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Monday, 30 March 2015

Alison and Sarah Lewin are Raising Money for Cancer Research UK

Sisters Alison and Sarah Lewin along with friends are running in the 5K Race for Life at Mote Park on July 12th to raise money for Cancer Research UK, in memory of their lovely Mum Dianne who sadly passed away in October 2014.

If you find yourself with a pound or two to spare in the next few months please think of this.

Together we can beat cancer sooner!

You can sponsor Alison and Sarah through their JustGiving page

Thank you

Alison Lewin

Friday, 27 March 2015

Break In and Attempted Caravan Break In - Otterham Quay Lane

Hartlip Newington & Upchurch Ward

Crime Number: XY/010442/15
Otterham Quay Lane (lower). A caravan break in between 5pm on Wednesday 25th March 2015 and 12.30pm on Thursday 26th March 2015. Entry was gained and an awning and a window were stolen.

Crime Number: XY/010424/15
Otterham Quay Lane (lower). A attempted caravan break in between 9.30am on Wednesday 25th March 2015 and 1pm on Thursday 26th March 2015. Damage was caused but no entry was gained and nothing was stolen.

If you have any information that could help investigators please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the relevant crime number above.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch

Monday, 23 March 2015

Attempted Burglary in Breach Lane - Theft from a Vehicle in Crosier Court

Hartlip Newington & Upchurch Ward

Crime Number: 
just after 1:00am on 21st of March there was an attempted burglary at stables just off Breach Lane Upchurch.

Crime Number: XY/009336/15
Between midnight and 5:00am on 18th of March there was a theft from a vehicle parked in Crosier Court Upchurch. A set of crab claw cutters with hydraulic power pack & lines, a fireman's uniform, an axe and a red EM650 generator were stolen.

If you have any information that could help investigators please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the relevant crime number above.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Holywell School Welcome Children from Ferques

This week Holywell school welcomed children from our twin village of Ferques and its commune in France.

On Thursday 19th of March 52 excited year 5 & 6 French children arrived by coach at 9:00am. The visitors quickly settled down in the school hall with hot bacon rolls & orange squash and were reintroduced to their English counterparts, some of whom have already been pen-pals and friends over the internet.

Various exercises were attempted at the tables where the children both English and French, boys & girls were deliberately mixed up and given simple language based tasks to complete, this continued throughout the day interspersed with games outside.

After lunch a delightful bi-lingual singing session was organised before the children boarded their coach to return home.

For me it was nice to meet my counterpart M Christian Finance who is Le President (Chairman) of our French Jumelage (Twinning Group).

Upchurch Twinning group are already busy planning more activities for the slightly older ones amongst us later in the year and another visit by our children to France is also planned for this autumn.

Watch this space!

You can read more about Upchurch Twinning Group at the link: here

Mike Johnson Chairman
Upchurch Jumelage

Monday, 16 March 2015

Apply to become a Parish Councillor

Upchurch Parish Council

Motorcycle Stolen - London Road

Hartlip Newington & Upchurch Ward

Crime Number: XY/009025/15

Between 15th and 16th of March a Peugeot Motorcycle Registration number: GN61 FTV was stolen from London Road Upchurch.

If you have any information that could help investigators please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the relevant crime number above.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch

Friday, 13 March 2015

Upchurch Darby and Joan Easter Bazaar - Celebrating 65 Years of the Club

Congratulations to Upchurch Darby and Joan who this year are celebrating the 65th anniversary of the club.

The Easter Bazaar will make up part of the celebrations and takes place on Wednesday the 1st of April at Upchurch Village Hall.

Open to all ages with FREE ENTRY it starts at 10:00am until 12:00pm.

There will be the usual Raffles and other Attractions with Homemade Cakes, Tea and Bric a Brac.

All are welcome. Please come along and support this event.

Janet Gilbert

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Q & A Session - Application for Change of Use of Land at Woodgers Wharf

Work was undertaken at end of 2014 by the Son and Wife of previous owner Peter Woodger to crush the enormous pile of concrete beams left at the site after Mr Woodgers death in May 2013.

