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Monday, 29 September 2014

World's Biggest Coffee Morning at Upchurch Village Hall - Amount Raised

Laura and I have finished counting and had a quick check on our text to donate page and the total so far from 2.5 hours of cake eating and tea drinking on Friday is......


What a fantastic effort by all of you! Thank you all so much for all of your help and support. We couldn't have done it without you.

To everybody who came early on Friday to help set up, those who stayed late to help us tidy up the mess, and everyone who donated raffle prizes, sold raffle tickets (bought raffle tickets!) made cakes and came along to join us for the morning - we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Macmillan have been in touch and were really pleased with the event and loved the liveliness and community spirit of the whole morning which is fantastic news.

We are so happy that people from Upchurch came along and supported us. It really did mean a lot.

See you again next year!

Sarah Fielder, Laura Grigg

Virgin Media Scam

Reference: All 10

A new Scam has emerged with the callers stating they are from Virgin Media.

They state that there is a problem with your line and ask you to go on to your computer so they can access it.

Virgin have been contacted and state they do not make such 'phone calls'.

The people carrying out the Scam are very very convincing but it is a Scam so please

do not fall for it

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Upchurch Scout Group AGM - Come along and find out what we've been up to

Dear Beaver, Cubs, Scouts & Parents,

This year’s AGM will take place on Monday 6th October 2014.

It will be held at Drakes Lodge (The Scout Hut) at 6pm.

Please come along and support your young people and their leaders in this annual event.

You can find out what the sections have been up to and how the Upchurch Scout Group is doing as a whole.

Thank you for your time in advance.

Kind Regards
Upchurch Scout Group
Tel: 01634 373313

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Roofing Rogue Traders Operating in the Area

KCC Trading Standards is warning homeowners to watch out for rogue traders operating in the area at the moment. They are knocking on doors claiming to have done work on your roof in the past, and have returned to check up on the work.

Remember you do not have to accept work from a doorstep caller, even if they claim to have done work to your property before.

If you have had similar visits, please report it via one of the following methods:


SMS: Text ROGUE followed by a space and then the details to: 07860 008025

Citizens Advice: Call 03454 040506 Mon - Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm

If you feel it's a Police matter please dial 101 or 999

Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch

Ideas Test - Testing New Ideas for Community Arts

The bid to make the arts accessible to a wider range of people is well and truly underway

Ideas Test, an Arts Council funded project supporting activities throughout Swale and neighbouring Medway, has offered grants to over 40 local people and organisations, among whom were Upchurch residents Trisha and Dan Scott with their 'We know what we like and we like what we know' project:

'We know what we like and we like what we know' is a project organised and curated by artists Trish and Dan Scott, involving contemporary artists making bespoke artworks for residents homes.

Grants are available to anybody resident in Upchurch and full details of how to apply can be found at: You can sign up for the newsletter there, and nominate a ‘community catalyst’ – someone you know who organises activities in your community, which could be anything from sport or dance to pantomimes and charity events. You can also call the Ideas Test team on: 07713 865955 to chat about your ideas or Email:

Ideas Test aims to increase arts participation for everyone in Swale and Medway, by supporting the growth of creativity, invention and imagination.

By working with local communities and making links between organisations and people, we’re encouraging more participation in the arts to create a sustainable future together.

Ideas Test is part of Arts Council England’s Creative People and Places Programme.

Communications Manager
Ideas Test - Creative People and Places Swale and Medway

Number Plates Stolen - Breach Lane

Hartlip Newington & Upchurch Ward

Message 617 from Neighbourhood Watch

Thefts from several vehicles occurred between 19th and 24th of September in Swale.

XY/033693/14: overnight between 21st and 22nd of September a set of number plates (L557 RHU) were stolen from a vehicle which was parked in Breach Lane Lower Halstow.

If you have any information that could help investigators please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the Crime Number.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch

Monday, 22 September 2014

Trailer Stolen Oak Lane - Metal Gate Stolen Breach Lane

Hartlip Newington & Upchurch Ward

Message 613 from Neighbourhood Watch

XY/033292/14: Between 18th and 19th of September a 16-foot-long, IFOR Williams trailer no sides was stolen from Milestone Farm Oak Lane Upchurch.

XY/033308/14: Between 17th and 18th of September, a 12-ft metal gate was stolen from a field in Breach Lane Upchurch.

