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Friday, 30 January 2015

Kent Community Messaging - Driveway Cleaning & Block Paving Work

Reference: Community Message.

A group of males are operating in this area offering driveway cleaning and block paving work.

There is a white van involved. Please do not deal with these males at the door and report any pushy / threatening behaviour to the Police on 101.

Kent Police

Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch

Monday, 26 January 2015

Cash - Mobile - Land Rover Discovery All Stolen - Horsham Lane

Hartlip Newington & Upchurch Ward

Message 058 from Neighbourhood Watch

XY/002898/15: on Sunday 25th of January, a male bogus customer was involved in theft of cash and a mobile phone from an insecure office at FCS Car Sales in Horsham Lane Upchurch. He was described by another customer as 50 years of age wearing a cream pullover and drove away in a purple car with a younger female.

XY/002913/15: A silver Land Rover Discovery, registration: LC12 ZRT was stolen from a garage in Horsham Lane Upchurch between 5:30 and 8:30 pm on 25th of January.

If you have any information that could help investigators please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the crime number above.

For more information on crime prevention

Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Upchurch Twinning Group Annual Quiz Night - All Tables Now Reserved

Upchurch is twinned with Ferques-Elinghen in Pas de Calais, France.

The Quiz Night is always a popular evening.
As most of you will already be aware - we are holding our Annual Quiz Night in the Hall of Holywell School on Saturday 7th February, with tables of 6 to 8 (maximum) persons, at £4.00 per head, please bring your own drinks and nibbles. The school will be open from 7:00pm, with the first question at 7:30pm.

Good news - we have had reservations for all 18 tables now!

Still well over a week to go - if you have booked a table or are part of a team - please don't forget to turn up!

All proceeds go towards years 5 & 6 Holywell children visiting either Elinghen or Ferques schools.

You can read more about Upchurch Twinning Group at the link here

Ann Harman (Secretary) on: 01634 235420
Mike Johnson (Chairman) on: 01634 234226 Email

Ann Harman
Upchurch Twinning Group

Money Stolen - Upchurch River Valley Golf Course

Hartlip Newington & Upchurch Ward

Crime Number: XY/001388/15

Money was stolen from the office area at Upchurch River Valley Golf Course, Oak Lane.
This happened between 8:00am and 12 noon on Sunday 11th of January.

If you have any information that could help investigators please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the crime number above.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Upchurch Parish Council Report - February 2015

The Parish Council met on Thursday 8th January at the Village Hall where 7 Councillors were present and 12 members of the public.

