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Thursday, 31 October 2013

Upchurch's New Zealand Connection - Jenni Gibson's Family Story

We receive Emails from all over the world here at Upchurch Matters from people with family connections to the village. Recently Jenni Gibson from New Zealand Emailed us telling her families fascinating story. Jenni has kindly agreed to us sharing it with you.

Hi from New Zealand,

My great great grandfather William Denness married Mary Ward at St. Mary the Virgin Church on 5th July 1856. They had six children including Mary Denness born 1 July 1860. She was my great grandmother and married Stephen James Gilbert at Lower Halstow. I visited Kent in 1984, 100 years after they had arrived in Dunedin, New Zealand on the ship Trevelyan (from Glasgow) with two little daughters. She gave birth to my grandfather a week after they arrived (having spent 100 days on the ship). She had three more children and passed away aged 32. Stephen James lived a long time and my mother knew him as a child in the 1930s. I have a photo of him, and a medal as he was in the fire brigade for 13 years in the days of horse and water cart! His son Harry was in WW1 at Gallipoli and had a gun shot wound to the head so lost an eye. He was also in WW2. He had two sons and one of them was my dad whose first name was Denness because of the family connection with the surname.

Stephen James Gilbert.
The first photo attached is from about 1892, Stephen James Gilbert is centre and children around him. Laura on the left and Emily at the top were the two children who came to New Zealand on the ship with him. Nellie is on the right, Harry in the centre is 7 years old, Rose is on the floor and Bill (William) on the left. Bill and Harry are both my grandfathers as my parents are cousins, so that is why I am doubly interested in Kent. Stephens wife Mary could not read and write but the children all did well at school according to Papers Past website Otago Daily Times and received prizes. I live in Wellington (North Island) but went to Dunedin (south Island) twice this year - for some odd reason the Otago official death record has Mary as Elizabeth, but I was able to produce her birth, marriage and passenger list name, so they have put "known as Mary" on her official record. "Elizabeth" died the same day as "Mary" so is has to be the same person! Their grave is in the southern cemetery Dunedin and I paid to have the gravestone re-done, it is just one word "Gilbert" - the r and t had fallen off.

There are two ship diaries of the trip published too and the captains log. There was a storm off Ireland, and they had to put the anchor down to avoid going onto the rocks, so very frightening. They were good with ropes of course, and made a swing of ropes for the children. When they were stopped in the doldrums they rode across to ships going the other way with mail for "home". When they got to New Zealand they had to stay on the ship for quarantine, but locals rowed out with bread and vegetables. Emily was 3 years and Laura was 1 year in the Assisted passenger list; Stephen was 26 years and a brickmaker, Mary was 23 years. I was 21 when I went to UK and 23 when I came back to New Zealand - travelling by plane was much easier! I came to the UK again in 1986 and took my mother so visited Kent a second time.

Stephen James.
The second photo is approximately early 1914 at Dunedin. Stephen James is in the centre. Nellie is on the right, and Emily on the far right. Rose is on his left and Laura in the far left with glasses on. Bill/William is standing behind Laura and Rose, Harry is behind Stephen next to Bill/William. The other adults are spouses and the children all off-spring. Bill Brown in the top left was a step son, unfortunately killed by a shark as he was a surf life guard. Their descendants are spread back to England, Japan, all over New Zealand and Australia.

I was fortunately to be contacted in 2000 by a Mrs Denness living in Gillingham who gave me info on the family, as I had advertised in a genealogy book. John Dennis (married Elizabeth Bishop on 12th Oct 1769 in Gillingham Parish Church. The second generation married in Gillingham. The third generation married in Rainham. The fourth generation is William Denness and Mary Ward. So I have a lot of info. I was just trying to find out which relatives were in Milton Union and currently am corresponding with a researcher as I am not sure if it was Mary, or her siblings - the father had 13 children as he remarried when his first wife died, so perhaps it was the children from the second marriage. One relative Mary's brother Fred (born Upchurch 1 March 1859) designed a brick kiln, so I have to email a contact about that; some were built around Kent; he travelled all around America. He didn't have any children, but it would be good to remember him because he was bright, he is buried at All Saints Church Findsbury, Kent. She kindly sent me lots of certificates.
They used the name Dennis because Denness sounded a bit foreign.

