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Thursday, 12 March 2015

Upchurch Parish Council Report - April 2015

The Parish Council met on Thursday 5th March at the Village Hall where 8 Councillors were present and 10 members of the public including Cllr John Wright and Cllr Mike Baldock.

Public Time – Planning – Ward Cllr Wright reported on the planning proposals for Moor Street and Newington and the huge impact the size of these developments would have on the infrastructure, Health Services and Schools in Swale, Medway and the surrounding Parishes.  Ward Cllr Wright reported that himself and Cllr Lewin are liaising with Medway Town’s and Planning Departments and are very concerned with the current levels of applications. Cllr Tucker asked that Swale and Medway Planning be asked to consider the cumulative impact of these applications. It was agreed that the Parishes should form a united front when responding to these applications. Ward Cllr Wright reported that an online petition had been started and that it had already received over 500 signatures for the Newington application and 157 for the Moor Street application. Planning- a resident raised concerns regarding the current application for Moor Street which is a Medway Plan that will directly affect Swale. The concerns were principally with traffic, water, sewage and the loss of green space. The resident requested that the Parish Council object strongly to the planning application. Cllr Tucker advised that an objection had been drafted for submission and advised the resident to contact Upchurch Matters to raise awareness of the petitions.
Correspondence Neighbourhood Planning – Cllr Tucker advised that a special edition of Notes on Neighbourhood Planning had been received. Street Trading Application – It was reported that an application had been made for an ice cream van to extend his hours. CAB – It was reported that a letter had been received requesting a donation to CAB. It was agreed that a donation of £65 be made. St John’s College – Notification has been received that they will be making their Annual visit on 3rd June 2015 at 2.23pm.
 Planning – SW/14/0423 – 124 Chaffes Lane – New Dwelling within rear garden – Cllr New and Cllr Denny reported that they had met with Swale Planning Officers at the site and that the plan now allows for a turning point. 15/500671/FULL – Land off London Road, Newington – Outline application for residential development of up to 330 dwellings plus 60 units of extra care (including a minimum of 30% affordable), an allocated ¼ acre of serviced land for potential doctors surgery, demolition of farm outbuilding, planting and landscaping, informal open space, children’s play area, surface water attenuation, a vehicular access point from London Road and associated ancillary works – It was decided that the Parish Council would strongly object to this application. 15/500717/FULLMilestone Farm, Oak Lane – Part retrospective application for the retention of two hay barns with proposed extension as machinery store – The Parish Council has submitted clarification from Swale Borough Council on certain aspects of this application. MC/14/3784 – Medway Planning Application – Land North of Moor Street – Outline application for residential development of up to 200 dwellings (including a minimum of 25% affordable housing) planting and landscaping, informal open space, children’s play area, surface water attenuation, a vehicular access point from Otterham Quay Lane and associated ancillary works – It was decided that the Parish Council would strongly object to this application. 15/501140/FULL – Four Gun Field, Otterham Quay Lane – New vehicular/pedestrian access to southern boundary – It was reported that following this application another application has been submitted for approval of Reserved Matters under number 15/501109/REM – It was therefore decided to consider both applications together when full details of the Reserved Matters were received rather than separately.
Permissions and refusals – Nothing to report.
Other Planning Matters – Cllr New requested that Planning Enforcement be contacted regarding Horsham Lane Garage.
Allotments and Recreation Ground Allotments and Recreation Ground fences – It was reported that the new fence in the Recreation Ground had now been erected and that the contractor was awaiting materials for the repairs to the Allotment fencing. Tyre Tracks in Recreation Ground – The Parish Council has been made aware of tyre tracks in the middle of the Recreation Ground and has requested that if residents witness anything they phone 101 or report it to the Parish Council.
Paddock -. Village Fete – The Village Fete Committee requested permission to erect two tents the evening before the fete.
Burial Ground and Churchyard - Burial Ground Proposal– Cllr Rose advised that a statement has been written regarding considerations for the Burial Ground and requested that it be placed in the Gabriel and on Upchurch Matters.
Environment – Village Centre Parking – Notification has been received from Swale Borough Council stating that an application for a loading bay in the village centre had been declined.
Highways – Swale Automatic Number Plate Reader Project – Cllr Tucker reported that correspondence had been received by Swale Borough Council but after consideration it was decided that the scheme was not relevant to Upchurch.
Other Matters – Salt Bags-The Parish Council are looking into moving the salt bag to prevent it being wasted. Unipar Dual Message System – It was reported that this has now been repaired and returned to the Parish Council.  Church Clock - Cllr Tucker reported that a resident had very kindly fixed the clock and that it is now running to time. Website – Cllr Tucker reported that the website was currently being updated to make it more informative to the Parish. Elections- The Upchurch Parish elections take place on 7th May 2015. There are now several vacancies for Councillors. If you are interested in becoming an Upchurch Parish Councillor please contact the Clerk for further information. The deadline for submission of nominees to Swale Borough Council is 9th April 2015.
Next meetings – Confirmed as being 2nd April 2015 at 7:30pm in The Village Hall.
The Annual Parish Meeting will take place in the Village Hall on 30th April 2015.
Julia Cura
Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01634 363906


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