Public Time - Gullies – a resident queried about the gully cleaning – lots of intentional signs but no cleaning appears to have taken place.  Cllr Tucker will investigate. Planning – a resident asked for clarification as to why Swale BC seem to refer to Mid-Kent Planning support.  Cllr Lewin explained that back office planning administration for all of Mid-Kent in general is now dealt with at Maidstone, but any Swale area planning applications will always return to Swale BC for progression. Swale Borough Council is still our Planning Authority. Holywell Lane – the owner of the land at Tree Tops in Holywell Lane was supporting the local Travelling community by clarifying that much of the mess along that lane was not necessarily down to the travellers as had been reported in the local paper a few months ago. Cllr Tucker informed him that the newspaper has picked this up from the minutes of one of the meetings where a resident had reported the state of the lane, and it had subsequently been recorded that the statement was incorrect. However the Council is not responsible for what is reported in the newspapers.
Correspondence - River Basin Management – Cllr Lewin advised this was not of high relevance to Upchurch. Swale Rural Forum - The next forum is on 10th February 2015 at Lower Halstow Memorial Hall, 7pm – Cllrs Lewin and Tucker will attend.  All are welcome and should be a useful evening.  Cllr Lewin has asked for a discussion on bridleway system west of the A249 as there is so much “horsiculture” around such that horses are often seen on our roads.  A discussion on safety issues as well as economical support of the industry would be beneficial. He asked that members inform him of any issues to include in his talk. Lord Lieutenant’s Civic Service at Rochester Cathedral on 10/3/15 – Cllrs New and Lewin would like to attend. Communication within the Parish – Upchurch Matters Website (Louis Newbery) had emailed with some suggestions of how to improve communication from the Parish Council to the village.  The ideas were favourably received as it is important to get information out, but it was decided to await the new Clerk.
Planning - 14/505052/FULL Twinney Wharf, Susans Lane – Erection of a barn for storage of animal feed, bedding and associated plant and machinery. – the Parish Council response was that the amendments made were more in keeping with the rural area and therefore could see no planning reasons to object. SW/14/0074 Appeal Ref: APP/V2255/A/14/2224462 Oast Field Stud, Gore Farm Track, Holywell Lane – Change of use of land to a 1 no. pitch gypsy site (1 no. mobile home, 2 no. touring caravans) with associated foaling boxes and parking bays. – Appeal hearing to be 28/1/15 10am at Swale House.  Cllr Tucker will try to attend.  In addition, Cllr Lewin has raised objections and has proposed refusal in committee, so he will be attending as Borough Councillor. 14/505230/FULL/EMEI Jack Russell Place, Halstow Lane – Variation of condition 2 and 4 of planning permission SW/08/0917 (Change of use to residential – stationing of one touring caravan and two mobile homes. Erection of a stable block and a storage shed (open sides).) to increase the number of mobile homes (from 2 to 5), and to have flood lighting security lightning for safety.– There has been an amendment to this application to vary conditions of SW/11/0496 rather than SW/08/0917. It was agreed that the Parish Council response should object this relatively considerable increase in mobile homes and to any lighting in this site as it is open countryside.
Allotments and Recreation Ground Allotments and Recreation Ground fences – Repairs to the allotment fence will be progressed as quickly as possible. The Recreation Ground fence along Oak Lane path is to be replaced with a grant from KCC.
Paddock -. Nothing to report
Burial Ground and Churchyard - Burial Ground Steps – Cllr Masson and the Clerk had met with the contractor regarding the steps which are sloping. Cllr Tucker will follow up the outcome. Churchyard path – Cllr New reported that she was aware that the faculty for this has been taken to the Diocese. Burial Ground Rules and Regulations – Cllr Rose is beginning to review the Rules and Regulations. This will be added to the agenda for the next GPC meeting.
Environment - Salt bag – The village annual salt provision has in incorrectly delivered to Nursery Days car park. A resident has been approached to help to move the bag to the Village Hall car park. The salt available for all village residents to use in event of icy conditions. Cllr Tucker will follow this up and also research the availability of smaller salt bags for people to fill. Church Christmas Tree Festival – this event was very successful and Cllrs Denny and Rose were thanked for their efforts with the Parish Council contribution.
Highways - Street lights – the light at the junction of The Street with The Poles is still not working.  Cllr Arnold reported that the contractor is awaiting some brackets. He was also aware of the light opposite 101 Wallbridge Lane being out and others in Crosier Court and near Snaffles which are unreliable. All are being followed up with Highways. Pot hole in The Street – has been repaired. Oak Lane closure – Information that this road will be closed from Bishop Lane to Snaffles, on Sundays 18th and 25th January
Next meetings – Confirmed as being 5th February 2015 and 5th March 2015, 7:30pm in The Village Hall.
Mrs Julia Cura Parish Clerk
43 Woodside, Rainham, Kent ME8 0PL
Tel: 01634 363906

Upchurch Village Hall Committee - Secretary Wanted

Upchurch Village Hall

Upchurch Village Hall Committee are seeking to co-opt a parish resident on to their Committee to undertake the specific role of Secretary. The committee seeks to manage all affairs of the hall such as financial affairs, rules and regulations, health and safety matters, bookings and general maintenance.

This is a voluntary position which requires attendance normally at 2 meetings a month, the main meeting being the evening of every second Wednesday of the month. The other is a sub-committee of the Officers which meets just prior to these to discuss agenda items.

The duties of the Secretary include:-

Being a contact point for general enquiries relating to the village hall;

Investigating and co-ordinating fund raising and grant applications;

Obtaining quotes; Recording and storage of all correspondence, sent
   and received, on behalf of the committee;

Maintaining the attendance book;

Taking, circulating and storage of all Committee minutes;

If you are interested in supporting your local village hall in this way please contact the Chairman, Keith Rossiter on: 01634 234780 or via email:

Upchurch Village Hall Committee

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Monday, 12 January 2015

Upchurch Cricket Club - Winter Nets Programme

Winter training starts on Sunday 1st February
at Sittingbourne Community College.

