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Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Upchurch Parish Council Report - December 2013

The Parish Council met on Thursday 7th November in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 6 Councillors were present and 5 members of the public including Cllr Mike Baldock.

Public Time Bus Shelter – A resident expressed a need for a bus shelter in the centre of the village. Tree outside 21 Oak Lane – A resident explained that he had given the Council correspondence regarding the issues with this tree and had not heard any update. It was explained that Highways had been consulted who declared that it was safe. The tree at the rear of the property was a Swale BC planning issue. Cllr Lewin reported that he was taking up this issue as Borough Councillor. Fly tipping in Oak Lane – A resident reported that although rubbish continued to be dumped by the recycling bins, the amount was reducing. He commented that Swale BC was good in responding but unfortunately the problem had not been resolved.CXK – Cllr Mike Baldock reported that CXK were running a session each Tuesday 15:30 – 18:00 for children in Upchurch and was held in Chaffes Lane. CXK have been commissioned by KCC to run youth services in rural areas. They provide positive activities & intervention work for young people. It is hoped that the Council will be able to meet with them to find out more about the services they offer. Oak Lane – A resident reported that a section of this road had sunk again. Highways were aware and continue to repair this but during heavy rainfall, it sinks again.
CorrespondenceChristmas art in the village – A request to display a maximum of seven plaques showing the Christmas story on lamp posts around the village. All agreed this would be acceptable for lampposts maintained by the Parish Council. Bus Shelter – A request from a resident to raise the need for a bus shelter again. Cllr Tucker reported that after consulting Cllr Baldock, it was felt that this would not be possible by the bus stop due to lack of space. However, it could be considered by the Village Sign. It was noted that objections had been raised previously and it was felt that now a decision was required, taking into account all views. Cllr New explained that residents objecting were concerned it would attract vandalism therefore she would like to see a teen shelter. It was suggested that further investigations be made into types of shelters and possible grant funding. The Clerk will look into this. Cllr Baldock commented that he would support a grant for a shelter by the telephone box. Also, he would like to support the idea for a teen shelter too. Free micro chipping for dogs in the community – An email from Dogs Trust looking to book in events. The Clerk will notify local Dog Trainers and also Gabriel and Upchurch Matters. UPC expenditure – A resident questioning some of the small but seemingly regular expenses. Items of expense identified included Burial Ground refuse collection, Burial Ground gardening, repairs to Burial Ground gate and churchyard fence, stopcocks at allotments and Speed watch equipment. Members noted this. It was explained that the Speed watch equipment was 100% grant funded. The Clerk will request reimbursement from the Village Hall for half the cost of the repair to the Burial Ground Gate.
Planning - The following applications were considered:
SW/13/1119 Tranquility, Otterham Quay Lane – Change of use to dwelling; alterations to window and door configuration and internal alterations. No objections.
SW/13/1039 Upchurch Garage, 2 Horsham Lane & Rear of 4 & 6 Horsham Lane – Demolition of existing car sales showroom and MOT bay and workshop and the residential development of 2 four bedroom two storey houses and 3 three bedroom two storey houses together with all associated garages, parking spaces and access driveway – This application has now been withdrawn.
Permissions and refusals – permission granted:
SW/13/0964 Field rear of 32-62 Hartlip Hill – Proposed four loose boxes, tack room, manège, muck heap and one horse trailer
Other planning matters - Gypsy & Traveller Consultation – Swale BC are undertaking a consultation on Part 2 of the Local Plan. Part 2 will relate to Gypsy and Traveller site allocations only. Comments need to be submitted by 5th December 2013.
Finance Donation to Wisdom HospiceIt was agreed to forward a donation to the sum of £50 in memory of the late Brian Kennard. Budget/Precept 2014/15This is being discussed.  The grounds maintenance costs are yet to be finalised.
Administration - General Purposes Committee –Mr Sheppard of First Highways had offered to assist the Council with sourcing additional salt bins at no extra charge to the Council. Resignation of CouncillorCllr Steward has resigned. There are now two vacancies on the Council. Please do contact the Clerk or any member of the Council if you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor. Request for copies of Correspondence to be directed to the Clerk Residents can contact the Clerk for copies of the Councils correspondence. Any items for the agenda should be forwarded to the Clerk at least 7 days in advance of the meeting.
Allotments and Recreation Ground Allotment Rent review – It was agreed to increase the rent due 1st April 2014 by £2.00 per full plot. Poplar trees – It was agreed to discuss a quote to pollard/reduce canopy on 12 poplar trees in the Recreation Ground during confidential session.
Paddock Village fete – St Mary’s PCC have indicated an interest in participating in this. Members are keen to find out if Holywell Primary School would like to take part too.                                   
Burial Ground and ChurchyardReview of fees– It was agreed to increase the fees charged.
EnvironmentGrounds Maintenance Contract 2014-17 – Grass verges have been removed from the grass cutting schedule.  Quotes received were discussed during confidential session. KALC Community Awards Scheme – Information on this scheme had been circulated. Nominations had been made but it was explained that a justification would need to be submitted. It is hoped that a decision will be made at the meeting in January 2014. If any resident would like to nominate someone for this award, please contact the Clerk. The aim of the scheme is to acknowledge & give recognition to those that have made a significant contribution to their local community. Japanese Knotweed in Co-op garden – The residents at 1 Horsham Lane had asked the Council for their support on dealing with this issue. Following a letter to the Co-Op Manager, a representative from Co-Op Headquarters contacted the Council. The Co-Op agreed to follow up with the contractor the Councils concern regarding the maintenance of the garden.
Highways -Traffic calming – The Council has been trying to arrange a meeting with Highways to discuss traffic calming ideas suggested at the Drop-In. However, Highways are not able to do this as they only visit locations where funds have been allocated to carry out improvements. Proposal for zigzag lines outside school – A consultation had been carried out with properties close to the school located in either Church Farm Road or Forge Lane. The response was overwhelmingly “for” an extension of the zigzag lines outside the school. Highways will be informed.
Next meetings – 3rd December 2013 and 9th January 2014. Please note that the meetings are held in the Hall of Holywell School and start at 7.30pm.
Claire Attaway
Parish Clerk
33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch.
Tel: 01634 363906 (Mon-Thurs 9am – 12pm)


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