If you have any information that could help investigators please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the Crime Number.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch

Friday, 19 September 2014

Upchurch Family Fireworks - Can You Lend a Hand?

Could you spare us some time over the weekend of the 1st & 2nd to assist please?

This years Display is at Westmoor Farm again on the A2 near Rainham.

The members of Upchurch Scout Group Fireworks Committee need to call on you for assistance once again. We really need Marshals and General Helpers to ensure the safe running of this years event for everyone.

Our popular Fireworks Display and Bonfire has grown into a large local community event and is our most important fundraising event of the year.

Our primary concern is to ensure we have enough Marshals but we also need assistance to set up on the Saturday and clear up on Sunday. (we always get less volunteers for Sunday!) Any time you can give would be much appreciated. Many hands really do make light work. Children may assist with the clear up but we would prefer not to have Cubs and Beavers around whilst we are setting up and children under 16 are not allowed to be in or around the stalls in the evening.

In order to be a Marshal you must be over 16 and attend a short, simple safety briefing on Saturday and then be available on site from 4:30pm until approximately 8:30pm. There’s no upper age limit so Grandparents can help too provided they are physically fit and healthy!

Marshals must not have children with them for whom they are responsible i.e. if children under 16 are coming with you, there must be another responsible adult to take care of the children. You may well be able to stand with your family but you will need to be available to move where required quickly, particularly in an emergency situation.

So if the idea of standing in a dark field on a cold November night with a silly orange jacket on doesn’t appeal to you – how about we throw in a free family ticket?

Interested? Send us an Email as soon as possible to:

For more information please visit our website:

And don't forget to give us a like on our Facebook page: here

We really do need YOUR help this year!

Thank you

Upchurch Scout Group

Produce Sale and Crafts

Liz Mouland
Friends of St. Margaret's Church, Lower Halstow

Monday, 15 September 2014

Upchurch Parish Council Report - October 2014

The Parish Council met on Thursday 4th September at the Village Hall where 7 Councillors were present and 10 members of the public including Cllr John Wright.

Public Time – Horsham Car Sales – A resident raised concerns regarding this site. He commented that he had raised objections about this planning application at the time it was submitted. He explained that there were issues with the number of cars at the site, vehicles blocking the road and inappropriate signage. He was advised that the Council was in contact with Enforcement Officers at Swale BC. SW/14/0267 Horsham Lane Garage – A resident explained that he had raised parking issues about this planning application. He explained that it was difficult crossing Horsham Lane and at times was dangerous. He asked if a safe method of crossing this road could be considered and also if signage could be provided to alert drivers to slow down. It was commented that this was a continuing issue and the Council was consulting Highways about speeding issues all over the village. However, the response from Highways was due to no record of accidents, there was no need for speed reducing methods. Beckenham Park Residents Association (BPRA) – A resident explained that Beckenham Park consisted of about 70 plus Park Homes, mainly home to senior residents. He commented that many residents use the bus service and it is dangerous crossing the road to get to the bus stop. He asked if a sign displaying ‘elderly people crossing’ could be installed and also, a new street light. Lych Gate at St. Mary’s Church – A resident apologised for the way this had been reported in the local newspaper and explained he did not have an input to this. He explained that his idea was to have a memorial for the centenary for our generation and accepted that there were already memorials at the Church. Holywell Lane – A resident reported that the recent rainfall had washed stones and grit into this lane which could be dangerous to cyclists. Vehicle’s speeding – A resident commented that he would be interested to find out the results of Speed Watch carried out in the village. He felt that speeding was mainly due to inconsiderate drivers and usually an offence committed by local people. Woodgers Wharf – Cllr Lewin sat in the Public chair for this item. He explained that he had been invited by the family to visit this site and find out about their proposals. He commented that he was satisfied that the method they would use for crushing would not cause an environmental hazard and that KCC and Natural England were in agreement. A letter would be circulated to those it affected and would contain details of the proposal.

Correspondence – Resignation of Parish Councillor – A letter of resignation had been received from Cllr Michael Apps. The Clerk had notified Swale BC and updated the Parish Council website.

