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Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Co-op Windows Smashed

Message 428 from Neighbourhood Watch

Unknown persons used a red brick to criminally damage windows at the Co-op shop in The Street Upchurch.

A witness heard 2 loud bangs and saw a group of youngsters running away from the scene at 10:30 pm on Friday 21st of June.

If you have any information that could help investigators please contact Kent police on telephone number: 101 quoting Crime Number: XY/019035/13.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Upchurch Festival of Music

Upchurch Festival of Music in St. Mary's Church, Upchurch, at 8pm.

2nd. Concert 29th. June - Opus 32
A young, enthusiastic group of singers under their conductor Derek Boyne. A varied mix of music, both serious and humorous, performed with verve and expertise. Very popular - tickets are going very quickly.

3rd. Concert - 6th. July - Upchurch Choral Society

This popular choir under their new Musical Director, Peggy Moseley. A concert for Summer (or at least will make you feel like summer!) A varied mix of classical and light music including the Vivaldi Gloria and excerpts from Flanders and Swann.

4th. Concert - 13th. July - The Front Room Singers

New to our Festival so please support them with your presence. A group of accomplished singers, some of whom impressed us in Jill Rothery's concert on behalf of the Leukemia Fund.

Tickets from Frank Osborne on: 01634 361508 or on the door Price £5 each or £10 for all three concerts!

A real bargain.

Patricia New

St. Mary the Virgin Upchurch - Open Days

The church will be open on Wednesdays from 1:00pm to 4:00pm and Saturdays from 11:00am to 4:00pm commencing Wednesday the 3rd of July 2013.

This will give an opportunity to explore the church.

Light refreshments will be available.

Jackie Giddings

Monday, 24 June 2013

Paddock Project Public Drop In - This Thursday

Upchurch Parish Council are holding an informal drop in session in the Village Hall this Thursday the 27th of June, between 7:00pm and 9:00pm to meet with residents.

Topics under discussion are plans for rejuvenating The Paddock and also looking at Traffic Calming/Parking Problems in the village.

If anyone is interested in working with the Council on either of these.

Please pop in and chat to us.

Upchurch Parish Council

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Upchurch Players Quiz Night and Painting Days

Quiz Night

Upchurch Players Quiz Night for the players takes place on the 13th of July at 7:45pm in the Village Hall.

£4.50 per person. Tables of 6, bring your own nibbles and drink.

Please contact Gloria knight on: 01634 363271 or Email:

Painting Days

We need all the help we can get from the players and friends for 2 Painting days on the 13th and 14th of July between 9:30am and 4:00pm both days.

Gloria Knight

News from Upchurch Twinning Group

Upchurch is twinned with Ferques-Elinghen in Pas de Calais, France. 

Try the Holywell School website:  or visit:  for interesting stuff !
Sunday 14th July 2013Bastille Day Fair in Ferques. We always have a stall at this street fair – do plan a day out over there and come and find us.  The village over there will be full of stalls selling all manner of stuff.  Our stall will be selling our usual samples of English type goodies such as cups of tea and locally brewed beer plus our famous bacon rolls!
In addition there will be our bric-a-brac sale so we would greatly appreciate any donations to this, more or less anything as long as it’s good quality please!  Do have a sort out and think of us– we can collect if required – just give us a ring or email Sue.
Sunday 1st September 2013TWINNING SPORTS DAY!  In Upchurch – a definite date for your diaries.  We hope to see lots of you there!
From about 10:00am to 4:00pm, at Upchurch Cricket Club – many thanks to the Cricket Club for making their wonderful facilities available to us.
There is lots of parking space, and loads of grass to play games and sports, also the bar will be open and we will have a barbeque around lunch time.
This promises to be a grand day full of fun and games and an opportunity to mingle with many friends of all ages from Ferques.

