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Monday, 14 April 2014

Upchurch Parish Council Report - May 2014

The Parish Council met on Thursday 3rd April in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 6 Councillors were present and 3 members of the public including Cllr John Wright.

Public TimeCllr Wright – Swale BC’s changes to the refuse collections started shortly and he commented that he would like to receive any feedback on this. He also referred to the consultation document titled “Swale BC Gypsy & Traveller Site Allocations: Issues & Options Feb 14” and encouraged members and residents to respond. Approval of Gypsy and Traveller Site in Oak Lane – A resident asked if the Council could arrange a meeting with the Planning Officer at Swale BC to find out why they continually have objections overturned and explain their policies. This meeting could be held in the Village Hall and a question and answer session could follow. Cllr Tucker assured the resident that members understood his concerns and would follow this request up
CorrespondenceUpchurch Village Hall Management Committee – Members noted that the AGM will be held on Wednesday 9th April. Cllr Tucker will continue as the Village Hall Representative. Victim Support – A request for support in the forthcoming financial year. Members decided not to support this request. Co-Op Lorries in the centre of the village – An email from a resident asking if the Parish Council propose to take action had been circulated. His concern was with regards to the Co-Op Lorries visiting the village and their maneuvers and parking within the centre of the village. Members asked the Clerk to contact the Co-Op to find out if they are taking steps to address this issue. Holywell Primary School – A letter explaining that additional costs will be charged for letting of the school Hall. Members agreed to change the venue of the meetings to the Village Hall. Due to a prior booking, the Clerk will confirm the date of the first meeting to be held at the Village Hall. (Please note: the meeting on 1st May will be held in the school hall. From 5th June, the meetings will be at the Village Hall)
Planning - SW/14/0162 Hursell Farm, Chaffes Lane – Partial change of use of stable block to use as a day room and the siting of an additional mobile home. The Planning Review Team objected and commented as follows “The use of the existing stable block for use as a day room, is in contravention of Swale Planners conditions in the previous permission for the use of this site (SW/13/1098) Condition 5 states that the stable is for the stabling of horses only, for private use only, not for any commercial or residential purpose. Enforcement of this condition should have been taken by Swale. The so-called day room appears to be larger and better appointed than for its stated use and could easily be used for habitation.
SW/14/0267 Upchurch Garage, 2 Horsham Lane & rear of 2 & 4 Horsham Lane – Demolition of existing car sales showroom and MOT bay and workshop, and the residential development of 4 no.3 bedroom two storey houses and 1 no. 2 bedroom flat over garage unit together with all associated garages, parking spaces and access driveway. The Planning Review Team commented:
• It is concerned about the lack of parking spaces. As most households now possess at least two vehicles that will occupy the spaces shown, there is no space for visitors to park. Also there is no turning circle which would require vehicles e.g. delivery Lorries to reverse onto Horsham Lane.
• The north and eastern boundaries adjacent to the Churchyard require retaining walls to prevent slippage of land. This should be supplied if the proposed fencing is used along these boundaries (an extension to 10.5.4 of the recommendations in the Archaeological Desk-based Assessment)
• There should be no planting of trees or shrubs in the front garden of plot No.1 which would obscure the view of the Church when approaching Horsham Lane (an extension to 10.5.1 of the recommendations in the Archaeological Desk-based Assessment)
• The Churchyard is located in a Conservation Area and we ask that a condition be placed on the trees that they are not allowed to be removed should they shade resident’s gardens at any time in the future.
SW/13/1198 134 Horsham Lane – Erection of timber framed garden shed- no objections.
SW/13/1209 The Paddock, Holywell Lane – Change of use of land for the stationing of two mobile homes (in connection with adjacent site).The Planning Review Team made the following comments:
• It reiterates its previous comments about the ribbon development of Holywell Lane and the track to Gore Farm. This additional site extends it further and there is already another planning application for the adjacent site alongside this current one.
• There is already an application for an additional mobile home on the existing site (SW/14/1206). We have not received a decision on this and, if approved, together with the current application will bring the number of vans to seven. This is in contravention of Policy H4, assuming it can be still applied to this site?
• With both these application still current, is the water & waste removal sufficient for almost doubling the size of the site?

Permission granted:
SW/13/1373 Orchard Park, Oak Lane – application to vary conditions (2), (3) and (4) of SW/10/0765) private gypsy and traveler site consisting of eight plots); condition (2) to be varied to allow up to 32 caravans of which no more than 16 can be static caravans or mobile homes; condition (3) such that occupancy is restricted to gypsies and travelers as defined in Annex 1, Planning Policy for Traveller Sites; and condition (4) such that the use is to cease and the site to be restored to its previous condition if it ceases to be occupied by gypsies and travelers as defined in Annex 1, Planning Policy for Traveller Sites.
Application withdrawn:
SW/14/0096 Twinney Wharf, Susans Lane – Erection of barn for storage of animal feed, bedding and associated plant and machinery and demolition of existing storage buildings.
Other planning matters a) Spade Lane, Sittingbourne – Members noted the proposed sale of this site with pending planning permission. SW/13/0152 Horsham Plantation Yard, Horsham Lane – Change of use from B1 to car sales & showroom. It was questioned whether the applicant had obtained permission for the large bright pink signs that had been placed over their fences.
Allotments and Recreation GroundAllotment rent due 1st April 2014 – It was reported that six allotment holders had not paid their rent. It was suggested that the Council could advertise the allotments should any plots remain unoccupied.
Paddock Tree at rear of 2 & 3 Bradshaw Close A request to remove a tree causing concern for a resident had been referred to the Tree Officer of Swale BC. It had been advised that if the offending tree was a shrub then it would not fall within the regulations therefore the Council could proceed with any necessary works without submitting a formal notice. Maintenance PlanIt was suggested that a review be carried out for the general maintenance of the Paddock to include a review of the litter bins/dog bins.           
Burial Ground and Churchyard Risk AssessmentIn the middle churchyard, two headstones needed reinstating. Also, a section of fencing was down on the east side. It was explained that Mr. Osborne was able to repair this at cost but would require assistance. Cllr Rossiter raised concerns about the increased marking of boundaries by little hedges, little fencing, stones etc. She commented that more stones/gravel coverings were appearing and shrubs being planted in the grave spaces and also outside ashes tablet areas. The Rules and Regulations specifically say no shrubs allowed at all. It was therefore suggested to arrange a tightening up of the Rules to make it easier and safer for the grass cutters. It was agreed to refer this to the GPC. 
EnvironmentBT High Speed BroadbandIt was reported that that the proposed roll out for fibre optic was currently scheduled to be completed by BT between April and June this year. Residents could contact BT directly by telephoning the BT Sales Team on 0800 800 150 or via the website:
Next meetings – Thursday 1st May at 7.15pm in the Hall of Holywell School. Thursday 5th June at 7.30pm at the Village Hall.
Upchurch Village Fete – Please note this is being held on Saturday 28th June 2014 from 11am onwards.

Claire Attaway
Parish Clerk
Tel: 01634 363906


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