Walderslade based company WCB Utilities are inviting residents along to an informal question and answer session at the Brown Jug on Wednesday the 25th of March, between 6:00pm and 7:30pm.

WCB are a Utility & Civil Engineer Contractor working in Gas Main Replacement and have submitted a planing application to Swale Borough Council for change of use for the land known locally as Woodgers Wharf.

In a letter to residents the company say they have outgrown their present yard and give a brief insight of their current business and vehicle fleet movements. They say they plan to use the site for the storage of pipe fittings and equipment, office space and parking.

An assurance is also given that at no time do they intend using the site for tipping purposes as it has been in the past.

At the time of posting this we were unable to find the planning application to view online.

Their letter says they would be pleased to answer any questions you may have in person on the 25th or you can telephone Secretary Lee Hillman on: 07880 710095.

Upchurch Matters

Upchurch Parish Council Report - April 2015

The Parish Council met on Thursday 5th March at the Village Hall where 8 Councillors were present and 10 members of the public including Cllr John Wright and Cllr Mike Baldock.

Public Time – Planning – Ward Cllr Wright reported on the planning proposals for Moor Street and Newington and the huge impact the size of these developments would have on the infrastructure, Health Services and Schools in Swale, Medway and the surrounding Parishes.  Ward Cllr Wright reported that himself and Cllr Lewin are liaising with Medway Town’s and Planning Departments and are very concerned with the current levels of applications. Cllr Tucker asked that Swale and Medway Planning be asked to consider the cumulative impact of these applications. It was agreed that the Parishes should form a united front when responding to these applications. Ward Cllr Wright reported that an online petition had been started and that it had already received over 500 signatures for the Newington application and 157 for the Moor Street application. Planning- a resident raised concerns regarding the current application for Moor Street which is a Medway Plan that will directly affect Swale. The concerns were principally with traffic, water, sewage and the loss of green space. The resident requested that the Parish Council object strongly to the planning application. Cllr Tucker advised that an objection had been drafted for submission and advised the resident to contact Upchurch Matters to raise awareness of the petitions.
Correspondence Neighbourhood Planning – Cllr Tucker advised that a special edition of Notes on Neighbourhood Planning had been received. Street Trading Application – It was reported that an application had been made for an ice cream van to extend his hours. CAB – It was reported that a letter had been received requesting a donation to CAB. It was agreed that a donation of £65 be made. St John’s College – Notification has been received that they will be making their Annual visit on 3rd June 2015 at 2.23pm.
 Planning – SW/14/0423 – 124 Chaffes Lane – New Dwelling within rear garden – Cllr New and Cllr Denny reported that they had met with Swale Planning Officers at the site and that the plan now allows for a turning point. 15/500671/FULL – Land off London Road, Newington – Outline application for residential development of up to 330 dwellings plus 60 units of extra care (including a minimum of 30% affordable), an allocated ¼ acre of serviced land for potential doctors surgery, demolition of farm outbuilding, planting and landscaping, informal open space, children’s play area, surface water attenuation, a vehicular access point from London Road and associated ancillary works – It was decided that the Parish Council would strongly object to this application. 15/500717/FULLMilestone Farm, Oak Lane – Part retrospective application for the retention of two hay barns with proposed extension as machinery store – The Parish Council has submitted clarification from Swale Borough Council on certain aspects of this application. MC/14/3784 – Medway Planning Application – Land North of Moor Street – Outline application for residential development of up to 200 dwellings (including a minimum of 25% affordable housing) planting and landscaping, informal open space, children’s play area, surface water attenuation, a vehicular access point from Otterham Quay Lane and associated ancillary works – It was decided that the Parish Council would strongly object to this application. 15/501140/FULL – Four Gun Field, Otterham Quay Lane – New vehicular/pedestrian access to southern boundary – It was reported that following this application another application has been submitted for approval of Reserved Matters under number 15/501109/REM – It was therefore decided to consider both applications together when full details of the Reserved Matters were received rather than separately.
Permissions and refusals – Nothing to report.
Other Planning Matters – Cllr New requested that Planning Enforcement be contacted regarding Horsham Lane Garage.
Allotments and Recreation Ground Allotments and Recreation Ground fences – It was reported that the new fence in the Recreation Ground had now been erected and that the contractor was awaiting materials for the repairs to the Allotment fencing. Tyre Tracks in Recreation Ground – The Parish Council has been made aware of tyre tracks in the middle of the Recreation Ground and has requested that if residents witness anything they phone 101 or report it to the Parish Council.
Paddock -. Village Fete – The Village Fete Committee requested permission to erect two tents the evening before the fete.
Burial Ground and Churchyard - Burial Ground Proposal– Cllr Rose advised that a statement has been written regarding considerations for the Burial Ground and requested that it be placed in the Gabriel and on Upchurch Matters.
Environment – Village Centre Parking – Notification has been received from Swale Borough Council stating that an application for a loading bay in the village centre had been declined.
Highways – Swale Automatic Number Plate Reader Project – Cllr Tucker reported that correspondence had been received by Swale Borough Council but after consideration it was decided that the scheme was not relevant to Upchurch.
Other Matters – Salt Bags-The Parish Council are looking into moving the salt bag to prevent it being wasted. Unipar Dual Message System – It was reported that this has now been repaired and returned to the Parish Council.  Church Clock - Cllr Tucker reported that a resident had very kindly fixed the clock and that it is now running to time. Website – Cllr Tucker reported that the website was currently being updated to make it more informative to the Parish. Elections- The Upchurch Parish elections take place on 7th May 2015. There are now several vacancies for Councillors. If you are interested in becoming an Upchurch Parish Councillor please contact the Clerk for further information. The deadline for submission of nominees to Swale Borough Council is 9th April 2015.
Next meetings – Confirmed as being 2nd April 2015 at 7:30pm in The Village Hall.
The Annual Parish Meeting will take place in the Village Hall on 30th April 2015.
Julia Cura
Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01634 363906

