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Thursday, 13 November 2014

Upchurch Parish Council Report - December 2014

The Parish Council met on Thursday 6th November at the Village Hall where 6 Councillors were present and 8 members of the public.

Public Time – W.I. – The Chairman of the W.I. explained to members that next year was their centenary and they were looking to commemorate this. They were hoping to raise approx. £2,000 to purchase a Community Defibrillator. She had met with Cllr Tucker to explain this further and it had not been decided yet where this would be located. They were hoping to have it in place by September 2015. She explained that the W.I. was looking for the Council’s support in progressing with this. Street light in Bradshaw Close by footpath to Oak Lane – A resident raised concerns that this light was out. Cllr Arnold explained that this light was covered by trees and had been on daylight burning for around two years. Highways had contacted The Vicarage to request overgrown vegetation was cut back but as yet no action had been taken. He advised the resident that this light would be fixed before Christmas. Environment/Highways – A resident commented that The Paddock, Recreation Ground and Otterham Quay Lane were all looking presentable. He asked if there was any update on traffic calming along Horsham Lane. Cllr Lewin explained that this was an agenda item at the next meeting of the Joint Transport Board. This meeting could be viewed by members of the public, further details could be found at: clicking on Council “Councillors, Committees and meetings”.

Correspondence - Kent County Council Community Warden Service – It was noted that this public consultation could be viewed at: Sittingbourne Local Engagement Forum – Members noted that the next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday 16th December 2014 at 7pm. The venue was to be confirmed. W.I. suggestion of a defibrillator in village– It was agreed to support the W.I. in locating a defibrillator in the village. It was commented that the W.I. will investigate the on-going costs of the defibrillator and that it would be helpful if a member of the Council could attend their meeting when this is discussed.

Planning - 14/503851/FULL Mill House, Otterham Quay Lane – Single storey side extension. The Planning Review Team had no objections.14/503022/FULL 17 Woodruff Close – Rear Conservatory. The Planning Review Team had no objections provided that neighbours views were given serious consideration. 14/504035/FULL/ROMC 36 Chaffes Lane – Single storey rear extension and side garage. The Planning Review Team will discuss this proposal and inform the Clerk of any comments.

Allotments and Recreation Ground – Plot 2/2a – It was noted that someone had shown an interest in taking over this plot. It was currently overgrown and two other plot holders had not been able to get the plot into a manageable state in which to grow anything. This would be discussed at the next GPC meeting.

Paddock - Upchurch Village Fete Committee – The Clerk reported that a request had been received from this committee to use the Paddock for a fete on 20th June 2015. If in agreement, it would be run very similarly to this year’s fete and the Council would be kept informed of any pre-event activity which may need to take place, for example, pitch marking and weed tidying. It was agreed to accept this request.

Burial Ground and Churchyard - Review Burial Ground fees – A proposal to increase some of the fees to cover maintenance costs had been circulated. It was agreed to accept this and the new fees would be effective 1st December 2014.

Environment  - Proposal for a Bus Shelter in the Village Centre – It was commented that the Council had agreed to look into this but due to the timing of the suggestion for a Lych Gate, it went on hold. Further discussions with Mr Harris had highlighted that the Lych Gate may not be appropriate for a Bus shelter. It was suggested that the Council start looking into this proposal further, for example, by obtaining prices for bus shelters, designs suitable for a conservation area. It was agreed to progress with investigations into this proposal. KALC Community Awards – The Clerk explained that the 2015 scheme would run along the same lines as the 2014 one. The Council could identify a person or group in their community that had made a significant contribution to the local community. There was no pre-determined criteria for what the contribution to the community might be. It was noted that nominations needed to be submitted to KALC before 30th January 2015. Two nominations were suggested and the Clerk noted these. Christmas Festival at St Mary’s Church – Members noted that the theme was “Twelve Days of Christmas” and that the church would be open from 13th December for the trees to be put up. Cllr Rose and Cllr Denny will follow this up. Preparing for emergencies – It was explained that the Kent Resilience Team could help prepare an emergency plan and had published a Handbook “What should I do in an emergency”. A copy of the Handbook was circulated. It was suggested that the Clerk contact Gabriel to see if they could help with distributing this handbook. Cllr Tucker offered to follow this up with the Village Hall Management Committee to see if they could help by having a Handbook on display at the Village Hall.

Highways - Speed watch equipment– The Clerk advised that Unipar Services had been in contact to explain that no fault had been found with the battery that had been returned to them. Therefore they had asked for the remaining equipment to be sent to them. Street lights – Cllr Arnold reported that 6 lights would be reported to the contractor: Chaffes Lane opposite Church Farm RoadThe Street junction with The Poles, Marstan Close o/s 5Bradshaw Close by footpath to Oak LaneWallbridge Lane pop 101 and Horsham Lane s/o Garden Cottage Proposal for a new street light in Otterham Quay Lane – A request from Beckenham Park Residents Association for this new light would be discussed at the next meeting of the Budget/Precept committee.

Next meetings – 4th December 2014 (Holywell Primary School) and 8th January 2015 (Upchurch Village Hall) starting at 7:30pm.

Claire Attaway, Parish Clerk, 33 Church Farm Road.
Tel: 01634 363906 (Mon - Thurs 9am to midday)


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