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Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Upchurch Parish Council Report - July 2013

The Parish Council met on Thursday 6th June in the main hall of Upchurch Village Hall where 4 Councillors were present and 4 members of the public including Cllr John Wright
Public TimeCllr John Wright explained to members that they may like to consider applying to him for grant funding. Cllr Tucker thanked him and mentioned that the Council would be looking into funding opportunities for the Paddock Project. Speed Watch-A resident queried the progress of implementing Speed Watch in the village and introduction of traffic calming measures. He was advised that the locations for placing the Speed Watch equipment had been agreed and Cllr Tucker had raised the issue of speeding traffic and parking problems at the Swale Rural Forum. Trees in Oak Lane- A resident referred to concerns he had raised at the last meeting regarding trees outside the property at 21 Oak Lane. Cllr Arnold explained that he had consulted KCC Highways whom confirmed that in their opinion the tree was at present structurally sound. He was assured that the Council would review this issue. 
CorrespondenceTraffic Calming in Horsham Lane – An email from resident raising concerns over safety following a traffic accident in this lane. It was suggested to consult PCSO Cork about this. School Parking – An email from a resident regarding damage to their garden wall. Free trees! – Information from Mid Kent Downs Countryside Partnership on the Trees to Treasure scheme.
Planning - The following applications were considered:
 i) SW/12/1019 New Kaine Farm, Holywell Lane – Construction of Solar Farm comprising up to 7000 solar panels, plus associated equipment, cabling & works, including a steel container to house invertors (Please note additional information) The Planning Review Team had no additional comments to add to their original response.
ii) SW/13/0442 68 Horsham Lane – Alteration and extension to dwelling, replacement access and change of use of land for vehicle parking (Please note amended description, application form and drawings) The Planning Review Team had no objections provided that neighbours views were taken into consideration.
iii) SW/13/0559 13 Horsham Lane – Erection of single storey side extension to provide double garage; first floor infill rear extension; demolition of existing conservatory and erection of new conservatory to side. The Planning Review Team had no objections provided that neighbours views were taken into consideration.
iv) SW/13/0030 Hursell Farm, Chaffes Lane – Change of use of land to gypsy site for two gypsy families (related) and for the siting of one static caravan and extension and erection of dwelling (stable building) and stationing of one touring caravan and use of existing barn as general amenity (retrospective) An amended plan had been submitted and the Planning Review Team had reviewed the changes.
iv) Permissions and refusals  
Permission granted:
SW/13/0283 2 Macklands Cottages, Otterham Quay Lane – Single storey infill extension with new roof over existing garage
SW/13/0323 11 Crosier Court – Single storey rear extension to residential dwelling to accommodate extended kitchen 
SW/13/0331 3 Marstan Close – Single storey rear extension
SW/13/0306 136 Horsham Lane – Erection of a two storey side extension, roof extension and rear dormer window
Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Use or Development
SW/13/0321 11 Forge Lane – Single storey rear extension
Allotments and Recreation GroundBollards – Members discussed the possibility of installing nine bollards along the edge of the Recreation Ground car park.
Paddock Lease signed and completed- Members were pleased that the Lease had finally been completed. It was agreed to pay a bill to the sum of £900 plus VAT and disbursements aggregating to £49 to Gullands Solicitors. Paddock Project An updated plan was circulated following a meeting with the Swale BC Conservation Officer, Paul Hegley. Some amendments had been made to the original plan and the Council would be required to submit a planning application should it wish to continue with the project. Cllr Tucker, Cllr Denny, Cllr Arnold and the Clerk had met on 4th June to discuss this project further. A Public Drop-In had been planned for the 27th June at the Village Hall between 7pm and 9pm. Cllr Steward reported that he had a site meeting with Sovereign Play Manufacturers to discuss ideas for the new play area. These ideas would be available at the Public Drop-In.
Dog owners – Thank you for clearing up after your dog but please can we request that you dispose of this in the dog bin located by the main gate into The Paddock. The waste bins inside The Paddock are intended for general waste only. Thank you in advance for your support. 
Burial Ground and ChurchyardFuture capacity of Burial Ground – Cllr Rossiter, Cllr Denny, Cllr Tucker and the Clerk had met to discuss this and a report was circulated. A proposal to re-designate grave spaces was considered by members. It was agreed that the proposals in the report be approved. Members will discuss future plans for the Burial Ground at a separate meeting.
EnvironmentCo-op garden – An email from a resident raising concern about the maintenance of the garden. Members noted this and the Clerk will await further advice from the resident before following up with Swale BC and the Co-Op.  
Highways - Lorries delivering to the Co-Op Cllr Arnold and Cllr Steward explained they are planning to meet with the Manager of the store to follow up issues raised by residents. Swale Joint Transportation BoardCllr Tucker and Cllr Arnold expressed an interest in attending this meeting. It was hoped they could bring to the attention of the committee the drainage issue on Windmill Hill.
Reports from representatives – PCSO – Cllr Tucker reported that PCSO Cork had requested permission to park the Police Contact Vehicle in a visible location within the Parish. It was suggested that he may like to use the Recreation Ground. The vehicle will visit every two weeks where it will be spend approximately an hour and a half. Please look out for signs and the visits will be advertised on the Police website.
Next meetings –4th July, 5th September. Please note that the meetings are held in the Hall of Holywell School and start at 7.30pm. The Public are welcome to attend this meeting and may put questions and/or make comments to members. It is helpful if you let the Clerk know in writing prior to the meeting. Please contact the Clerk if you require further advice.

Claire Attaway
Parish Clerk
33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch.
Tel: 01634 363906 (Mon-Thurs 9am – 12pm)


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