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Friday, 13 February 2015

Upchurch Parish Council Report - March 2015

The Parish Council met on Thursday 5th February at the Village Hall where 8 Councillors were present and 12 members of the public.

Public Time – Localism Grant Fund – Cllr John Wright stated that there is a small amount of money left in the fund. Cllr Tucker advised that the Council would give this some thought. Otterham Quay Lane – A resident raised concerns over the blocked gullies following the hedge cutting. Cllr Lewin advised who should be contacted when this situation arises. The resident also requested that he be able to remove the traffic cones left on Chaffes Lane and store them for the Council. Planning – a resident raised their concerns over the Solar Farm, Boxsted Lane and questioned why the planning permission had been passed and that they felt they had not been properly informed by Swale Planning of the planning application for this site and still have concerns regarding the impact on the countryside.  Cllr Tucker advised that the resident should email all of their concerns to the Clerk who will then speak to Swale Planning regarding this.

Correspondence Local Boundary Commission Electoral Review – Cllr Tucker advised that the Electoral review of Kent County Council has commenced. This is open to the public and full details of this can be found on the website Lord Lieutenant’s Civic Service at Rochester Cathedral on 10/3/2015 – Cllr Tucker advised that Cllr New and Cllr Lewin would be attending this event.

Planning - 14/505230/FULL Jack Russell Place, Halstow Lane – Variation of condition 2 and 4 of planning permission SW/11/0496 to increase the number of mobile homes (from 2 to 5), and to have flood lighting security lightning for safety. – Cllr Tucker confirmed that an objection had been made by the Parish Council that the applicant had acquired new land not on the original application. Cllr Rossiter had received a response from Swale Planning stating that the applicant will be contacted with a view to the application being withdrawn or amended. 14/506519/FULL Kent Terrace, Canterbury Lane – Redevelopment of existing landscape contractor’s yard and land surrounding Kent Terrace to provide 13 dwelling houses and an extension to the existing terrace with associated car parking and landscaping. In addition a ground floor rear extension of Plot 15. It was decided that the Parish Council would object to the application in its current state and will reconsider an amendment.

Permissions and refusals – Crescent House – It was confirmed that Crescent House has had prior approval for change of use to residential buildings.

Allotments and Recreation Ground Allotments and Recreation Ground fences – It was agreed to accept one of the quotes for both the repairs to the Allotment fence and for the replacement of the Recreation Ground fence and for work to proceed on these as soon as possible.

Paddock - Nothing to report.

Burial Ground and Churchyard - Burial Ground Rules and Regulations – Cllr Rose has reviewed the Rules and Regulations and has drafted a proposal to deal with the issues of non-compliance of the current rules. It was agreed to move the proposal forward on the ‘next steps’ and formulate a detailed proposal.

Environment - Salt bag – The village annual salt provision has been incorrectly delivered to Nursery Days car park. Cllr Masson and Cllr Lewin have agreed to distribute small salt bags from the car park to residents who may wish to make use of the salt. A date for this will be confirmed with the Clerk who will put notification on the website and notice boards. Unipar Dual Message System - It was agreed that the system be repaired and returned to the Parish Council.

Highways - Street lights – Cllr Arnold reported that the parts for the street light on the junction of The Street with The Poles have now arrived. He was also aware of a faulty light in Chaffes Lane and that the contractors have been notified. Cllr Tucker advised she would be raising KCC’s proposal to upgrade all lights to LED at the Swale West Meeting to see if a grant could be obtained.

Other Matters – Church Clock – It had been noted that the Church is running slow. The Clerk will contact the contractors to get this fixed.

Next meetings – Confirmed as being 5th March 2015 and 2nd April 2015, 7:30pm in The Village Hall. The Annual Parish Meeting will take place in the Village Hall on 30th April 2015.

Julia Cura, Clerk to the Parish Council 
Telephone: 01634 363906


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