Notice to Public - Burial Ground Proposal

It has become necessary for Upchurch Parish Council to review the rules and regulations relating to the burial ground, due to the increasing cost of maintaining it. Many plots are non-compliant with the current rules that state there should not be any form of boundary markers (e.g. fences, edging etc), no dressing or preparing stones, or any shrubs (which can become overgrown and are costly to maintain). Our risk assessments are identifying areas of concern and it has also been raised by the grass cutting contractors. They have to maintain each non-compliant plot individually which increases the time, and therefore cost, of the overall maintenance.

We therefore propose that this area becomes a “lawned burial ground” where each plot would eventually have grass to within 1 foot of the headstone. The remaining 1 foot of soil would allow families to grow bedding plants/bulbs or for the positioning of a vase that is approved by Upchurch Parish Council.

We would welcome comments via Email: or
Phone: 01634 363906.

Julia Cura
Clerk to the Parish Council

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Advertise Your Business in the PFHS Summer Fayre Programme

Plans are already well underway for this year’s Summer Fayre on Sunday 5th July. We will once again be producing a programme, and are looking for local businesses to take an advertisement inside.

The programme will be distributed to all the houses in Upchurch prior to the event, as well as being sent home in the children’s book bags, and being handed out on the day of the Fayre.

Adverts start from £15 for a quarter page, and can be booked by calling Simon Smith on:

Tele: 07920 854571
New Website:

Thank you for your support
Simon Smith

Monday, 9 March 2015

Match 4 Macmillan

Following on from our hugely successful 'World''s Biggest Coffee Morning' at the Village Hall, I recently started an Internship with Macmillan covering Kent & Surrey, promoting their new Match 4 Macmillan campaign. My focus is on schools and sports clubs.

Would any residents be interested in organising an event?

Or if any are teachers whose school might be interested in hosting an event with their year groups/parents to raise funds for Macmillan. If so, they can be in touch via:

Facebook: Sarah Fielder
or Email me on:
Find out more about Match 4 Macmillan on their website

Thank you

Sarah Fielder

PFHS Charity Golf Day

Clare Evans
Parents & Friends of Holywell School

Air Riffle Stolen - Horsham Lane

Hartlip Newington & Upchurch Ward

Crime Number: XY/008158/15

Just after 2:00am on Monday 9th of March an Air Rifle was stolen during a garage burglary in Horsham Lane Upchurch.