We will have two lanes available from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. The structure will be as follows:

Lane One from 6:30pm to 7:30pm - Under 11's and Under 13's only (plus any Under 9's who have played hard ball cricket)

Lane Two from 6:30pm to 8:30pm - Under 15's, 17's and Seniors

Lane One from 7:30pm to 8:30pm - Under 15's, 17's and Seniors

£3.00 for Seniors/Under 17's and £2.00 for all other age groups.

All sessions will be conducted by the XI Captain, Kevin Masters in conjunction with Head Coach Alan Pattenden and on some occasions Dave Masters (Essex County player) will also be coming along.

If you have any friends who would like join us for Winter Nets they are more than welcome to join us.

Steve Parker
Upchurch Cricket Club
Telephone: 01795 843361

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Upchurch Twinning Group - Annual Quiz Night

Upchurch is twinned with Ferques-Elinghen in Pas de Calais, France.

The Quiz Night is always a popular evening so don't forget to book
your table to avoid disappointment.

The Annual Twinning Quiz night is to be held in the School Hall on Saturday 7th February 2015

Doors open 7pm for a 7:30pm prompt start.

Teams of 6 / 8 max, cost £4 per team member.

Bring your own drinks, glasses and nibbles.

All proceeds go towards years 5 & 6 visiting either Elinghen or Ferques schools

To book a table:-

Contact Ann Harman on Medway 235420 - Email:-

Or Mike Johnson on Medway 234226 - Email:-

You can read more about Upchurch Twinning Group at the link:- here

Upchurch Twinning Group

Monday, 5 January 2015

Distraction Thefts at Cashpoints

Kent Police

Upchurch at War in 1915 by David Wood

While the war raged on in Europe and beyond Upchurch residents continued to live out their daily lives in the village. Most had little idea about the reality of the conflict apart from what they read in weekly local newspaper reports and news from servicemen who had returned home on leave.

Although Upchurch men had joined the Armed Forces, an article appeared in the East Kent Gazette dated March 6th 1915 accusing the village of lacking patriotism, stating that men of fighting age were not joining up. The article ended with the words,

‘Wake up my lads! Seize the chance of your lifetime and lay a just claim to honour your existence as Britishers.’

This eventually proved unjustified as 140 men from the village joined up to fight during the course of the war including Alfred and James Robinson from Ham Green who were amongst the first of the 1915 volunteers.

The fervour of patriotism continued on Sunday June 5th, 1915 when a troop of the East Kent Mounted Rifles rode into the village for an open air recruitment meeting beside the church. At the meeting Reverend Trew urged the troop captain to persuade mothers present to commit their sons to join up, Mr R. M. Wakeley of ‘Wakeley Brothers’ gave an impassioned patriotic speech and Holywell headmaster Mr. Maltravers raised the Union Jack flag above the Infant’s School.

Only James Hatton and Fred Godfrey from Upchurch were recorded as war fatalities during 1915. James Hatton served as a private in the Buffs and after enlisting in 1909 he served in Singapore and Ireland before going to the European mainland with the British Expeditionary Force in 1914. He was killed in action on February 27th, 1915 and is buried in the Bois Grenier cemetery in France. Before the war he worked as a shepherd boy and lived at Butler’s Cottages, Ham Green then Brent Cottages near the present Upchurch Cricket ground.

Fred Godfrey served as a private in The Buffs. He was killed on the Western Front on November 26th 1915. Born in Teynham he lived at Ham Green when the war began. He is remembered on the Lynsted and Upchurch war memorials and is buried at Hedge Row Trench Cemetery, Leper, Belgium. On a more pleasing note George Marsh from Forge Lane joined up at the start of the war and after fighting in France with the British Expeditionary Force he gained promotion to sergeant in August 1914 then to staff sergeant in September 1914. After this he became attached to the RAMC taking charge of motor convoy workshops. An August 1915 edition of the East Kent Gazette reported that in celebration of his achievements he received a watch and chain, a pouch and two boxes of cigars from his comrades.

