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Monday, 16 September 2013

Upchurch Parish Council Report - October 2013

The Parish Council met on Thursday 5th September in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 7 Councillors were present and 11 members of the public, including Cllr Mike Baldock.
Public TimePlanning Application ref SW/13/1039 – A resident raised his objections to this proposal commenting that it was “garden grabbing” of properties at 4 and 6 Horsham Lane, not in keeping with the village and incorrectly displayed on the UK Planning website. He urged members to consider this and reject the application. Cllr Tucker commented that his views would be noted. The Planning Review Team was responsible for submitting observations on this proposal but in this case, all members had been asked to view the plans Monthly expenditure of the Council – A resident referred to several payments made on a regular basis and questioned if the Council was getting value for money.  Fly tipping – It was pointed out that Swale BC would attend any site where this had occurred and takes photos for evidence. Speeding in Oak Lane near Wallbridge Lane – A resident read out an email sent to the Council and updated members. She advised that PCSO Cork had recorded sufficient evidence to confirm that there was a speeding problem at this location. Cllr Tucker thanked her for being proactive and that this issue had been known for a while. The Council was looking at traffic issues around the village and would be finding out how other villages are tackling this. Spotlight outside tower of St Marys Church – It was commented that this light was too bright and needed adjusting. The Clerk will contact the PCC. Bus Stop at Windmill Hill – A resident reported that this was not fit for standing on. Cllr Arnold offered to follow this up. Windmill Hill footpath – It was also commented that it was dangerous walking up and down this hill. Wallbridge Lane – Two residents commented that there was a large amount of litter accumulating along this lane and speeding issues continued. They were pleased to find that the salt bin had finally been replaced. They commented that the speed limit needed to be reduced from 60mph to 30mph. Planning Application SW/13/1039 – A resident raised concerns about the impact of this proposal on several houses. He was asked to forward his comments to the Clerk. He also commented on the speeding issues along Horsham Lane and reported that a car had nearly skidded into his parked car. Parking in Forge Lane and installing a bus shelter in the village – Cllr Baldock asked members for their comments regarding this. It was commented that these were ongoing issues and requested that he let the Clerk know if he had further information/advice.
Planning - The following applications were considered:
 i) SW/13/0913 5 Woodruff Close – Conversion of one of two garages to study – The Planning Review Team had no objections. 
ii) SW/13/0964 Field to the rear of 32-62 Hartlip Hill – Proposed four loose boxes, barn, tack room, ménage, muck heap and one horse trailer – The Planning Review Team had no objections. 
iii) Swale BC Notification of grant of permission to develop land:
SW/13/0559 13 Horsham Lane – Erection of single storey side extension to provide double garage: first floor infill rear extension; demolition of existing conservatory and erection of new conservatory to side
SW/13/0442 68 Horsham Lane – Alteration and extension to dwelling, replacement access and change of use of land for vehicle parking
SW/12/1019 New Kaine Farm, Holywell Lane – Construction of Solar Farm comprising up to 7000 solar panels, plus associated equipment, cabling & works, including a steel container to house inverters
SW/13/0573 24 Orchard House, Wallbridge Lane – Demolition of existing outbuildings and erection of garage for domestic use
SW/13/0706 Orchard View , Otterham Quay Lane – Variation of condition (i) of planning permission SW/96/0329 to allow any gypsy family to live at the site
SW/13/0440 51 Chaffes Lane – Demolition of existing garage and re-construction of new extended brick built garage with pitched roof. Plus extension to existing kitchen at rear
SW/13/0320 Bayford House, Poot Lane – Erection of three-bay timber-framed garage with room in roof and two dormer windows
iv) Swale BC Notification of refusal of permission to develop land:
SW/13/0030 Hursell Farm, Chaffes Lane – Change of use of land to gypsy site for two gypsy families (related) and for the siting of one static caravan and extension and erection of dwelling (stable building) and stationing of one touring caravan and use of existing barn as general amenity (retrospective)  
Allotments and Recreation Ground –  Bollards on Recreation Ground Car Park It was advised the Scout Group did have concerns about installing bollards on the boundary of the car park. It was suggested to investigate installing lockable bollards that could be removed. It was agreed that the GPC would discuss this further. Allotments and Recreation Ground Lease RenewalCllr Lewin had submitted a paper outlining the history of the lease and the suggested rental. This had been circulated to all members prior to the meeting. He had proposed that the Council agree the approach of the local agent and offer to pay a revised rental of £1,065 per annum. With 5 votes for and 2 against, the proposal was accepted. 
Paddock Paddock projectIt was advised that all volunteers had been contacted to see if they would be interested in taking the lead regarding the play equipment. The members involved in the project would continue with looking into the tree work required. Two volunteers had shown an interest and would like to meet with members. Members arranged to meet to discuss this further and agree the completion of the planning application for tree works in the Paddock. Play Safety Inspection ReportIt was pointed out that a few issues had been highlighted regarding the litter bins and debris of leaves in the old play area. Cllr Tucker asked for member’s comments on removing the old play area. It was generally felt that it would be a good idea to start this process.
Burial Ground and ChurchyardMeeting with St Marys Churchwardens The Churchwardens had confirmed at the meeting that cremated remains can be buried in a closed churchyard, providing the necessary faculty was obtained. It was also noted that Cllr Rossiter was looking into the consecration status of the Burial Ground rose-beds. Investigations had indicated that the rose-beds were not included in the consecration. Proposals concerning the management of the capacity in our Burial Ground Statistics on the usage of the Burial Ground over the last three years had been circulated. It was pointed out that in terms of land usage about one quarter of our burials were non-parishioners. Members considered this and agreed to cease allowing the burial of non-parishioners in our Burial Ground.  It was noted that this was a temporary measure and the word “burial” applied to both an earthen grave and ashes plot. 
Next meetings – 3rd October and 7th November. Please note that the meetings are held in the Hall of Holywell School and start at 7:30pm.
Claire Attaway
Parish Clerk
33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch.
Tel: 01634 363906 (Mon-Thurs 9am – 12pm)


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