If you have any information that could help investigators please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the relevant crime number above.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch

PFHS Bingo Night - Amount Raised

Many thanks to everyone who attended our Bingo Night on Saturday. I am delighted to let you know that we raised just over £500 for the school.
Many thanks.

Clare Evans
Chair - PFHS
New Website:

Friday, 6 March 2015

The Great Upchurch Bake Off

On Friday March 13th Holywell are having a Bake Off to raise money for the school.

All classes will be baking something to sell and it is hoped parents and grandparents will come along too and support the schools first ever bake sale!

Further donations of baked goods* from home are welcome and should be bought in to the office on March 13th between 12:15pm and 12:45pm.

*Holywell is a nut-free school so all baked goods
should not contain nuts. Thank you.

For more info please contact Mr Ball, Email:

Upchurch Matters

The Mystery of Mr. Mantle by David Wood

Upchurch at War in 1914-1918

One of the great village mysteries of World War 1 involved the sudden disappearance of inventor Mr. Mantle from Bayford House on the bottom left of Poot Lane in 1915.

Born in Minster, Sheppey on December 30th 1850, Mantle went to Germany and joined an agricultural machinery agent’s in Hanover where he stayed for 2½ years. He then moved to Schleswig-Holstein where he continued in the agricultural machinery business then he started a small engineering and iron foundry company. In 1882 he took out his first patent for making improvements in threshing machinery but this failed because of insufficient capital.

Mr. Mantle returned to England in 1884 and took out a patent for improvements in cooking ranges in 1889. He also built a factory at Gray’s in Essex but this failed so he constructed another in Northfleet but he again ran short of capital. He finally settled down in Upchurch during the early 1900s.

When he came to Upchurch Mr. Mantle constructed his own house on the marshes on the bottom left of Poot Lane which became known as ‘Bayford House.’ The large building, overlooking the marshes, reminiscent of Miss Haversham’s big house in Charles Dicken’s novel ‘Great Expectations’, became the only one of its kind in the parish. After this Mr. Mantle formed his own company called ‘The Bayford Ironworks Company’ and constructed an iron foundry close to his house for the production of Wizard stoves in 1911. He intended to produce stoves for the domestic UK market but the business didn’t progress due to the outbreak of war in 1914. Only one stove was ever produced.

Considered as a bit of an extrovert by local residents, the late Georgine Gordon-Smith who later resided in the house, explained that Mantle dressed in a top hat and tailed coat when entertaining friends and generally kept himself to himself.

With the outbreak of war in 1914 residents’ backgrounds were checked and in 1915 the police ordered Mr. Mantle to vacate the parish on instructions from the military then charged and arrested him under the Defense of the Realm Act. The exact reasons remained a mystery but rumour spread in the village that he had become a German spy and wide coverage of the case appeared in contemporary editions of the East Kent Gazette.

After taking out a petition in protest for wrongful arrest and deprivation of his home and business without good reason, the question of Mr. Mantle’s arrest reached Parliament when local MP Mr. Granville-Wheeler took the case to the Under-Secretary of State in early 1915. The MP asked whether Mr. Mantle had been charged with any offence against the realm and whether he had been informed on what charges or evidence had led to his arrest and whether he would be given an opportunity to produce evidence to show that he was innocent of any crime. The Under-Secretary replied that:

‘The action taken in this case was under the Defence of the Realm Regulation Number 14 under which, as I have on previous occasions explained, no charge is necessary. Mr. Mantle was suspected of acting or having acted in a manner prejudicial to the public safety. It would not be in the public interest to go further into the details of this case.’

Not completely satisfied with the reply Mr. Granville-Wheeler asked further questions and a conclusion was reached when the Under-Secretary told him that if he wished to bring the matter as a special case he would give it personal consideration. After Granville-Wheeler had continued fighting the case during a six month period he managed to get the order cancelled and Mr. Mantle re-appeared at Bayford House to the surprise of local residents who were unaware of what exactly had happened to him.