Planning - The following applications were considered:
14/500247/FULL Greenacres, Holywell Lane – Retention of use of land for the stationing of two mobile homes, one day room, one utility room and four touring caravans. The Planning Review Team had no objections. Cllr Lewin raised concerns and asked the Council to investigate this proposal further. Members discussed this and agreed that an additional comment was needed.
14/500684/FULL 18 Wallbridge Lane – Erection of 2 dwellings and garages to the side garden. The Planning Review Team had no objections. Cllr Lewin raised concerns about parking and members agreed to forward an additional comment.
14/500752/FULL 4 Wallbridge Lane – Demolition of existing garage, erection of larger garage, loft conversion including front dormer, rear addition to existing extension and roof alterations. The Planning Review Team had no objections.
14/501056/FULL 3 Breach Cottages, Breach Lane – Ground floor single storey kitchen extension to side elevation of property. The Planning Review Team had no objections.
SW/13/1206/ROMC The Paddock, Holywell Lane – Variation of Conditions 1 & 3 of planning permission SW/04/1302 to allow additional mobile homes on the site (total 5) and to allow retrospective siting of caravans more than 10m from the southern boundary of the site with Holywell Lane. No comment had been submitted. The Clerk reported that she had not received a copy of these plans. Cllr Lewin offered to obtain a copy from Swale BC.
14/500407/FULL New Kaine Farm, Holywell Lane – Variation of conditions 2 and 14 of planning permission SW/12/1019 to amend site layout; amend spacing of panel rows and panel position; indicate location of security fencing; increase solar panel height from 1.64m to 1.98m; provide internal access track; reposition inverter/transformer station; erect additional substation and switchgear building; relocate point of grid connection (as shown on Master Layout Plan); and allow use of site for 25 years from first date of electricity export instead of from date of grant of permission. The Planning Review Team strongly objected to this application. They commented that it completely changes all the criteria without any attempt to meet the approval conditions. The Parish Council objected to the original application due to the negative impact the solar panels would have on the landscape. This application is proposing to amend the condition regarding the size to allow for larger panels which will have an even more detrimental impact. Cllr Lewin explained that Swale BC have produced guidance on solar panels and this could be found on their website.
SW/14/0423 R/O 124 Chaffes Lane – New dwelling within rear garden. The Planning Review Team commented that their previous objections still applied to this application.
14/500947/FULL 17 The Poles – Proposed fence, 2m in height. Cllr Lewin explained that he had visited the site and agreed with concerns raised by residents. The location and height of the fence affected the line of sight for neighbouring residents. The Planning Review Team would look into this.

Finance  KCC Combined Member Grant Scheme Application 2014-2015. It was agreed to submit an application for Recreation Ground Improvements totalling £1,500. This project included replacing the fencing along the Oak Lane side and installing a new bench or picnic table. Completion of the annual audit for the year ended 31st March 2014 – The Clerk reported that that this had been completed and certified. No issues had been identified by the Audit Commission.

Administration - Monthly meeting in December – Please note that this will be held in the Hall at Holywell Primary School. Annual Parish Meeting 2015 – This has been scheduled for Thursday 30th April at the Village Hall. Village Caretaker – A contractor has been appointed for maximum of 3 hours per week to keep the Paddock and Recreation Ground tidy.

Allotments and Recreation Ground – St John’s College – Annual Visits – The Clerk reported that she would be meeting the Managing Agents Savills on Monday 15th September.
Paddock – RoSPA Play Area inspection – No significant issues had been identified in the report.                        
Burial Ground and Churchyard – Lych Gate – Discussions had taken place with the Churchwardens and research carried out by Cllr Masson. Following this, the Clerk contacted Mr Harris to request that a committee was formed. It was agreed that Cllr Masson and Cllr New would volunteer to be part of this committee. The Clerk confirmed that two letters of support for this project had been received. Community Pay Back – It was agreed to submit a project idea to the Prison Service to carry out gardening work at the Burial Ground and Churchyard and also at the Vicarage Garden.

Environment – Barbara Webb Memorial – It was commented that the service held on 8th August had been very successful and well received. The local newspaper had reported on this and the two princesses attended. Cllr Lewin gave his thanks to Cllr Apps for organising this and also for sponsoring the tree that was planted. Many pleasing comments had been received.

Next meetings – 2nd October and 6th November. Please note that the meetings are held at the Village Hall and start at 7.30pm.

Claire Attaway, Parish Clerk, 33 Church Farm Road.
Tel: 01634 363906 (Mon - Thurs 9am to midday)

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Upchurch Poppy Appeal 2014

This year marks the centenary of the start of World War One.