I have more info as my mother had written a book which I am expanding on, so the link is not lost forever. My niece came to the UK last year, but unfortunately has not got the ancestor bug yet! But she will be back. Other family came from the north of England near where Alice in Wonderland was written - apparently there are lots of sink holes there, and a carved rabbit in Ripon Cathedral, so it is all very interesting as my grandmother was called Alice, and my sister's second name too.

My 14 year son loves cricket and I see from the book I have on Lower Halstow that it used to be a very important part of village life!

Hopefully one day I will visit Kent again with our teenage boys.

Jenni Gibson

Monday, 28 October 2013

World's Biggest Coffee Morning - Amount Raised

The Macmillan Coffee morning hosted by Laura Grigg and Sarah Fielder last month at Upchurch Village Hall raised a staggering £1,090!

It was a great success and they will be hosting another one next year.

Well done to all who took part. A great achievement for a very worthy cause.

Upchurch Matters

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Upchurch Scout Group A.G.M - Presentation and Party

Dear Parents,

We would like to welcome you along to our Annual General Meeting and Party on the 21st of October starting at 6:00pm in the scout hut. 

Why should you come? 

Firstly and most importantly because you can find out about all of the amazing adventurous activities your child has taken part in this year. Whether it’s memories of a special camp or dancing like a dragon for the Chinese New Year. 

The Cubs and Scouts will be making presentations to some of our members so please come along to make it special for them. Every presentation is special to a child but if there are lots of adults there it makes it a memory to treasure.
(All adults welcome not just parents so the more the merrier) 

Our leaders work extremely hard throughout the year for your child and attending our AGM is a simple way of showing your support for these valuable volunteers
(no-one in the scout group is paid they are all volunteers!) 

Have you ever had any questions about the group or how it is run? The AGM gives parents the opportunity to come along, meet the executive committee and ask questions or make comments about the group. Don’t worry you won’t be expected to suddenly become a leader by attending! 

Please come along and join in with the celebrations and the party!

Rozz Dyett Group Scout Leader

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Upchurch Parish Council Report - November 2013

The Parish Council met on Thursday 3rd October 2013 in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 7 Councillors were present and 6 members of the public including Cllr Mike Baldock.
Public TimeKent County Councillor Swale West – Cllr Mike Baldock reported that KCC had refused his proposal for a 20mph speed limit outside schools.  Vegetation growing along the corner of Chaffes Lane/Oak Lane – a resident reported that vegetation on the orchards opposite the Golf Course required cutting back. Holywell Lane – He also reported that this lane was full of litter. The Clerk will ask Swale BC to carry out a litter pick. Application pending for Brick earth extraction – The resident queried whether members were aware of this and raised concerns should this application be granted permission. Allotments – An allotment holder asked why there was a delay in allocating him an additional plot. Planning Application SW/13/1039 – A resident apologised to the Council and explained that his complaints regarding the handling of this application were directed at Swale BC. He had challenged a Councillor’s involvement in this.
CorrespondenceSwale BC Draft Economic Development Strategy 2013-2016 “Open for Business” – this strategy aims to set out a course for Swale BC and partners to help stimulate economic growth & that the benefits are felt by local people, local businesses & local communities. The full document could be found at:
Planning - The following applications were considered:
SW/13/1039 Upchurch Garage, 2 Horsham Lane & Rear of 4 & 6 Horsham Lane – Demolition of existing car sales showroom and MOT bay and workshop and the residential development of 2 four bedroom two storey houses and 3 three bedroom two storey houses together with all associated garages, parking spaces and access driveway – The Planning Review Team commented that it had no objections in principle to the change of use from garage to residential.  However, it had the following observations to make:

