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Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Upchurch Parish Council Report - November 2013

The Parish Council met on Thursday 3rd October 2013 in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 7 Councillors were present and 6 members of the public including Cllr Mike Baldock.
Public TimeKent County Councillor Swale West – Cllr Mike Baldock reported that KCC had refused his proposal for a 20mph speed limit outside schools.  Vegetation growing along the corner of Chaffes Lane/Oak Lane – a resident reported that vegetation on the orchards opposite the Golf Course required cutting back. Holywell Lane – He also reported that this lane was full of litter. The Clerk will ask Swale BC to carry out a litter pick. Application pending for Brick earth extraction – The resident queried whether members were aware of this and raised concerns should this application be granted permission. Allotments – An allotment holder asked why there was a delay in allocating him an additional plot. Planning Application SW/13/1039 – A resident apologised to the Council and explained that his complaints regarding the handling of this application were directed at Swale BC. He had challenged a Councillor’s involvement in this.
CorrespondenceSwale BC Draft Economic Development Strategy 2013-2016 “Open for Business” – this strategy aims to set out a course for Swale BC and partners to help stimulate economic growth & that the benefits are felt by local people, local businesses & local communities. The full document could be found at:
Planning - The following applications were considered:
SW/13/1039 Upchurch Garage, 2 Horsham Lane & Rear of 4 & 6 Horsham Lane – Demolition of existing car sales showroom and MOT bay and workshop and the residential development of 2 four bedroom two storey houses and 3 three bedroom two storey houses together with all associated garages, parking spaces and access driveway – The Planning Review Team commented that it had no objections in principle to the change of use from garage to residential.  However, it had the following observations to make:

  • • It does not conform to conditions in policies E14 and E15 of Swale B.C. local plan - planning
  • • It is too intensively developed for the size of the plot
  • • The site of plot No. 5 should be the subject of a separate planning application as it does not form part of the garage site
  • • The development as shown requires building on a substantial part of property No. 4 Horsham Lane which would require change of use from garden to access road
  • • The access road has no turning circle and, although no measurements are given in the plans, seems too narrow to accommodate two vehicles passing.  This could result in one having to reverse onto Horsham Lane, as would any delivery Lorries.
  • • It is unsympathetic to the street scene
  • • It will impinge on the well-loved view of the church when approaching from Horsham Lane
  • • It will impact on the adjacent conservation area, particularly the Grade 1 listed building of St. Mary the Virgin church
  • • Plans for plots 2 – 4 do not appear to conform with the layout plans in that plots 3 and 4 seem to have the same garage
  • • There is some concern that the boundary at the rear of plots 1 – 4 would be shared with the churchyard wall which at present has no retaining wall on its western boundary other than the short section back to the existing garage showroom.  The churchyard here is in the conservation area and so must be protected.
  • • The Council would like to see measurements on the plans
The Planning Review Team had noted all correspondence received from residents commenting on this application. The Chair explained that a letter had been received from the applicant, Mr Davies.
ii) SW/13/1098 Hursell Farm, Chaffes Lane – Change of use of land to gypsy site and for siting for two static caravans and extension of one static caravan, and stationing of one touring caravan and use of barn as general amenities and extension of barn, and erection of stable building for the keeping of horses, and use of part of site for keeping horses (part retrospective) The Planning Review Team made the following objections:
  • • One of the conditions for permission for the site to be used as a pig farm was that, should the business be discontinued, the site be restored to its original state.
  • • It is not believed that the applicant is of gypsy stock as she has lived in a house in the village for some years.
  • • The plans still show some permanent structures
  • • There is a proliferation of gypsy/traveller sites in the village and there is no wish to grant more
Permissions and Refusals – Notification of grant of permission to develop land
SW/13/0913 5 Woodruff Close – Conversion of one of two garages to study
Finance KCC Members Grants Scheme 2013/14 – It was reported that the two grant applications for the Paddock and Recreation Ground had been verbally approved. Budget/Precept Planning 2014-15 – It was suggested that any future grant applications be accounted for when calculating the budget. Cllr New advised members that the Council was allowed to include an amount for “maintenance/improvement costs” in the precept. She commented that the “Trustees” of the Village Hall carry out a service in the village which would fall on the Parish Council if they were not prepared to do this. Cllr New concluded that she would like to see the Council include this in the precept so that the Village Hall had regular income. Audit Commission - Annual return for the year ended 31 March 2013 – The Clerk reported that this had been completed and certified. The Commission had highlighted that the Responsible Financial Officer had not dated the return in Section 1. Clerk’s salary – It was agreed that the Clerk’s salary be paid by standing order.
Administration – Annual Parish Meeting 2014 – This will be held on the evening of Thursday 24th April at the Village Hall.
Allotments and Recreation Ground - Lease Renewal – The Clerk reported that she had confirmed the Council’s agreement to the renewal of the lease under the existing terms and conditions and that the new rent to commence from 11th October 2013. The new rent would be in the region of £1,065 per annum.
Paddock Paddock project – It was reported that the planning application for the tree work had been submitted to Swale BC. The Clerk had contacted St Marys PCC to investigate their interest in supporting a “joint summer fete”. This event could be held to celebrate the project work undertaken and also to mark one hundred years since the outbreak of the First World War.
Burial Ground and Churchyard Rules and regulations – A copy had been circulated and amendments agreed. The Council no longer accepts reservations for plots and only the burial of deceased parishioners will be allowed. Overgrown graves – It was suggested to explore further the idea of “adopt a grave”. Please do let the Clerk know if you are interested in taking part in this. Further details to follow.
HighwaysSalt bag – Kent Highways will be delivering a one tonne bag of salt shortly. The Council is considering where to locate the bag, possibly the Paddock or Recreation Ground.
Next meetings – 7th November and 5th December. Please note that the meetings are held in the Hall of Holywell School and start at 7.30pm. The Public are welcome to attend this meeting and may put questions and/or make comments to members. It is helpful if you let the Clerk know in writing prior to the meeting. Please contact the Clerk if you require further advice.

Claire Attaway
Parish Clerk
33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch.
Tel: 01634 363906 (Mon-Thurs 9am – 12pm)


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