The Royal British Legion was formed in 1921 to be a voice for the ex-Service community. Today the Royal British Legion helps the whole Armed Forces community through welfare, comradeship and representation as well as being the Nation's custodian of Remembrance.

The Poppy Appeal, the Royal British Legion's annual national fundraising event, this year will take place between 25th October to 8th November with Remembrance Sunday being 9th November.

During this time a team of volunteer house-to house collectors will call at every home in Upchurch and collecting boxes will also be found in all of the shops, public houses etc. Residents of Beckenham Park can get Poppies from the site office.

Please give generously as the need continues with our armed forces being killed or injured abroad.

Gerry Lewin - Upchurch Poppy Appeal Organiser
Tel: 01634 366113 or Email:

UpARA - Latest Schedule of Events

Upchurch Active Retirement Association

Our membership is 145, so already virtually at our limit of 150 in our first six months.
August saw our day trip to Brighton as another success story. As was our Coffee Morning auction. There are a whole series of other excursions and events throughout the coming months for our amusement. So sign up as soon bookings and payment are asked for to avoid disappointment.

Our next events are: -

Monthly Meetings (2nd Friday of the month)
(Members Free; Guests £2.00)
Friday 10th October 2014 - 2:00pm

Coffee Mornings (4th Tuesday of the month)
(Members £1.50; Guests £2.00)
Tuesday 23rd September 2014 - 09:30am until 12:30pm
Tuesday 28th October 2014 - 09:30am until 12:30pm

Village Walks (Every other Friday)
Friday 12th September 2014 - 10:00am
Friday 26th September 2014 - 10:00am


Thursday 11th September 2014
Trip to Shepherd Neame Brewery, Faversham 
Thursday 16th October 2014
Criterion Music Hall, Blue town, Sheerness

New Members Welcome - Annual Subscription £15

David Powell - Chairman
Telephone: 01795 843550

Friday, 12 September 2014

Upchurch Cricket Club - Forthcoming Events

Wine and Wisdom Quiz Night on Saturday 11th October at the Pavilion Holywell Lane. Starting at 7:00pm. Teams of 6 are £30.

For more information please contact Steve on:
Telephone: 01795 843361

Steve Parker
Upchurch Cricket Club

Thursday, 11 September 2014

The Nick Sketchley Football Memorial Bench

Nick's Bench at Lower Halstow is a fitting memorial to very
well loved and much missed man.
The Nick Sketchley Football Memorial Bench was installed alongside a new pitch and goals at Lower Halstow Green on the morning of Saturday the 6th of September 2014.

Nick was passionate about managing his Woodcombe under 10's football team and was on his way to winning the league. The Bench in Nick's memory is to help family and friends celebrate his life and is there for the children of the village to use and enjoy in the future.

At 3:00pm a new yearly 5 A-Side tournament kicked off made up of teams of Nicks friends, family, football mates and of course his son Billy. Trophies and a cup were awarded to the winning team and afterwards everybody gathered in the nearby Memorial Hall.

Nick's family, friends and his son Billy
pictured at Saturdays 5 A-Side  football tournament.
Good friend of the family Claire Fahy had the idea for the Bench back in February shortly after Nick's passing and fundraising soon got underway.

Family, friends and the local community gave generously and the initial target to raise £1500 through the website was soon passed. So far the total raised by everyone stands at over £3500!

The extra money raised has gone towards the cost of building and the upkeep of the Bench as well as funding the football tournament, which will take place each year to raise funds for the upkeep of the Bench. The Bench was kindly installed before the tournament on Saturday by Shaun Bearup and Kate Richardson.

Nick's family and friends would like thank everyone for their kind donations and for making Nick's Bench possible.

Joanne Sketchley along with Claire Fahy, Gaynor Swan and Serap Gransden have recently completed a walk around the Isle of Wight covering 75miles and have raised £979 for the British Heart Foundation Donations still greatly received.

The girls, all from Lower Halstow would like to say a big thank you to all who have kindly sponsored them.

Upchurch Matters

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Macmillan World's Biggest Coffee Morning at Upchurch Village Hall

Click to watch Video.

One of the Cake Tables from last years Event.