  • • It does not conform to conditions in policies E14 and E15 of Swale B.C. local plan - planning
  • • It is too intensively developed for the size of the plot
  • • The site of plot No. 5 should be the subject of a separate planning application as it does not form part of the garage site
  • • The development as shown requires building on a substantial part of property No. 4 Horsham Lane which would require change of use from garden to access road
  • • The access road has no turning circle and, although no measurements are given in the plans, seems too narrow to accommodate two vehicles passing.  This could result in one having to reverse onto Horsham Lane, as would any delivery Lorries.
  • • It is unsympathetic to the street scene
  • • It will impinge on the well-loved view of the church when approaching from Horsham Lane
  • • It will impact on the adjacent conservation area, particularly the Grade 1 listed building of St. Mary the Virgin church
  • • Plans for plots 2 – 4 do not appear to conform with the layout plans in that plots 3 and 4 seem to have the same garage
  • • There is some concern that the boundary at the rear of plots 1 – 4 would be shared with the churchyard wall which at present has no retaining wall on its western boundary other than the short section back to the existing garage showroom.  The churchyard here is in the conservation area and so must be protected.
  • • The Council would like to see measurements on the plans
The Planning Review Team had noted all correspondence received from residents commenting on this application. The Chair explained that a letter had been received from the applicant, Mr Davies.
ii) SW/13/1098 Hursell Farm, Chaffes Lane – Change of use of land to gypsy site and for siting for two static caravans and extension of one static caravan, and stationing of one touring caravan and use of barn as general amenities and extension of barn, and erection of stable building for the keeping of horses, and use of part of site for keeping horses (part retrospective) The Planning Review Team made the following objections:
  • • One of the conditions for permission for the site to be used as a pig farm was that, should the business be discontinued, the site be restored to its original state.
  • • It is not believed that the applicant is of gypsy stock as she has lived in a house in the village for some years.
  • • The plans still show some permanent structures
  • • There is a proliferation of gypsy/traveller sites in the village and there is no wish to grant more
Permissions and Refusals – Notification of grant of permission to develop land
SW/13/0913 5 Woodruff Close – Conversion of one of two garages to study
Finance KCC Members Grants Scheme 2013/14 – It was reported that the two grant applications for the Paddock and Recreation Ground had been verbally approved. Budget/Precept Planning 2014-15 – It was suggested that any future grant applications be accounted for when calculating the budget. Cllr New advised members that the Council was allowed to include an amount for “maintenance/improvement costs” in the precept. She commented that the “Trustees” of the Village Hall carry out a service in the village which would fall on the Parish Council if they were not prepared to do this. Cllr New concluded that she would like to see the Council include this in the precept so that the Village Hall had regular income. Audit Commission - Annual return for the year ended 31 March 2013 – The Clerk reported that this had been completed and certified. The Commission had highlighted that the Responsible Financial Officer had not dated the return in Section 1. Clerk’s salary – It was agreed that the Clerk’s salary be paid by standing order.
Administration – Annual Parish Meeting 2014 – This will be held on the evening of Thursday 24th April at the Village Hall.
Allotments and Recreation Ground - Lease Renewal – The Clerk reported that she had confirmed the Council’s agreement to the renewal of the lease under the existing terms and conditions and that the new rent to commence from 11th October 2013. The new rent would be in the region of £1,065 per annum.
Paddock Paddock project – It was reported that the planning application for the tree work had been submitted to Swale BC. The Clerk had contacted St Marys PCC to investigate their interest in supporting a “joint summer fete”. This event could be held to celebrate the project work undertaken and also to mark one hundred years since the outbreak of the First World War.
Burial Ground and Churchyard Rules and regulations – A copy had been circulated and amendments agreed. The Council no longer accepts reservations for plots and only the burial of deceased parishioners will be allowed. Overgrown graves – It was suggested to explore further the idea of “adopt a grave”. Please do let the Clerk know if you are interested in taking part in this. Further details to follow.
HighwaysSalt bag – Kent Highways will be delivering a one tonne bag of salt shortly. The Council is considering where to locate the bag, possibly the Paddock or Recreation Ground.
Next meetings – 7th November and 5th December. Please note that the meetings are held in the Hall of Holywell School and start at 7.30pm. The Public are welcome to attend this meeting and may put questions and/or make comments to members. It is helpful if you let the Clerk know in writing prior to the meeting. Please contact the Clerk if you require further advice.

Claire Attaway
Parish Clerk
33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch.
Tel: 01634 363906 (Mon-Thurs 9am – 12pm)

Monday, 14 October 2013

Upchurch Parish Council - Vacancy For One Councillor

The Parish Council are seeking to co-opt someone to fill this vacancy.

Anyone interested in coming on to the Council should apply in writing to the Clerk as soon as possible. The qualifications are that you should be a European national, at least 18 years old, an elector and living within three miles of the parish for 12 months or someone with land or a primary place of business in the parish.

Please include the following in your written application:

• Contact details
• Length of residence in Upchurch
• Profession or trade
• Other relevant interests outside work including other Upchurch organisations
• Brief statement as to how you feel you can contribute to the work of the Parish Council

If you would like to find out more about the roles and responsibilities of a Parish Councillor, please contact the Chairman or the Clerk.

Mrs Sara Tucker Chairman. 1 Jubilee Fields.