Jim Harman: (Chairman) 01634 235420 & Sue Rossiter: (Secretary) 01634 234780 or Email: 
Sue Rossiter

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Upchurch Parish Council Report - July 2013

The Parish Council met on Thursday 6th June in the main hall of Upchurch Village Hall where 4 Councillors were present and 4 members of the public including Cllr John Wright
Public TimeCllr John Wright explained to members that they may like to consider applying to him for grant funding. Cllr Tucker thanked him and mentioned that the Council would be looking into funding opportunities for the Paddock Project. Speed Watch-A resident queried the progress of implementing Speed Watch in the village and introduction of traffic calming measures. He was advised that the locations for placing the Speed Watch equipment had been agreed and Cllr Tucker had raised the issue of speeding traffic and parking problems at the Swale Rural Forum. Trees in Oak Lane- A resident referred to concerns he had raised at the last meeting regarding trees outside the property at 21 Oak Lane. Cllr Arnold explained that he had consulted KCC Highways whom confirmed that in their opinion the tree was at present structurally sound. He was assured that the Council would review this issue. 
CorrespondenceTraffic Calming in Horsham Lane – An email from resident raising concerns over safety following a traffic accident in this lane. It was suggested to consult PCSO Cork about this. School Parking – An email from a resident regarding damage to their garden wall. Free trees! – Information from Mid Kent Downs Countryside Partnership on the Trees to Treasure scheme.
Planning - The following applications were considered:
 i) SW/12/1019 New Kaine Farm, Holywell Lane – Construction of Solar Farm comprising up to 7000 solar panels, plus associated equipment, cabling & works, including a steel container to house invertors (Please note additional information) The Planning Review Team had no additional comments to add to their original response.
ii) SW/13/0442 68 Horsham Lane – Alteration and extension to dwelling, replacement access and change of use of land for vehicle parking (Please note amended description, application form and drawings) The Planning Review Team had no objections provided that neighbours views were taken into consideration.
iii) SW/13/0559 13 Horsham Lane – Erection of single storey side extension to provide double garage; first floor infill rear extension; demolition of existing conservatory and erection of new conservatory to side. The Planning Review Team had no objections provided that neighbours views were taken into consideration.
iv) SW/13/0030 Hursell Farm, Chaffes Lane – Change of use of land to gypsy site for two gypsy families (related) and for the siting of one static caravan and extension and erection of dwelling (stable building) and stationing of one touring caravan and use of existing barn as general amenity (retrospective) An amended plan had been submitted and the Planning Review Team had reviewed the changes.
iv) Permissions and refusals  
Permission granted:
SW/13/0283 2 Macklands Cottages, Otterham Quay Lane – Single storey infill extension with new roof over existing garage
SW/13/0323 11 Crosier Court – Single storey rear extension to residential dwelling to accommodate extended kitchen 
SW/13/0331 3 Marstan Close – Single storey rear extension
SW/13/0306 136 Horsham Lane – Erection of a two storey side extension, roof extension and rear dormer window
Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Use or Development
SW/13/0321 11 Forge Lane – Single storey rear extension
Allotments and Recreation GroundBollards – Members discussed the possibility of installing nine bollards along the edge of the Recreation Ground car park.
Paddock Lease signed and completed- Members were pleased that the Lease had finally been completed. It was agreed to pay a bill to the sum of £900 plus VAT and disbursements aggregating to £49 to Gullands Solicitors. Paddock Project An updated plan was circulated following a meeting with the Swale BC Conservation Officer, Paul Hegley. Some amendments had been made to the original plan and the Council would be required to submit a planning application should it wish to continue with the project. Cllr Tucker, Cllr Denny, Cllr Arnold and the Clerk had met on 4th June to discuss this project further. A Public Drop-In had been planned for the 27th June at the Village Hall between 7pm and 9pm. Cllr Steward reported that he had a site meeting with Sovereign Play Manufacturers to discuss ideas for the new play area. These ideas would be available at the Public Drop-In.
Dog owners – Thank you for clearing up after your dog but please can we request that you dispose of this in the dog bin located by the main gate into The Paddock. The waste bins inside The Paddock are intended for general waste only. Thank you in advance for your support. 
Burial Ground and ChurchyardFuture capacity of Burial Ground – Cllr Rossiter, Cllr Denny, Cllr Tucker and the Clerk had met to discuss this and a report was circulated. A proposal to re-designate grave spaces was considered by members. It was agreed that the proposals in the report be approved. Members will discuss future plans for the Burial Ground at a separate meeting.
EnvironmentCo-op garden – An email from a resident raising concern about the maintenance of the garden. Members noted this and the Clerk will await further advice from the resident before following up with Swale BC and the Co-Op.  
Highways - Lorries delivering to the Co-Op Cllr Arnold and Cllr Steward explained they are planning to meet with the Manager of the store to follow up issues raised by residents. Swale Joint Transportation BoardCllr Tucker and Cllr Arnold expressed an interest in attending this meeting. It was hoped they could bring to the attention of the committee the drainage issue on Windmill Hill.
Reports from representatives – PCSO – Cllr Tucker reported that PCSO Cork had requested permission to park the Police Contact Vehicle in a visible location within the Parish. It was suggested that he may like to use the Recreation Ground. The vehicle will visit every two weeks where it will be spend approximately an hour and a half. Please look out for signs and the visits will be advertised on the Police website.
Next meetings –4th July, 5th September. Please note that the meetings are held in the Hall of Holywell School and start at 7.30pm. The Public are welcome to attend this meeting and may put questions and/or make comments to members. It is helpful if you let the Clerk know in writing prior to the meeting. Please contact the Clerk if you require further advice.