James Hatton and Fred Godfrey are both commemorated
on a plaque inside St. Mary's Church.
Throughout the year Holywell School raised money for the war. In May 1915 pupils at the school presented a show in aid of St Bart’s Hospital and raised £5. Fund raising activities continued under the direction of teachers Mr and Mrs Maltravers. Later in December 1915 a bazaar took place at Holywell School and raised £12/3/10d for Princess Mary’s Fund. The Young Patriots at the school also raised £30 during the year for organisations like ‘HRH Princess Mary’s Christmas Fund for Soldiers and Sailors,’ the ‘Belgian children’ and for the ‘YMCA Hut Scheme.’

During the summer months of 1915 many village residents were busy fruit picking while fruit foreman Bill Hyland had to regularly chase boys ‘nicking’ fruit from Wakeley Brothers Wetham Green cherry orchard during the long evenings. Cyril Wraight and his friends congregated beside the water pump situated in The Street at the top of Forge Lane where they ate their pickings. There wasn’t much else for the village youngsters to do as the recreation ground had been abandoned and out of use since 1906, both the village football and cricket clubs were suspended until the war ended and money was scarce.

Several serious incidents took place in the village starting with Robert Mills, a tramp, who got arrested by the police after repeatedly begging for money in June. He received fourteen days hard labour. Later, the police arrested William Duley, a private in the 5th battalion Middlesex Regiment for being absent from the army without leave in Upchurch.

The most puzzling incident concerned local inventor Mr Mantle from Bayford House in Poot Lane, forced out of the parish by the police under instructions from the military. He was later charged and arrested under the Defence of the Realm Act. According to the authorities Mr Mantle had acted in a way prejudicial to public safety. He later fought the case through his MP Mr Granville-Wheeler and it went to the Under–Secretary of State in the House of Commons. He eventually had the charges overturned and returned to Bayford House for a short time then after suing the government for wrongful arrest he moved away from the area.

David Wood.
At the end of 1915 Reverend Trew moved away from the village and Reverend Dicker replaced him in early 1916. James Holloway and Charles Shipp served as church wardens and Bill Hyland and Ted Tress served as Overseers of the Poor during this period.

When 1915 finally ended not much optimism existed for a quick end to the war as more village youths joined the army and navy while the opposing armies fought for small gains with massive casualties along the Western Front in France and Belgium.

About David:
David Wood was born and raised in Upchurch and is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village. David's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David at: or from us here at Upchurch Matters. Price £12 + £3.50 postage and packing.

David Wood

Sunday, 4 January 2015

UpARA - Latest Schedule of Events

Upchurch Active Retirement Association

Well I think we are all a bit breathless, and possibly overfed from all the Christmas festivities. UpARA’s Christmas “Do” was really outstanding, and all our thanks to the team that made it happen it such a professional way. Also a very professional display for our decorated Christmas tree in the church by Joyce, Mary, Barbara, Sandra and Elaine.

Now another year is with us - onwards and upwards!

Monthly Meetings (2nd Friday of the month)
(Members Free; Guests £2.00)
Friday 9th January 2015 - 2:00pm
Friday 13th February 2015 - 2:00pm

Coffee Mornings (4th Tuesday of the month)
(Members £1.50; Guests £2.00)
Tuesday 27th January 2015 - 09.30am until 12:30pm
Tuesday 24th February 2015 - 09.30am until 12:30pm

Village Walks (1st & 3rd Friday of the month)
Friday 2nd January 2015 - 10:00am
Friday 16th January 2015 - 10:00am 

Thursday 22nd January 2015
Jersey Boys, Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury
10th February 2015
ITV Studios, London
Mel & Sue

David Powell - Chairman
Telephone: 01795 843550

Friday, 2 January 2015

Upchurch Cricket Club Charity Football Match - Amount Raised

Upchurch Cricket Club played Upchurch Football Club in a charity football match on Sunday the 28th of December at their home pitch in Holywell Lane.

The match ended in a draw and raised a grand total of £355 for
The Kent, Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance Trust.

Thanks to all the spectators who came along and to everybody who supported this very worthy cause.

Terry Lewis
Tel: 01634 230643

Valentines Dinner Dance at Upchurch River Valley Golf Course

Upchurch River Valley Golf Course

Poolside Bar Music Nights at Upchurch River Valley Golf Course

Upchurch River Valley Golf Course


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