Tel: 01634 388971 Email: 

Mrs Claire Attaway Clerk. 33 Church Farm Road.
Tel: 01634 363906 Email:

Parish Council website:

Upchurch Parish Council

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Upchurch Parish Council - Notice of Vacancy

NOTICE is hereby given that a vacancy has occurred in the membership of the above Parish Council. 

Under the Local Government Act 1972, ten electors can petition for an election by writing to the Proper Officer at Swale Borough Council, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne, ME10 3HT within 14 working days of the date of this Notice, ie. by 29th October 2013.  

If no petition is received within that time period, the Parish Council will fill the vacancy by co-opting a person onto the Parish Council.

Persons wishing to be considered for this appointment should apply in writing to the Clerk to the Parish Council as soon as possible but no later than 30th November 2013.

Written applications should be made to the Clerk at the following address: - 

33 Church Farm Road
Kent ME9 7AG

Please include the following in your written application:

• Contact details
• Length of residence in Upchurch
• Profession or trade
• Other relevant interests outside work including other Upchurch organisations
• Brief statement as to how you feel you can contribute to the work of the Parish Council

Dated: 8th October 2013

Claire Attaway
Parish Clerk

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Upchurch 50 Years Ago in October 1963

The month began with a wave of vandalism which hit the village and this had to be dealt with by the parish council who reported smashed street lights in Forge Lane caused by vandals thought to be from outside the village. 
At their monthly meeting the parish council announced the approval of street lighting for The Poles estate and reported that responsibility for field and fence management at the recreation ground had been given to the football club in return for free use of the ground. Both the football club and the parish council appealed to the public to stop dumping litter on the recreation ground explaining that it hampered the mowing of the grass. Meanwhile, at the same meeting Edith Colven and Cliff Wanstall were re-elected school managers of the Infant’s School.
 The parish council continued to search for a suitable location to be converted into a children’s recreation area while parish clerk Aubrey Smith reported that progress had been made for a new burial ground to adjoin the old one which had become full, a problem that has recently re-emerged in the village.
The biggest event of the month took place on the last Saturday of October with celebrations in the village hall for the building’s second birthday.  A variety concert raised money and many village organisations participated. These included the Women’s Volunteer Service, Young Wives, the church choir, the Brownies and The Upstarts theatrical group. Entertainment consisted of musical melodies, comical sketches and village rock star George Chaney gyrating with his guitar in front of large numbers of screaming teenage girls in the audience. 
A popular sketch that caused great amusement involved Aubrey Smith as a school headmaster trying to keep order with naughty children. As a school teacher in real life he played the part very well. This was followed by The Upstarts who performed a one act play called ‘Orange Blossom’ with actors Dee Eastwood, Christine Wright, Jayne Batchelor, Louie Parker and Mike Brady while at the end of the evening The Women’s Institute choir sang ‘Birthday Candles.’
The Women’s Institute had an interesting monthly meeting with a talk by Mrs. Griffiths about Staffordshire China. She showed examples of the items and told a series of fascinating stories from legends and fairy tales that the china represented. After the talk Mrs. Thompson won the monthly competition.

David Wood.
In sporting affairs the football club became involved in some high scoring and exciting games with a 4-4 draw against Walderslade, a 4-3 defeat against Hoo and an 8-5 defeat against Elliotts Reserves in the Kent Junior Cup. In a remarkable match in which Upchurch led 3-1 at half time, Elliotts staged a remarkable second half comeback to win the game. The matches involved well- known Upchurch players like Ken Wildish, ‘Nippy’ Edmonds, Basil Barden, ‘Trotter’ Horsnell, Wilf Busbridge and Brian Stephens. 
The scout group suffered a blow when Peter Bowden and his wife from Oak Lane announced that they were going to leave Upchurch and would not be able to continue running the scout and cub troops. Cyril Robinson from Drakes Close took over the scouts while Reverend Bradshaw and Kay Donald re-started the cubs. Mrs. Slight and Mrs. Cooling took over the guides and Mrs. Bradshaw took control of the brownies with the assistance of her daughter Jenny.
Finally, baptisms for October included Joanne Liston from Kent Terrace, Stephen and Lorraine Clark from Otterham Quay and Carl Bowden from Oak Lane in a month of varied activities in the village.
About David:
David Wood was born and raised in Upchurch and is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village. David's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David on:  or from us here at Upchurch Matters.
price £12 + p+p £2.

David Wood


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