Claire Attaway
Parish Clerk
33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch.
Tel: 01634 363906 (Mon-Thurs 9am – 12pm)

Monday, 17 June 2013

Live Music From The Chillbillies At The Crown

Top band the Chillbillies will be playing the BBQ afternoon in the Crown garden on Saturday the 13th of July.

It all kicks off at 3:30pm and runs through to 6:30pm with a Disco afterwards from 8:00pm till late.

Entrance to this superb afternoon of live music is free !

Please come along.

Chillbillies website  here

Ann Marie

Saturday, 15 June 2013

News From The Friends of St. Mary’s Church

Cream Teas
Bell Ringing
enter our Photographic Competition

Please accept this invitation from the Trustees of the Friends to a Cream Tea at the church on July 20th from 2:00pm till 5:00pm. Weather permitting we shall serve teas outside. A modest charge will be made.

On the afternoon there will be an opportunity to be taught how a church bell should be rung. You may wish to make a donation for this enjoyment. The church bell ringers may also invite you to join them on a more permanent basis.

You may have already read of our 2013 photographic competition. This church opening will give the opportunity to the enthusiast to take the winning picture? Full details of the competition will be available on the day.

If you want a short guided tour of the church we have printed guides to use or you can be accompanied.

This is intended to be a fund-raising event for ‘The Friends’ and you will be invited to become a member. The Friends exists to support the upkeep of the church building which has been in existence for at least 700 years. It is a highly value historical asset in our Parish - your support for this event will help in that aim.

Gerry Lewin - Chairman
Tel: 01634 366113 Email:

R.S.V.P. [to assist with catering numbers]

Upchurch Best Kept Garden 2013 - FINAL REMINDER

All gardens in the Parish that can be viewed from the front of your home will judged on Saturday 27th July. The judging takes place without interviews with the occupants - so if you are shopping or on holiday you garden will still be judged!

Prizes are awarded for:

• Firstly a garden which is predominately growing flowers.

• secondly a garden which is mixture of flowers, trees and or shrubs.


• Finally for those with only a small or no front garden the judges will assess and hanging baskets or flower troughs.

• The Overall Winner will look after the Barbara Webb Memorial Trophy for one year.

Prizes for the above will be presented at the Upchurch Horticultural Society Show during early September in the Village Hall. 

This year the prizes are sponsored by the Upchurch Parish Council and The Brown Jug - if you would also like to be a sponsor [in cash or in kind] the please contact me.