When the war finished Mr. Mantle successfully sued the British government for wrongful arrest and received a large amount of compensation according to the late Georgine Gordon-Smith. He then left Bayford house, terminated his company and moved away from the area. The foundry later became a fruit store for farmers A. Hinge and Sons while bulldog breeder Dick Shrubsall and Georgine Gordon-Smith moved into the house.

Memories of
When Dick Shrubsall died Georgine Gordon-Smith continued living alone in the huge building overlooking the marshes until she died when in her mid-nineties and farmer Robert Hinge and his family moved into the property. Although a century has passed since the incident involving Mr. Mantle, the complete truth about his arrest remains a mystery.

About David:
David Wood was born and raised in Upchurch and is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village. David's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David at: or from us here at Upchurch Matters. Price £12 + £3.50 postage and packing.

David Wood

Monday, 2 March 2015

New Website Launched for Parents & Friends of Holywell School

Parents & Friends of Holywell School are pleased to announce the launch of their new website.

The website will provide information about their forthcoming events and current fundraising plans, and will be continually updated throughout the year.

It can be found at:

Simon Smith


Sunday, 1 March 2015

The Gullands guide to dipping into your pension pot or not?

Radical changes to the rules in respect of pensions are being introduced in April 2015. These are the most significant changes that have been made to pensions in many years. The key change which has attracted headlines is the new flexible access to pensions from the age of 55 giving you the choice, in certain circumstances, as to whether you take a lump sum, regular lump sums or an income from your pension.

These options all have tax implications and you would need to be independently advised as to the option that is best for you.

Should you decide to withdraw funds from your pension pot then you may wish to consider purchasing a “buy to let property” to generate an income for you and, hopefully with bricks and mortar, maintain or increase the capital value of your investment.

This is also the time of year where older children are considering their futures and may be looking to move away to undertake further education and will therefore be incurring accommodation costs. It is worth considering buying a property where they are going to study for them to live in, with the additional potential for an income source from other students who may wish to house share/rent a room.
These options are certainly worth considering if withdrawing funds from a pension pot. You would of course need to consider the tax implications for owning a property which is not your principle private residence, receiving rent as part of your income and the various issues around tax relief on the associated expenditure of mortgage interest and ongoing maintenance costs. However you may feel that this is a more secure and better investment than retaining funds in a pension scheme.

Alternatively you may just be carrying out a general review of your property requirements in the run up to your retirement. Do you live in a property that is now too large for your needs, too costly to run or in need of repair and maintenance? Would you like to live closer to other family members or perhaps within walking distance of shops and amenities? Perhaps you should consider downsizing from your current home and finding a property that better suits your needs before even considering withdrawing funds from your pension. The equity you release from such a sale may help you with your future plans without leaving you without a future income or with a sizeable tax bill.

If you would like advice on buying and selling a property at whatever stage in your life, Alan Williams can be reached at:

Telephone: 01622 689700
Or visit:

Gullands Solicitors


UpARA - Latest Schedule of Events

Upchurch Active Retirement Association

Please see below for details of our regular events over the next couple of month.
For more details of these and our other activities, see the posters on our notice boards.

Since we are entering our second year subscriptions are now due,
if you do not want your membership to lapse. 

Monthly Meetings (2nd Friday of the month)
(Members Free; Guests £2.00)
Friday 13th March 2015 - 2:00pm
Friday 10th April 2015 - 2:00pm

Coffee Mornings (4th Tuesday of the month)
(Members £1.50; Guests £2.00)
Tuesday 24th March 2015 - 09:30am until 12:30pm
Tuesday 28th April 2015 - 09:30am until 12:30pm 

Village Walks (1st & 3rd Friday of the month)
Friday 6th March 2015 - 10:00am
Friday 20th March 2015 – 10:00am
Rose & Crown, Hartlip

Saturday, 21st March 2015
Thriplow Daffodil Festival
Friday,15th May 2015
Little Venice & Camden Lock

David Powell - Chairman
Telephone: 01795 843550


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