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Monday, 15 September 2014

Upchurch Parish Council Report - October 2014

The Parish Council met on Thursday 4th September at the Village Hall where 7 Councillors were present and 10 members of the public including Cllr John Wright.

Public Time – Horsham Car Sales – A resident raised concerns regarding this site. He commented that he had raised objections about this planning application at the time it was submitted. He explained that there were issues with the number of cars at the site, vehicles blocking the road and inappropriate signage. He was advised that the Council was in contact with Enforcement Officers at Swale BC. SW/14/0267 Horsham Lane Garage – A resident explained that he had raised parking issues about this planning application. He explained that it was difficult crossing Horsham Lane and at times was dangerous. He asked if a safe method of crossing this road could be considered and also if signage could be provided to alert drivers to slow down. It was commented that this was a continuing issue and the Council was consulting Highways about speeding issues all over the village. However, the response from Highways was due to no record of accidents, there was no need for speed reducing methods. Beckenham Park Residents Association (BPRA) – A resident explained that Beckenham Park consisted of about 70 plus Park Homes, mainly home to senior residents. He commented that many residents use the bus service and it is dangerous crossing the road to get to the bus stop. He asked if a sign displaying ‘elderly people crossing’ could be installed and also, a new street light. Lych Gate at St. Mary’s Church – A resident apologised for the way this had been reported in the local newspaper and explained he did not have an input to this. He explained that his idea was to have a memorial for the centenary for our generation and accepted that there were already memorials at the Church. Holywell Lane – A resident reported that the recent rainfall had washed stones and grit into this lane which could be dangerous to cyclists. Vehicle’s speeding – A resident commented that he would be interested to find out the results of Speed Watch carried out in the village. He felt that speeding was mainly due to inconsiderate drivers and usually an offence committed by local people. Woodgers Wharf – Cllr Lewin sat in the Public chair for this item. He explained that he had been invited by the family to visit this site and find out about their proposals. He commented that he was satisfied that the method they would use for crushing would not cause an environmental hazard and that KCC and Natural England were in agreement. A letter would be circulated to those it affected and would contain details of the proposal.

Correspondence – Resignation of Parish Councillor – A letter of resignation had been received from Cllr Michael Apps. The Clerk had notified Swale BC and updated the Parish Council website.

Planning - The following applications were considered:
14/500247/FULL Greenacres, Holywell Lane – Retention of use of land for the stationing of two mobile homes, one day room, one utility room and four touring caravans. The Planning Review Team had no objections. Cllr Lewin raised concerns and asked the Council to investigate this proposal further. Members discussed this and agreed that an additional comment was needed.
14/500684/FULL 18 Wallbridge Lane – Erection of 2 dwellings and garages to the side garden. The Planning Review Team had no objections. Cllr Lewin raised concerns about parking and members agreed to forward an additional comment.
14/500752/FULL 4 Wallbridge Lane – Demolition of existing garage, erection of larger garage, loft conversion including front dormer, rear addition to existing extension and roof alterations. The Planning Review Team had no objections.
14/501056/FULL 3 Breach Cottages, Breach Lane – Ground floor single storey kitchen extension to side elevation of property. The Planning Review Team had no objections.
SW/13/1206/ROMC The Paddock, Holywell Lane – Variation of Conditions 1 & 3 of planning permission SW/04/1302 to allow additional mobile homes on the site (total 5) and to allow retrospective siting of caravans more than 10m from the southern boundary of the site with Holywell Lane. No comment had been submitted. The Clerk reported that she had not received a copy of these plans. Cllr Lewin offered to obtain a copy from Swale BC.
14/500407/FULL New Kaine Farm, Holywell Lane – Variation of conditions 2 and 14 of planning permission SW/12/1019 to amend site layout; amend spacing of panel rows and panel position; indicate location of security fencing; increase solar panel height from 1.64m to 1.98m; provide internal access track; reposition inverter/transformer station; erect additional substation and switchgear building; relocate point of grid connection (as shown on Master Layout Plan); and allow use of site for 25 years from first date of electricity export instead of from date of grant of permission. The Planning Review Team strongly objected to this application. They commented that it completely changes all the criteria without any attempt to meet the approval conditions. The Parish Council objected to the original application due to the negative impact the solar panels would have on the landscape. This application is proposing to amend the condition regarding the size to allow for larger panels which will have an even more detrimental impact. Cllr Lewin explained that Swale BC have produced guidance on solar panels and this could be found on their website.
SW/14/0423 R/O 124 Chaffes Lane – New dwelling within rear garden. The Planning Review Team commented that their previous objections still applied to this application.
14/500947/FULL 17 The Poles – Proposed fence, 2m in height. Cllr Lewin explained that he had visited the site and agreed with concerns raised by residents. The location and height of the fence affected the line of sight for neighbouring residents. The Planning Review Team would look into this.

Finance  KCC Combined Member Grant Scheme Application 2014-2015. It was agreed to submit an application for Recreation Ground Improvements totalling £1,500. This project included replacing the fencing along the Oak Lane side and installing a new bench or picnic table. Completion of the annual audit for the year ended 31st March 2014 – The Clerk reported that that this had been completed and certified. No issues had been identified by the Audit Commission.

Administration - Monthly meeting in December – Please note that this will be held in the Hall at Holywell Primary School. Annual Parish Meeting 2015 – This has been scheduled for Thursday 30th April at the Village Hall. Village Caretaker – A contractor has been appointed for maximum of 3 hours per week to keep the Paddock and Recreation Ground tidy.

Allotments and Recreation Ground – St John’s College – Annual Visits – The Clerk reported that she would be meeting the Managing Agents Savills on Monday 15th September.
Paddock – RoSPA Play Area inspection – No significant issues had been identified in the report.                        
Burial Ground and Churchyard – Lych Gate – Discussions had taken place with the Churchwardens and research carried out by Cllr Masson. Following this, the Clerk contacted Mr Harris to request that a committee was formed. It was agreed that Cllr Masson and Cllr New would volunteer to be part of this committee. The Clerk confirmed that two letters of support for this project had been received. Community Pay Back – It was agreed to submit a project idea to the Prison Service to carry out gardening work at the Burial Ground and Churchyard and also at the Vicarage Garden.

Environment – Barbara Webb Memorial – It was commented that the service held on 8th August had been very successful and well received. The local newspaper had reported on this and the two princesses attended. Cllr Lewin gave his thanks to Cllr Apps for organising this and also for sponsoring the tree that was planted. Many pleasing comments had been received.

Next meetings – 2nd October and 6th November. Please note that the meetings are held at the Village Hall and start at 7.30pm.

Claire Attaway, Parish Clerk, 33 Church Farm Road.
Tel: 01634 363906 (Mon - Thurs 9am to midday)


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