Gerry Lewin
Tel: 01634 366113 or Email:           

On behalf of the Upchurch Horticultural Society and the Parish Council.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Upchurch Guides Strawberry Tea

Upchurch Guides are holding another Strawberry Tea on Wednesday the 10th July at Upchurch Scout Hut, 7:00pm til 8:30pm.

The proceeds will be split 50/50 between Breast Cancer Care and Upchurch Guides equipment fund.

Raffle prizes include:

Family ticket to Windsor castle
2 x Family tickets to go ice skating at the Ice bBowl
2 x 2 games of bowling at Hollywood Bowl- Rochester
1 week Roko health club membership
Several Splashes tickets available
2 adult tickets for The Rare Breeds Centre
And lots more smaller prizes

All welcome, please come along and support us.

Tracey Snellings

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Upchurch Parish Council - Paddock Project Update Public Drop In

The Parish Council are holding an informal drop in session in the village hall on Thursday 27th June, 7pm – 9pm to meet with residents who are interested in the plans being drawn up for rejuvenating the Paddock now the lease has finally been renewed.

Areas Under Consideration

  • • Work to enhance the vegetation in and around the Paddock
  • • Play equipment for children of all ages
  • • Provision of seating area(s)

Traffic Calming and Parking Problems

Also for information and discussion we will have the newly acquired Speedwatch Equipment on display and would like to hear from residents about ideas for traffic calming and parking solutions.

If anyone is interested in working with the Council on either of the above, please either pop in and chat to us and give us your contact details or if you are unable to make it, contact the Clerk on: 01634 363906 or Email:


Upchurch Parish Council

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Upchurch in the 1950s

In the last decade where Upchurch retained a small rural village character and where most people knew each other, the 1951 census showed that the population numbered 1,400 compared with 2,398 today. Only Drakes Close, built just after World War Two, existed as a housing estate until more appeared during the early 1960s. The Labour Hall, the Vicarage Rooms, the Old Forge and the Infant’s School were used for social events while oasthouses fields or orchards were located on the sites of Marstan Close, Crosier Court, Church Farm Road, The Poles and Bishop Lane. Thatched cottages still existed at Wetham Green and Ham Green and Wakeley Brother’s seventeen acre hop garden stood on the site of the present golf course and offered employment to local women during the hop picking season. Farms offered fruit picking during the summer months.

With a village centre a little different to today but without so many parked cars, a row of shops opposite ‘The Crown’ included Fred Clemons newspaper sorting business and W.H. Hales butcher’s, managed by Dick Hales. A grocery store owned by E.A. Lock & Son, now ‘Terry’s’, stood opposite while Albert and Kitty Stewart managed ‘The Crown.’ The Upchurch Stores owned by E. G. Neame was located in The Street opposite the church. Teddy Neame initially managed the post office later followed by Cliff Wanstall. Opposite the post office the Co-op came into existence as a grocery store and provided work for village girls while on the top right of Forge Lane stood an oasthouse, an Elizabethan barn, a forge, Church Farm Cottages and an orchard with a pond. These were replaced by the Church Farm Housing estate during the early 1960s.

Several people brought goods to the village for sale which included Mrs Barling who supplied milk from Bayford Dairy Farm, Ethel Barnes who delivered groceries from her Otterham Quay grocery store, a mobile fish and chip shop, a Betabake van with bread and cakes and a Corona lemonade truck. Ernie Hart from Lower Rainham sold fruit and vegetables from a horse and cart and a council refuse truck toured the village every week with a group of dustmen including well known locals Fred Carlton and George Bond who collected the village trash.

David Wood.

Reverend Hugh Clark served as village vicar for most of the decade followed by Reverend Bradshaw in 1959. During the same period Eric Gransden played the church organ and continued as the main village builder and captain of the cricket club, while his father Charles Gransden and Mr A. Costen served as church-wardens. Police constable Murray regularly patrolled the village on his bicycle, Miss Roberts and Miss Broughton served as headmistresses of the Infant’s School and Holywell School respectively while school governors included Cecil Bishop, Cliff Wanstall and Teddy Neame. Cecil Bishop from Horsham Lane continued to play a major role in local council affairs. 

