
putting the greatest confidence in those who were near him. His loss is keenly
felt by all ranks…
Hales and William Clark along with other Upchurch men who lost their
lives in the Great War of 1914-1918 have their names inscribed on a marble
memorial tablet located in the village church.
About David
David Wood was born and raised in Upchurch and is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village. David's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David at: or from us here at Upchurch Matters. Price £12 + £3.50 postage and packing.
David Wood
Part Time Caterer Required - Edith May Trading Company
We have a vacancy for a part time caterer for the
summer sailing season for all day charters.
Please call: 07813 368137 for further information.
Edith May Trading Company
spaceUpchurch Parish Council Report - May 2015
The Parish Council met on Thursday 2nd April at the Village Hall where 5 Councillors were present and 7 members of the public including Cllr John Wright.
Time – Burial Ground – Residents raised concerns
regarding the recently publicised Burial Ground Proposal. Cllr Tucker assured
residents that the Parish Council are mindful of the sensitivity of the subject
and do not wish to cause families any unnecessary upset. All comments from Parishioners
will be taken on board before any final decisions are taken and that the
proposal had been intended as a way to get feedback from the Parish and to
target those graves and ashes plots that do not currently comply with the
Burial Ground rules and regulations. It was agreed that the non-compliant and
un-kept graves should be dealt with initially and that the rules and
regulations would be made more accessible in order for people to comply. Planning
– A resident reported that he had received confirmation of a planning
application for 41 houses to be built in Jubilee Fields and enquired whether
the Parish Council would be objecting to this application. Cllr Tucker advised
that the application was yet to be discussed with the Planning Team as it was
very recent, but asked Ward Cllr Wright for his opinion on the application.
Ward Cllr Wright advised that the probability was that the application would be
declined by Swale Planning but that the Parish should put forward as many
responses as possible to Swale Planning due to the volume of applications that
have been submitted recently for the areas in and around Upchurch.
of Interest – Cllr Tucker and Cllr Denny declared a
Disclosable Non Pecuniary Interest in the Jubilee Fields Plans.
Correspondence – Church Path–
Cllr Tucker reported that the Church are in the process of obtaining quotations
for a Church Path and had asked if the Parish Council would assist with
funding. There is no money in the current budget for this, however it was
agreed that this could be considered in the future. Kent’s Third Speed Watch
Conference – It was agreed that attendance would not be beneficial at this
Planning – 15/501109/REM – Four Gun Field,
Otterham Quay Lane –
Approval of reserved matters for the erection of 52 dwellings, open public
space with wildlife area - It was agreed that further comments to the earlier
objection to this application should be submitted regarding education
facilities, the drainage system and also the fact that the data for the application
should be updated to Swale as opposed to Medway. 15/501140/FULL – Four Gun
Field, Otterham Quay Lane – New vehicular/pedestrian access to southern
boundary – The further objection will be submitted as per the above
application. 15/501495/FULL – Unit 1, The Oast Business Park, Spade
Lane – Change of use from B1 to B2 incorporating an MOT bay – The Parish
Council could see no reason to object to this application apart from asking
that the use of advertising be monitored so as not to cause a distraction on
the A2.
Permissions and refusals – Nothing to report.
Other Planning Matters – Cllr Tucker reported that both Jack
Russell Place and Jubilee Fields are to be the subject of a Planning Committee
meeting as the applications were not received in time for this meeting’s
agenda. A discussion took place regarding the need for an Extraordinary Council
Meeting to discuss the Jubilee Fields application rather than restricting it to
just the Planning Committee and it was agreed that this was a way forward.
Allotments and Recreation Ground – Allotment Rents– The Clerk
reported that she had been receiving the allotment rents and that there were
still some outstanding that would be chased. Allotment Fence –It was
reported that the allotment fence had now been replaced following the vehicle
collision. Recreation Ground – Nothing to report.
Play Equipment – It was reported that the rubber protection on the
swings is being looked at as it appears to be loose.
Ground and Churchyard - Burial
Ground Proposal– Cllr Rose and Cllr Tucker had met with the PCC regarding
the proposal and to discuss the ashes plots in the Church Yard. The PCC are to
hold a meeting at the end of the month regarding the ashes plots and will keep
the Parish Council informed. Burial Ground Steps – Cllr Masson is to
meet with the contractors to discuss the uneven steps.
Environment – Nothing to
– Street Lights – Cllr Arnold reported that a
street light is not working in Chaffes Lane and will be reported to the
contractors. Road markings – It was reported that new road markings had
been completed on several junctions and that the work is still ongoing.
Matters – Moor
Street, Rainham and Newington Applications -The proposed amendments to the response had been made and submitted
to the planning departments. Permissions and Refusals and Enforcements –
It was reported that the Clerk had contacted Swale Planning to enquire how
information can be obtained on Permissions and Refusals and that Cllr Lewin is
working alongside the Clerk to ensure the Council are kept informed on
meetings – The Annual Parish Meeting will take place in
the Village Hall on 30th April 2015. The May meeting will take place
on 14th May in the Village Hall at 7.30pm as the elections take
place on the first Thursday in May.
note the full Minutes from the Meeting can be seen on the Upchurch Parish
Council website.
Julia Cura
Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01634 363906
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