Following on from their hugely successful 'World's Biggest Coffee Morning' last year, Sarah & Laura will be hosting another one on Friday the 26th of September 2014. In aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.

Last year the ladies raised over £1,200 for Macmillan Cancer Support and they really want to try and beat that this year.

To do this though, they need your help!

Everybody is welcome to come along to the Village Hall
from 10:00am - 12:30pm.

If you are able to bring a Cake to sell, that's brilliant! There will be a raffle again this year with another wonderful set of prizes for people to win as well as other attractions and fun for the Children.

Raffle tickets are on sale now (£1 a ticket, £3 a strip, £5 for two strips) and a text number will be announced soon to donate.
Link to Facebook Page Event: Here

Sarah Fielder, Laura Grigg

Monday, 8 September 2014

Village Turns Out in Tribute to its WWI Heroes

Visitors from Upchurch and Lower Halstow attended the
WWI Commemoration Weekend
organised by Newington History Group.

Richard Oldfield, the Vice Lord Lieutenant of Kent; Cllr George Bobbin,
the Mayor of Swale; Mrs Brenda Bobbin, the Mayoress, and Gordon Henderson,
the Sittingbourne and Swale MP, examine the Book of Remembrance.

Thelma Dudley, Dean Coles and Debbie Haigh of
 Newington History Group who
researched the Book of Remembrance.

Villagers and dignitaries gather around the Memorial Cross for its re-dedication
exactly 95 years to the hour after it was unveiled.

Wreaths and remembrance crosses laid at the memorial during the
commemoration service on Sunday.

The Book of Remembrance to the Newington men who fought in the Great War.
Pictures courtesy of Graham Dudley and Reverend Ron Partridge.

Exactly 95 years to the hour after the unveiling of their Memorial Cross, more than 300 Newington villagers and visitors crowded around the monument to remember their World War One dead on Sunday.

It was the culmination of a WWI Commemoration weekend organised by Newington History Group (NHG) at the Sittingbourne village’s parish church.

The Bishop of Dover, the Rt Rev Trevor Willmott, re-dedicated the memorial and Sgt Ricky Stephenson, of the Royal Engineers, read the address originally given at the 1919 service by Brig-Gen Hugh Adair.

The names of 31 Newington men killed in WWI were read out by Dean Coles, chairman of NHG, and The Exhortation was read by Tim Phipps, a descendant of several enlisted villagers who survived the war. Wreaths were laid by WWI victim Frederick Lloyd’s niece Maisie, the Royal British Legion and parish council, while children from Newington primary school laid posies.

Uniformed members of the Queen’s Own Royal West Kent Living History Group presented arms and Mark Hinchliffe sounded The Last Post.

Among those in attendance were: the Vice Lord Lieutenant of Kent, Richard Oldfield; the MP for Sittingbourne and Sheppey, Gordon Henderson; the Mayor of Swale, Cllr George Bobbin; Maj Simon Dean, of the Kent Army Cadet Force and grandson of Donald Dean, VC, from Sittingbourne; Susan Featherstone, of the Imperial War Museum, representatives of the Royal Engineers, the Royal British Legion and county, borough and parish councillors.

Earlier, during a commemoration service, the Bishop had received and blessed a Book of Remembrance detailing the lives of the Fallen and some of the 130 troops who returned to the village. The unique book, researched and produced by NHG, will go on permanent display in the church.

Hundreds of visitors also attended the other weekend events that included displays and exhibitions detailing the group’s two years of research, information about Newington’s role in the frontline of Britain’s WWI defences, and descriptions of what it was like living in a Kent village in 1914.

There were themed music, film, poetry and floral display events, with performances by the UK Paper brass band and Newington Concert Party.

Mr Coles said: “The weekend was a fitting commemoration to our villagers who fought and died in the war. There has been huge interest. In particular, it was noticeable how many children were engaged and enthused by the exhibitions and hearing about the bravery of ordinary men – many in their teens – who gave their lives.”

During Sunday’s service, members of the Queen’s Own Buffs discovered that Private Edward Carver, of the East Kent Regiment, The Buffs, who died in November 1918, is buried in Newington churchyard.

Later, they gathered at his grave in tribute and Jack Jarrett, chairman of the Queen’s Own Buffs in Sittingbourne, laid a wreath on behalf of the regiment.

For more information contact Richard Thompstone: 01795 842405 / 07896412427

Richard Thompstone


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