The village carnival took place for the first time in 1952 with Inys Hales as Carnival Queen and the Upchurch Marathon started in the same year with Trevor Sifleet and Pat Atkinson winning the men’s and women’s events respectively. Coronation celebrations also took place in 1953 while the Great Flood submerged parts of the Ham Green peninsular and Twinney in February 1953. Upchurch Football Club shared Piwit field with Upchurch Cricket Club in Poot Lane but moved to the recreation ground in 1957. 

Well known village characters included Ellen Boast, Alice Ball and Tom Sifleet from the Street, Queenie South from Horsham Lane, Milky Bill from Forge Lane, Podgy Edmonds from Twinney, Elsie Waters from Oak Lane, Charlie Clark, Thelma Hepton and Annie Bronger from Gore Bank and Johnny Boast and his grandmother Emily Wigley from Chaffes Lane.

Car owners in the village were far fewer than today so many people had to rely on the 39 bus service which functioned from early morning until late at night between Lower Halstow and the Medway Towns. This allowed residents a social life outside the village.

Plans were made to construct a village hall for the first time and meetings took place throughout the decade to discuss this. The Village Hall Committee met in February 1956 to view plans to convert an Upchurch oasthouse into a village hall but the cost proved too expensive so the plans were shelved. It wasn’t until 1961 that the building finally appeared. 

Overall, Upchurch remained a small and pleasant village during the 1950s, much more rural, quieter and smaller than today.

About David:
David Wood was born and raised in Upchurch and is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village. David's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David on:  or from us here at Upchurch Matters.
price £12 + p+p £2.

David Wood

Friday, 7 June 2013

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Kids Days Holiday Clubs - Summer 2013

This summer we have put together lots of really exciting themes and skills for our holiday clubs.

We are running a huge variety of sports so your children will be learning new skills at the same time as enjoying themselves.

We've have listened to your feedback and have reviewed our prices to meet your requests.
We are now exceptionally good value... £20 a day, 10% off for second child, and if you book 5 days by June the 1st you only pay for 4 !

Please ask us about the activities.

We are really proud of what we are offering this year. It is going to be amazing !



Every week we will be doing a different sport with the main event of the week when we learn 5 new skills.

• Week 1 - Football 5 skills 29th of July.
• Week 2 - Badminton 5 skills 7th of August.
• Week 3 - Cricket 5 skills 14th of August.
• Week 4 - Tennis 5 skills 22nd of August.
• Week 5 - Volleyball 30th of August.

Master the skills and get a certificate !
Are you up to the challenge ?


Come and join us for a bucket of balls on the Driving Range at Upchurch River Valley Golf Course.

• 25th of July, 5th of August, 21st of August and 3rd of September.


Come and get messy with paints, gloop, jelly play and so much more. Remember spare clothes you don't mind getting messy in !

• 31st of July, 13th of August and 4th of September.


• 1st of August, 23rd of August and 5th of September.

KIDS DAYS FUN DAY ! - Friday 16th of August

Back by popular demand ! Help us get ready for the fun on the 15th of August for the big Day.

Further details to follow.

AMG FREDOM DANCE - Dance for all

Dance sessions! Every Tuesday 2:30pm - 3:30pm, throughout July and August.

Come and join Alix from AMG Freedom Dance to learn the latest moves in street, hip hop and more !


Bring a bike, trike, scooter, roller blades or anything with wheels. Dont forget your safety gear !

• 26th of July, 8th of August.


• 2nd of August, 29th of August.


As the good old British summer weather is unpredictable, the paddling pool and water fights will be spontaneous, so pleas bring swimming costumes or clothes you are happy to get wet and a towel if you want to join in.

Plus all the usual fun actives offered at Kids Days - Xbox, Wii, Tablet/iPad, arts and crafts, walks around the village, physical games, home corner and so much more !

For more details please contact: 0743 5975138 or 01634 263896 Upchurch village Hall, 8:00am - 6:00pm Monday to Friday.

Nursery Days


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